Please Read! Doc's Rules On Pming

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Well-Known Member
Personally I have had many question PMed to me, while this is fine please remember these rules.

1. please respect the person you are PMing, this is done by giving them time to answer (days) and by being educated in what you are searching for.

2. We have a search button at the top of the forum so that you might find what you are looking for other than PMing someone that might be: busy, napping, at work, hard at there armor craft, or just relaxing.

3. See that if you are to ask a question you PM a person that you know to be skilled in that field.

4. If you get the answer you seek don't keep asking all your questions, there is a point that you should find your own answers in the stickies or by testing it out.

5. If your question is on scaling look in the stickies, there are many posts on this. I for one just build to the height of the body part I'm working on.

6. The Mods are busy people that have jobs, projects, and deadlines. Only PM a mod your question if you can't find it and you have tried asking another member.

7. DO NOT PM people about purchases unless you have a source of disposable income.

8. Always consider that you should only make inquiries if you are a serious buyer, as the people you are asking are most likely serious sellers, and you must have the ability and means to make a payment decision.

9. If you send 5 PMs asking people questions, and then send the last one saying, "I don't have the money, but maybe on my birthday my mom will give it to me", you are not only wasting your time, but the sellers time. and that is very inconsiderate

In recap.... think, try, search, then ask if needed.

Thanks for reading. I know that I love to help the guys that work to find answers, but when you don't try it is upsetting. I hope that this might help to minimize the "flooding PMs" that keep our Mod's PM box full. If you have a question that you have really looked for an answer, then I would love to answer it if I can and I'm sure there are many others that would too.

yeah, don't PM someone if you can

1. get the answer on the forums
2. ask for all to see, so the answer will be shared
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