Naval Pilot (update Starting The Full Armor)

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Well ever since I saw the H3 art book me and my son have been trying to decide which set of gear he will get. And as soon as he saw the naval pilot he immediately said that one is cool can you build it? In the immortal words of a little plastic handyman yes we can (too many kids shows sorry with 4 boys whaddya expect). So with a block of styrofoam hacked and sanded in the shape and size of my melon, 20lbs of air dry clay along with one total teardown and redo cause the shape was just wrong this is where we are. One thing I noticed along the way is you have to take alot of artistic liscence (sp)? with this helmet there is very little reference and the pictures in the artbook are of 2 different perms similar but slightly different in the chin and O2 mask area. also if you scale it exactly like the pictures your head would have maybe 1/4" of open space inside and my sculpting skills arent quite what they need to be to get that close of a fit.

Reference pic sorry for the quallity there are some better scans someplace here of the page.


75% of the sculpting finished.




let me know what ya think.

(edit) forgot to mention my birthday present from smooth on is in the mail for this one hope to get it about the time I finish the sculpt.

we're finally gonna have a pilot.
can't wait to see this finished.
if you did make pulls, I wish i had money, but not much luck in this tough economy
Bigalt424 said:
I wish i had money, but not much luck in this tough economy

I hear ya the only way I could afford to get sculpting and casting supplies was work the last 5 or 6 weeks straight with no days off the commander of the house is getting POed work 10 or 12 hrs then come home spend some time with the kids then work till midnight on my armour lol.
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GUNNEY SGT bob said:
so its made of a clay?
yup, its a styrofoam head covered in clay that is sculpted to make the shape of the helmet. Then he is gonna make a mold and a jacket to cover it. When those dry, they are removed and bolted or held together while smoothcast 300 or something similar is poured in. When those are taken apart a plastic helmet with flashing and only minor detail is left. Then the flashing is cut off and details are added. After that, it is painted and the visor is replaced with an actual one and the helmet is done.

yes, it's clay
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That's great stuff! Don't worry too much about accuracy. You're working from concept drawings. Your interpretation is as valid as anybody's.
Thanks for the compliments! yes this will be cast and made available to the 405th. The reason for the air dry clay as opposed to plasticine or oilclay is this stuff dries hard as bondo and can be sanded and painted. So if I dont Kill it completely when I make the mould I plan on making a display out of it. I am making this to fit a scorpion moto visor PN. 52-502-54 one of the cheaper ones from a local dealership. I just cant justify spending more than $30 on a part im gonna chop up lol. Got some strange looks from the counter help when I told em to bring out their cheap mirrored visors that was worth the trip by its self. So I spent the next 20 min explaining and showing the site off on my phone browser. the air hoses were a tough one till I had a moment of rare brilliance use 3/8ths vinyl tube from Home Depot and slide electrical splitloom over it for the ridges total cost $4 lol.

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Well done, and an excellent choiuce of project.

Can't wait to watch this as it comes along. :popcorn:
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