Agent Locke Helmet

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May want to consider something for the back of the neck, some of the guys who don't wear balaclavas under the helmets tend to have the back of their neck or head exposed slightly due to some designs.
Cpl Shepard Well, like I said, it's modeled it off of an actual head, so that shouldn't be a problem. At least it's not on my head, it sits where it's supposed to. But I do imagine some people might have issues with it. But to be honest, it isn't anything some Eva foam couldn't fix.

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CasualCosplayer I'm sure your unfolding will be largely superior to mine. I have so many small pieces because of my inexperience with unfolding that it's taken me more than a week to get to where I have it now. But I must apologize, I wasn't meaning to sound like I was trying to rush you or anything.
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So here is the front and right side completely finished now! Going to spray the inside with foam to provide it with support for the vacuum forming.


Ok so definitely DO NOT use a heat gun with polycarbonate. It works, but not too well, and it would take hours upon hours to complete. It also developed bubbles in the plastic. But got an "oven" made for vacuum forming as well as a vacuum box today. But my brother also cracked by sheet of polycarbonate while we were trying to flatten it to the oven because it was pretty warped from the heat gun. So now gotta wait until he buys me a new sheet. It was a complete accident but he offered so I'm gonna let him.
Hello fullmetal,

That pepakura helmet looks great! I've been trying to find a pepakura Agent Locke helmet file. I saw the .obj files here.

Do you happen to have the .pdo file for pepakura that you used to print the helmet?

It would be greatly appreciated!
Hello fullmetal,

That pepakura helmet looks great! I've been trying to find a pepakura Agent Locke helmet file. I saw the .obj files here.

Do you happen to have the .pdo file for pepakura that you used to print the helmet?

It would be greatly appreciated!

Yes I do and yes I will. Give me a few minutes and I'll post a link. However, be fore warned, it's 24 pages long and most of the pieces are pretty damn small. It took me a week of 4-5 hours a day to get it together. But, give me a few minutes, I have to reboot the mac into windows to get the file up.
Thanks fullmetal! This is perfect! Trying to finish an entire Agent Locke outfit before Halo 5 and for Halloween. 1 week to put it together should be fine.
Finally Get to update this thing! So I rebuilt the helmet entirely from the ground up using blender this time instead of zbrush. It looks a whole lot better and is about 90% more accurate so far. I'll have new pics and post the new files soon, two different versions of it, one for pepping, and one for 3D printing. And, it'll still be available for free!
So I give you the first screen shots of the NEW and IMPROVED Hunter Helmet.

Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 11.17.21 AM.png

Screen Shot 2015-04-27 at 11.16.31 AM.png

But alas, I cannot take credit for this one. I hired a guy to fix the model that I had made and he ended up making a completely new one! And he did an absolutely amazing job! And he kept it low-res for pepping! The amazingly talented gentleman's name is Julio Iglesias! You can find him on as Zafio. If everyone who uses this model would please put out a huge "thank you" to Julio on here then I can take some screen captures and send him all the thanks from everyone. I'll post the link to the model for pepping here shortly.
Please do keep in mind that I have not scaled this thing to a human head so that'll have to be done by who ever unfolds it. As for the 3D printing version, hopefully I'll have that up later today sometime after I get off work.

Well, I started specifying the edges for unfolding. Its definitely not symmetrical. In this photo where I've circled, I believe that may be the issue. Also, when I loaded the model into pepakura it said that 2 edges was merged. Its definitely better than the first model. I can finish unfolding it to see how it will turn out. In my opinion it still could use further clean up. Also, making sure its completely symmetrical. And, thank you for giving us this model! This will definitely get the ball rolling, as for as having model to work with!


  • UNFOLD%20AGENT%20locke_zpsbcmxl8cl.png
    175.4 KB · Views: 458
Fantastic job. If you need it unfolded ill put the labor in for you. I do a very good unfold for a clean and strong build
I actually fail to see what exactly isn't symmetrical about it, I assure you it really is. The model itself is just a half that's mirrored. It has to be a mistake on pepakura's end. But I'll look at it when I get the chance to make sure.

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Fantastic job. If you need it unfolded ill put the labor in for you. I do a very good unfold for a clean and strong build

If you want to go right a head! I'll be 3D printing it in November when I get my 3D printer. But I'm sure everyone who doesn't have a 3D printer would be extremely grateful!

Well, I started specifying the edges for unfolding. Its definitely not symmetrical. In this photo where I've circled, I believe that may be the issue. Also, when I loaded the model into pepakura it said that 2 edges was merged. Its definitely better than the first model. I can finish unfolding it to see how it will turn out. In my opinion it still could use further clean up. Also, making sure its completely symmetrical. And, thank you for giving us this model! This will definitely get the ball rolling, as for as having model to work with!

Could you straighten the center line and take another screen shot? As far as symmetry, I can't tell because all the pixels are off because I can't see it perfectly straight on. As for the open edges...couldn't tell ya. There are no gaps or anything on the model as far as I can tell so that one is up in the air.
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