Regiment Meetup. Spring 2020 Idaho

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello members of the mountain regiment based out of Idaho! We are working to make a regiment meetup in every area that the regiment reaches and I need some help. I am based out of Denver and can't be in every place at once. I need someone local to help me organize this event. We will be working to make a meetup of local members each quarter throughout the year. This thread is for the spring of 2020. If you are interesting in making this event a reality and meeting fellow 405th members please let me know! for now I'm going to be putting these placeholders until I get more information. Please don't be shy!

Were: Idaho
When: March, 2020
What to bring: Bring your helmet but not your full armor. We will set up an armor cosplay event in the near future. If you don't have armor or a helmet? No sweat! Just bring yourself.

If you are interesting in being my main contact for planning this event, please leave a comment below and I will send you a personal message. I am excited to get this in gear.

As much as I do NOT want to say this, I am cancelling the meetup. I wish all of us could stay home, safe, and not run the risk of ANY disease exposure, much less covid-19. If you don't have to leave, don't, and wash with SOAP, not hand sanitizer, frequently.
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