(slowly upgrading) Noble Six by MDBDesigns

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Some exciting news today.

First, I tried to make one of the thighs yesterday and realized I had messed up my measurements so I'm gonna be remaking them in the next couple days ((With magnet embedded into the side for Pistol attachment)) So that's exciting.

And secondly,
I am an official graduate from MSUDenver with a Bachelors degree in science. I've been so excited for this day and it's finally here. I gave my final presentation around 1pm today and I'm officially done with school now. I know it's not entirely Halo related, but it's very exciting for me since now I'll be able to dedicate a little more time each week to my armor!

Anyways, felt like giving an update, and I'll probably be posting thigh pics here in a few days once I get them made :)
Dude, congrats on school and the suit, both! The suit is looking slick, and that's awesome you're done with school! Gotta be a good feeling you have right now!

Also, I love the glorious beard! My work made me shave mine off for the pandemic, and now I look like a naked mole rat! :/
Dude, congrats on school and the suit, both! The suit is looking slick, and that's awesome you're done with school! Gotta be a good feeling you have right now!

Also, I love the glorious beard! My work made me shave mine off for the pandemic, and now I look like a naked mole rat! :/

I feel great, it's nice to be done and moving on to a professional career!

I'm worried about my own work asking me to shave it off too honestly (that or going crazy with the masks messing with it and just shaving it all off lol)
Well, I'm stuck waiting on foam to arrive for thighs, it was supposed to be here last week, and has yet to arrive. A little annoyed, but hey, it's whatever! I've got until November to have this whole suit built.

Anyways! update for this week!!

I bought a couple of 28mm fans for my helmet and chest piece! I just installed one of them into the helmet this morning and I'll probably install the other into the chest (though, now that I've tested and used them for a bit, I might actually get a bigger fan or two for the chest)

Here's a couple quick images of the helmet and how I "wired" it. I had a 6mm battery pack and put some 2mm foam on both sides for padding. Then just coiled the extra wire length behind the battery pack and ran what little length I needed for the control and the fan!

Pretty simple setup for it (since I have ZERO wiring/electrical experiences)I am hoping to get into some electronics down the road eventually, but for now I'm trying to stick with cheap, simple, easy, sleazy for any electronic magics.
Also, I'm using my red visor for now because I'm leaning towards it as appose to my blue or black visors. We'll see what I like best once the full suit is made!

Thanks everyone!


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Spent a little time this morning working on the thighs. My template was a little too big, but that works out okay because I'll be wearing some foam padding/larger pants.

Anyways, built most of the thigh and added magnets to the pistol as well as the thigh and did some testing.

These are 1/4 x 1/10 magnacraft neodyniummagnets. Jumping and walking the pistol stayed on very well, and with only 2 points of contact.

While I'm working on these thighs I've had my cr-10 going full speed printing out the assault rifle, I plan on attaching it in a similar fashion to the back. Will be sure to post plenty on that when I get to it. ((Still about 40 hours of printing out before I even assemble the rifle.))


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AHHHH Just to see how everything is coming together I put everything on and did a test fit for everything I have so far. I'm very happy with how things are looking, of course theres plenty to work on still, but progress is progress!!

Thighs are made, just have to fill and clean up some seams, paint them, and weather.

Belt is the next task to make

Then work on the undersuit begins. As for now I'll be using some black cargo pants and a black milsim shirt I bought off amazon for 15 bucks.

Once belt is made and painted (along with thighs), I'll be sure to post some pics of the full build as it stands.

I have an assault rifle on the way (one print to go ;) )

and lastly, one thing I've noticed and been dying to fix, the ODST shoulders are not correctly built and it's been driving me up the wall this whole time. Once I get everything else in order I'll be going back to fix the shoulders and get them sitting a little better.

It's all coming together!!!!


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looking good, my man! How strong is that magnet attachment with your sidearm? If you go outside and run around, will it stay attached?
looking good, my man! How strong is that magnet attachment with your sidearm? If you go outside and run around, will it stay attached?

I did an initial walk and jump test just to see how well it holds in place. It does well for the size of the magnets, but yeah I think I'll be adding one or two more just for reassurance. Walking around theres no movement, it stays pretty well in place, but jumping and speed-walking it wobbles and can come loose. shouldnt be too hard to add a couple more magnets while I have everything naked of paint and plasti-dip
Okay, I only found out about armorsmith like a month ago, and just bought a copy of it yesterday. This is so incredibly helpful!! I'll definitely be using this in the future for other builds!!

Not the wildest update, but an update for me to remember in the future. Having this and being able to scale items to appropriately fit your own measurements is just perfect. and on top of that being able to export the pieces from the program itself! Fantastic!!!

(Used this to find what scale the ODST Shoulders should be, and to see if I made my thighs too big or not.) Looking good! and on track!


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Alright,it feels like it's been a hot minute since any real progress has been made, so I'm gonna post what I've gotten done and try to keep the ball rolling. lets go.

Alright, thighs. Lets talk about thighs.What are thighs? Thighs have been an iterative process for me to say the least. they're part of what made mebreak down and actually buy Armorsmith because I messed up 2 different sizes and wasted all that foam (not really because I can still use most of it for other pieces) Once I FINALLY got them sized close enough I still had to make some adjustments to really get them to fit nicely. Anyways, once they were scaled I put the magnets in to hold the pistol as I'm sure many of you have already seen and you're sitting here thinking how I'm just running in circles at this point well guess what bub I'm not done, and I've only had 4 cups of coffee today so sit back and relax. I put the magnets into the thigh and got the pistol *close* to where it should be sitting and everything and I was happy with the magnets. After some tests and speaking with some others I realized I was gonna need some way to keep it attached in case someone bumped into me (Or I them) and lost it at the con. So for 11 bucks and some american schmoo, I got myself some retractable badge clips and those worked out great! I can even pull the pistol off my hip and up to a nice stance for photo ops. IMG_0599.JPGIMG_0596.JPG

So, only after I get the second one made and all nicely put together do I realize...I didnt cut those horizontal rectangles on the front part of the left thigh. Well darn buddy what's a guy gonna do y'know? Well I'll tell ya what, we got a whole pot of coffee and a year now that the con is cancelled! So heres what we do....We gonna hide it. I decided that I needed a nice pouch for my phone and wallet anyways so we don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents here. I'm gonna use the utility pouch as a way to hide the mistake some and to give me a little storage while on the con floors. IMG_0608.JPGIMG_0609.JPG IMG_0610.JPG

So upwards and onwards we go! It's a crucial and most important thing you must do to your armor for weathering. Get yourself a cheapo bottle of cinnamon straight from the dollar store and a little spritz bottle full of water. And once your paint is all nice and pretty and dry wash the whole sucker down with a healthy spritzing of water and pop that cinnamon bottle open like a dad at the back yard bbq and just go to town. The more seasoning the better. IMG_0621.JPG
Once we get her nice and coated now we take a ratty old rag and wipe her down like its been covered in the ugliest mud you've seen and ya just gotta get some of it off ya. No spit and polish type cleaning, just the bare minimum to get the job done. Once you've accomplished this she'll have sand in all the cracks and crevices that'll just be there for the rest of your time.IMG_0622.JPG

Now that that's all out of the way,I'll just throw this up here too since a little work has been done on it. I ended up snapping my rifle in half because I saw too much wiggle in her step and I had to fix it. I drilled a couple holes into the two halves and secured some decent dowels into both sides before gluing them back together, and now it's stiff as can be. I've also worked on the data module and I'm now trying to figure out how I'll make the clear housing (Since I goofed on the model and made it too thin to actually take a 1/8" walled acrylic tube. The show goes on though and I've got a nice big sheet of .040" PETG sitting around doing no good so I'm gonna try to work that into shape and make it a nice tube. IMG_0594.JPG

Thanks for coming to my Ted talks, see you when I got more for you
Get yourself a cheapo bottle of cinnamon straight from the dollar store and a little spritz bottle full of water. And once your paint is all nice and pretty and dry wash the whole sucker down with a healthy spritzing of water and pop that cinnamon bottle open like a dad at the back yard bbq and just go to town. The more seasoning the better

How much does your armor smell like cinnamon? Also, do you put a sealant over the top to keep it from coming off?
How much does your armor smell like cinnamon? Also, do you put a sealant over the top to keep it from coming off?

It smells like grunt blood and Cinnamon pop tarts.

After it dries I give it one quick coat of a matte clear coat, just enough to help hold some of the cinnamon to the armor
So I decided to just print the belt out... I'm taking the lazy approach to let the machine do it.

Meanwhile I have work today and tomorrow, but next I will begin working on the torso soft parts, I bought some upholstery foam and I'll be sewing and painting over it to make it look more like the body suit seen in previous references. Will post pictures as I work on that and give an update when these prints are finished.


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Using Tahu505's Wrist Tac Pad model I was able to print it out and throw it onto my smaller wrist just like I'd wanted, it works perfectly!! I haven't added any lights to it yet, but i did add a little custom screen with my instagram and a QR code that leads to it for cons and photo ops stuff.
In the future I definitely plan on adding some LEDs to it and making it a bit more exciting, but for now it looks great and is a perfect little addition!

Got my Data Storage module completed today, I'd like to fog the glass at some point, and I need to fix the lighting a little for it, but it looks fantastic for how it was made lol I also found a nice data chip on thingiverse that I printed and threw into the module. I even did a mini photo op today for it!

I'm hoping here in the next week to debut the final armor and its completion, and of course I'll continue upgrading as I progress. I have the belt printed, and painted the base coat, all that's left is weathering and then attaching it! Very close and very excited! and then I'll be working on my undersuit!!

In the meantime I do have a Hazop CNM-I helmet being printed right now to go for a second build for my gf, I'll probably create a second build thread for that one though since each project is a new learning experience for me.


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