Noble Team: A Reach Collaboration Wip

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Brandon McClain

Well-Known Member
I suppose the best way to start off is to offer our many thanks for all those working so hard to get this done and making our work possible. Rundown obviously for your immediate release of the Lt helm and continued work on the rest of the armor. To Raziel for your Jorge helm, your skills are a pleasant surprise! We look forward to great things. And to the members on Noble team. About a month and a half ago I started talking with Kasper, who has had to eliminate the internet to slim his budget. As you remember, he was featured in late December's WIP Wednesday for his work on the Emile shoulder. He contacted me about molding his handplates he had sculpted. He was working with ExtremeTactics101 to mold the shoulders. In the following week or so we got in touch with each other and decided to make it a team effort, each working on different parts in order to make the whole suit available to you all. Kasper has since finished the Carter shoulder add on, and the handplates. After doing a rough cast he sent them to me to clean up, mold, and make available to yall in the classifieds. He is working right now on sculpting the boot. At the moment, he is using a size 10 boot, but may do a sculpt for larger boot sizes at a later time. He is also wrapping up a sculpt of the forearms. ExtremeTactics has several elements he is working on. You know him from his Tips & Tricks section on the Source page. He is doing one version of the chest in a scale for the slighter smaller of us. I unfortunately, come in as what you may call "a big guy", so I will be doing a chest for those of us who tip the scales a little higher than others. We also recently got a hold of Forger Reclaimer, and he will be helping in developing models of the various armor pieces for Pepakura. So over the next little while, you can expect to see the various elements of the Reach armor come together. And for you pics or it didn't happen Nazis, here is a little taste of what you are in for:

The finished Reach LT helm


The Lt Pulls


Pulls are available here

The handplate, pre-cleanup


The Carter shoulder, pre-cleanup:



Finished pulls of the handplates and Carter shoulder available here

Also in the future we will release our unfolds here in this thread. So here are the ones we have so far:

Unfolds of Rundown's models:

Old Reach Lt Helm Link

Old Reach Chest Link

Reach Ab Plate Link

Reach Shoulder Link

Reach Forearm Link

Reach Thigh Link

Reach Cod Link

Reach Shin Link

Reach Chest Link

Reach Helm Updated Link

Full Reach Armor in ZIP!!!

Unfold of Forged Reclaimer's Models:

Jorge-052 Mk2 Smooth - Letter

Jorge-052 Mk 2 - Smooth A4

Unfold of Raziel's models:

Jorge-052 Helm

Unfold of Chevysrule's models:

Assault/Scout Ab Plate Add On

Unfold of Zavicbamic's models:

Carter Shoulder Add On

Unfold of A1TD's models:

Carter Helmet HD

Where to find parts in the Classifieds section:

Noble 6/Lt. Helmet

Emile Shoulder

Carter Shoulder

Reach Handplates

Reach Gauntlets

Reach Boots

We hope y'all enjoy!!
This is exciting! ill be sure to follow this thread, as it sounds like you guys have a pretty good thing going here :)
Rock said:
Jah, I understand the big guy problem. I clock in at 6'3' and weigh about 250 so my stuff wouldn't fit many.

Hey, HEY!

Same here.

Makes it hard to buy premade pieces, but eaiser to build the smaller pieces.

Also, looking good.

Making me jealous.

Ive only got my recon helmet soft resined.

:( :( :( :(
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Links are fixed! I am 6'0 and weigh in at 200, but I have a big chest and shoulders. I wear a 44 suit jacket and fill it right out, so there will be some variety in what is available.
Alex spartan177 said:
I got the forearms,

they are not unfolded so I would really appreciate an easy smooth unfold


PS: I didnt create this file so dont give me any credit

are these yours? or the other guys... i for got his name but he's good, also i have the other guys forarms and there unfold hereTHESE ARE NOT MINE I ONLY UNFOLDED THEM
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hey this may be a stupid question. I downloaded the file and when i open it in pep it doesnt have the top add on piece unfolded. i checked the corresponding parts and when i click on a section of it its like it isnt there? am i missing something here. lol
ive never posted much to the 405th but have been on here for awhile.

one question though. your link for the helmets "pull available here" how come it doesnt work for me?
The pull available here link is to a classified add. Its only available to veterans. You'll get there soon enough! You can always send me a PM.
Well, its about time for an update. I updated the OP with the various unfolds that I have done, the various Jorge Helms, as well as a great handplate done by AceHigh. The weather was all over the place the last little while it went from sunny and 60 to 20 and snowing in the same day, which sucked. Its back to being sunny and spring weather, so I got the Carter shoulder and handplate done by Kasper all cleaned up. I built up the curves with bondo and cleaned up the lines, then masked off the various edges and rondoed so I could get nice sharp square lines. Having a plam sander saved my life. With the handplates, I used various grinding wheels on my Dremel and cleaned up the excess, straightened the lines etc. The both got a couple shots of builing primer and sanding. They will both get molded tonight, I will post up pics of that when I am done. So for those of you who are pics or it didn't happen people, here you go:


I when bondoing, I filled in the holes Kasper had made, and then once it was all cleaned up I just used a drill and re-piloted them.



Kasper is finishing up the Emile shoulder, I know I have seen several people looking for that. It will then makes its way out here to Utah for me to clean up and mold. He is also done with his sculpt of the forearms and is waiting for some Dragon skin to come in so he can give molding it a go. We will see if we can get some pics of those up soon.
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