Props Jf140's Yoko's Sniper Rifle-Finished

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Thanks alot. it took youtube forever to process teh video then it was erroring. i wasnt sure id ever get it posted.
Post con report! She loved the rifle!




now im having withdrawls....which means ill be building mine soon!!
I finally got a a password for pep. Here is what i got unfolded the grip needs alot of help so i dont have it unfolded. the sketch up file is in here for measurements. i will be updating the model and a few measurements soon.

Yoko File pack
New wip for 2011

New WIP Starts Here
I have received a new commission for a yoko rifle and having better skills, tools and knowledge of the rifle I have some big changes in store. I stumbled across some images from the Gurren Lagann art book that add some awesome features that I'm looking to work in to this years model. I waited to start posting till the weather allowed me to start making good progress which it finally did this week so there alot of pics to start. hoping to finish the gun by the beginning of March so updates should come quick from now on out.


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Thanks guys! Well the weather decided to poop on my party and it got really cold again and has slowed progress some and im also working on a secret project that will be posted next weekend. I went to move my hot glue gun and some glue was on the side when i unplugged it so it got glued to the top of my desk, happens all the time. but today instead of popping of the glass left the side behind.
But i still have done quite a bit despite the obstacles so here are some pics and a video.

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Thanks rvb, yup best show ever. Well finally have a new update. The forces that be don't want this gun done it seems. The weather let up and then school sucker punched me with so bs and then home work and work have kick me while I'm down so I haven't had time till this last weekend. But here what I've accomplished so far.
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