You Can Only Get So Far

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Have you ever had one of those thoughts that made you go why can't I learn this stuff?

Well it's been my mispleasure to say I get this feeling every time I try to do learn some 3d modeling or Poser effects,
it has been my complete and entire downfall all my life you strive so hard to learn something but no one wants to tell you how to do they tell you read a book, buy a video, well this is your chance to tell people what you can or can not learn no matter how you try. and it is the people who are willing to teach to give advice other then read a book or buy a video. simple tricks will do and massive frustration is welcome.
i don't know if this will help anyone here but recently i had a problem finishing my Assult Rifle
it was the last 2 pieces and the upper back, basically the stock
sooooo i did one side and instead of flippin out and glueing tab to tab as usual i basically did a welding kind of thing except with tape
what you do is put tape on the inside of the wep(if you can get it in there) OR simply tack the major edges together with tape and put glue over the top of the minor edges
after the glue dries remove the tape from ONE edge and glue the outside where the seam is(clear drying glue is recomended)
repeat this process untill it's finished
hope this helps someone
if you want a picture lemme know and i will try to get one
Well here's the thing about 3D and trying to help people. 3D gets very difficult and tedious. You have to have both a technical and artistic mind to do it well. I've been doing 3D for awhile, minus college, I've been doing it for 5 years, and I constantly have to read books, study new versions on multiple packages, and update my computer. And I actually just started to relearn Maya and even become someone's protege', because I know 3D Studio Max will not get me any further in my professional career, it's just a fact. I have to know 1 software package inside and out, as well as round-about happenings in 2-3 other programs. here's my list of what I know:

Autodesk Maya (my soon to be master program)
Autodesk 3D Studio max (sceondary app)
Autodesk Mudbox (hi-res app)
Autodesk Softimage (recently aquired by autodesk, secondary app)
Zbrush( hi-res secondary app)

Also, being able to draw is essential, as it teaches you form, volume, and composition. Modeling Halo armor is fun, but outside that realm, all you may get in the modeling department is one production drawing of a character at a perspective, and the art director will go "Ok, model that now, we don't have time to give you Orthographics". even if FX, being able to draw exersizes the imagination so you can function without something in front of you.

As someone who has tried to help people out with advice, they're not interested in you "helping" or critiquing. They just want to hear how good they are at something. Or they only speak with you when they want something and treat you like crap. The reason they say buy a book (which you SHOULD do) is because you will find yourself wondering "What was that command again" or "I'd like to at least learn about texturing, even though I want to only model characters". Same with videos, though some places can falsely advertise videos. And 3D is so in depth, even the simplest command takes a lot of typing and explaining.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but if you can't get past roadblocks, having to buy a book and do a lot of homework, 3D may not be the best hobby or profession for you.
You do have a point things change constantly I was a tattoo artist for 14 years during those years tattoo patterns went from hand draw to ms pain to photoshop or some other high end art program now we are in the world of 3d I understand being frustrated at teach I have had many apprentices, that is not my complaint. my complaint is no matter how much I read I can't absorb it. I guess my issue is I am a hands on kinda guy, I am retired from the tattoo world now because of my little nerve problem, but I still want to learn new stuff daily and today its 3d modeling but a book can only tell you what to do it cant show you and that is where I miss being somewhere close to a city. because out here in redneck land computers are a rare commodity and artists even rarer. see what I get trying to keep my daughters away from city and gang violence serves me right lol.

But the main reason for this thread is just to rent about what you can't learn not my way of saying teach me.

so let the rants continue and get it out cause there are plenty of reasons to do it...........
Ugh redneck land, I hear you. I lived in Ohio before I moved here, and becuase i wasn't a football junkie or popping out kids, people thought there was something wrong with me XP

So you're like me with Math, you need someone the explain it to you in a way you understand. Well it's obvious ya can draw, coming from tattoos.

You ever think of getting a small Stylus? Since you were a tattoo artist, maybe it'll help from your brain down your arm? I've actually had better luck using a stylus switching between the tablet mouse and stylus. What's giving you the most trouble??

For what it worth, I suck with mechincal drawing. I'm so intimidated by it. Characters and costumes, no problem. GUns n Cars, and Buildings noooooooooooooope.
i have almost the same problem with 3d modeling. I first started with google sketchup, its not the most powerful program out there, but the way you can control it makes it so much easier for me. I mean, i can model some pretty crazy stuff in sketchup, and ive had people telling me for some time that i should try more powerful programs, so i decided to get a couple books to try and help me learn how to use 3ds max... omg i hate that program... either that or i hate the books that are "supposed" to help me learn it... btw it failed miserably(sp?) Anyways, I still really want to learn how to use the more powerful programs, but the books dont help, and ive tried asking a few people for help... that didnt work either.

For you Vamp, i'd suggest trying sketchup if you havnt already. When i first started on it, it was confusing. But after a few hours of just making simple things it becomes much much easier. I started this about a month after starting sketchup... and never got around to finishing it.

And i just finished this last night.
Oh yeah I have books I have videos I have all kinds of stuff on it I spent 500 to buy the program then bought study material all for my daughter who wanted to learn it, lmao yeah right I bought it she hasn't touched it. but my problem is with making custom designed stuff other the the primitives I don't know anything about nurbs polys or any of that other stuff because it all sounds like swahili to me and that is a language I don't speak. But I am at the computer shop now downloading more thank you part time employment for the high speed I can use once a week.

anyway enough about my complaining doesn't anyone else have anything to complain about it's what the topic is about not just me I only started it so people could complain and not get yelled at for it if your mad because something you want to do you can't then complain get it out, if someone can help you and wants to let em give the advice. other then that get your rant on because it helps take tension out of your life use this as a sounding board to get your mind back at peace!!!!!
Vampyredh said:
you strive so hard to learn something but no one wants to tell you how to do they tell you read a book, buy a video

I suspect people give you the brush off about help with training because they intuitively understand that you don't really train anyone. They have to train themselves. You seem to be asking for someone to open the top of your head and pour in knowledge and shortcut the process. It's not like the Matrix's "I know Kung Fu", it doesn't work that way. You have to build your understanding brick by brick. To use your example, if you don't know anything about nurbs then go find a resource and learn about nurbs. If you don't speak the language used to describe nurbs, go learn it.

You have to do the work. Sit down with the software and book or video and try to build something. Anything. You will get stuck here and there while you try to figure it out. Use the Internet to get unstuck. Ask people questions when all else fails. Most people don't mind answering specific directed questions like "How do I do this?" or "Where is that function again?". You will get a better response with that than "I know nothing, train me!". People like helping people who help themselves.

I think you are in the Thrash Around a Lot mode that everybody goes through when learning something new. Just ride it out.

I'm not yelling at you.:)
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For those of you who can't learn to read I am not asking for help I opened this forum for people to b***ch about the things they can't learn I dont want anyone to teach me squat Learn to read and then read the forum all the way through this forum isn't about me it is about those who want to complain about what they can't learn and maybe for people to help them get a better grasp on it


I disagree with you there. I think every thing can be learned its just how much are you willing to put forth

For me learning the new software is very discouraging because sketchup was so easy to work with compared to blender. I would just keep learning 3d max. Sure it will take alot of time and money but im sure youll be happy with the end result

Before using SketchUp.


After using Blender.

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thanks for moving the thread S.C.G.

is there anything anyone feels like complaing about have it trust me I got lots to complain about but this thread isn't about me.
I am in to modding halo PC custom edition, and if you guys want modeling tutorials for halo related things or just for really (really) good practice go to, Navigate to halo custom edition section. You will find a link under file sections called tutorials. these guys use 3ds max, Gmax and maya.

also dont join the forums theirs only like 3 or 4 helpfull people and the rest are justs ass's. did i say helpfull i meant partially sane.
I learned 3D (truespace then Maya) on my own. I think there's a part of the brain that is really good with "seeing" an object and how it is made. That helps alot. So I also think that I only have that part of the brain, just really big.
Sure I can fix anything or build something out of nothing.. But other things are completely alien to me.
For example, I still can't understand how when playing a guitar, you know which strings each hand is working on without having to visually check if my fingers, for each hand, are on the right spot...

Then people say: Oh its easy! You just need to practice!
Then they see the things I have made and they don't understand how any of it is made...
I just tell them:
Its easy! You just need to practice! :)

But yeah, not everyone has the talent for everything they want to do..
Which is unfortunate, I want learn to talk to teh ladiez, but I suck at it LOL
I don't have that part of the brain I guess...
The ladies will like this resonse the men will hate it,

I live in a house with five women, my daughters and wife and its only me and my son as the males, and we have come to learn that the only way to talk to the ladies is listen don't talk, when they say something they are always right!!!

It doesn't matter what you really think bevause not only do they not care what you think they only want to here how much they think they are right.

and remember just be chill and everything with women will work out on it's own, don't try to hard.
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