New York Comic Con 2013

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Was in the suit most the day yesterday it went great. My only complaint is holding the DMR all day cause it's a little heavy, and doing so many poses with it made my arm tired but other than that was great. Grabbing some breakfast now then off to the con, see you all at the R vs B booth around 1. Or just on the floor before hand
Heres the NYCC 2013 video from Saturday! It was a blast meeting all of you! Hope to do it again next year!

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Man I'm so sorry guys! I made it to Comic Con and I was there all 4 days, but I was only able to wear my suit on Friday. I didn't bother putting it on again after that because it turned out to be WAY to problematic to wear :( The harness system I made for my thigh pieces failed miserably so my thighs kept sliding down, my armor ripped in many different places while traveling up to NY, I couldn't sit down at ALL (let alone barely even WALK in that thing) because it was extremely uncomfortable, I mean it was just a total disaster wearing that thing. Next time I'm definetly going to use foam instead of Pep because that definetly didn't turn out so well, lol. That being said though, for the time I DID spend in my costume people actually did like my costume and I got many props on it. So that alone made it all worthwhile. I just wish I could've gotten a chance to see all you guys :( Go figure though, I was there all 4 days and walked around a LOT and I only saw 2 other Spartans and neither one of them were from 405th. So yeah...that was kinda weird. But oh well, hopefully next time :)
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