First few props

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Hey, you might have guessed, but I'm also new to 405th, but anyway.

The eventual dream is to be able to overtake a Warthog in a Mongoose while driving comfortably in a gel-layer and a half ton Mjolnir Mk VI suit, but hey, lets not start with projects marked as "what the Blam!"

so I started out small with the next few things:

My very first prop (like first evah!) is a proper-sized plasma grenade,

I made it from a pepakura file, and it is actually not that good (sloppy edges, glue residue), but I think it is good enough for a first attempt.

My second prop is a plasma pistol,

It is a WIP from a pepakura file, it's actually finished, but it still needs a bit of paint, this one was a lot better, but I wanted to make a more lengthier weapon, which leads me to...

My 3rd prop is an assault rifle,

This one went really great, it still needs paint, but it just feels good to take it in your hands and putting the stock against your shoulder... it makes you feel more like... well... like Master Chief I guess.

My 4th prop isn't finished yet, I guess you all recognize it though,

I wanted to try multiple things, and not just guns, so I thought, why not try Guilty Spark. I haven't figured how to keep everything in place, since it's made of three different pieces, and Forerunner anti-gravity technology is way too difficult for such an easy object.

My 5th and 6th prop will be a Battle Rifle (so I can haz N00b Combo) and a Brute Shot,
no seriously, the Battle Rifle, just because it's bad-ass.

So, please let me know what ye think of me props, positive and negative comments. Tips and suggestions are welcome as well.

By the way, if you know an easy way to glue the last edge in a paper prop, please let me know. Because it's so annoying that the last part is usually the hardest part.

Smell ya later...
wow, all of those look amazing! :)
I've built that assault rifle before, I love that feeling too lol
I feel like building a plasma pistol for some reason : P
Well, eventually yes, but then again, I do need the materials for it.

So not yet, not yet... I'm just a poor student who is poor because his ego demanded the "Reach Legendary edition" and the "Reach Limited edition Xbox 360"
yea i know that feelin im broke b/c of it i went with the Legendary too i was just wondering b/c i was thinkin about startin a BR but i cant figure out how to Fiberglass it
Nice stuff, like the AR a lot :p

As for 343, I sound say use hot glue on parts you don't see to make a "bridge" of glue between pieces. Then again, I didn't try it yet so i don't know what it looks like IRL but hey, its just an idea up there in my head

BTW, isn't the plasma supposed to be blue Oo or I'm I seeing things for a couple years strait?
Great looking MA5c AR you got there! How long did you take to pep it?

I'm kinda thinking of just getting nerf gun and modding it because seems just too difficult to pep one. :/
I sound say use hot glue on parts you don't see to make a "bridge" of glue between pieces.

BTW, isn't the plasma supposed to be blue Oo or I'm I seeing things for a couple years strait?

Thanks for the great comment :),

Good idea for the 343GS support, I'm go and try it out on some paper and see if it works ;).

and the Plasma Nade, I don't know, might be my TV-screen, but if you'd like to know, I used this image as a color reference, and I used this image (and the first one) as a form reference.

Great looking MA5c AR you got there! How long did you take to pep it?

Thanks! :D, I made it in.. let's think, about 1 week, perhaps 1 and a half...

ps. I used the pep file from the Halo Costuming Wiki (not the HD version)
Everything looks great! Keep up the good work. Any plans for armor in the future?
definitely!, I was planning on an easy low detail standard Mk VI after I'm done with the pepping and painting of the Sticky, Plasma P, AR, Spark, BR, and Shot. Just to get the hang of it
Good luck with that!, although the AR isn't that hard to make... I found the Plasma Pistol a lot harder, because it has lot's of small details, and the AR are almost al big parts.
Right... I still haven't finished my Guilty Spark, thanks to the insane amount of work I get every week from my education, but because I need to give a presentation about Portal tomorrow, I did manage to start on something to go with the presentation... it's a WIP, and I'll post the final pictures later on but for now, I think these crappy pictures say more than a lot of crappy text:

Please post wat you think of it, and help me keep this thread alive, because somehow, I can't post a new thread (sadface).

the AR looks awesome! although I couldn't enlarge the photo bc of some error???

Thanks for the comment, and about the enlargement... weirdness? I don't know, it's just a thumbnail from ImageShack...
Right... I still haven't finished my Guilty Spark, thanks to the insane amount of work I get every week from my education, but because I need to give a presentation about Portal tomorrow, I did manage to start on something to go with the presentation... it's a WIP, and I'll post the final pictures later on but for now, I think these crappy pictures say more than a lot of crappy text:

Please post wat you think of it, and help me keep this thread alive, because somehow, I can't post a new thread (sadface).

Thanks for the comment, and about the enlargement... weirdness? I don't know, it's just a thumbnail from ImageShack...

dig the portal radio
The Portal "Transmission Received" Radio is Finished

Yippie, the Portal Radio is finished, but since it's 3:00 AM in the morning here, I'm going to bed any second now... but I couldn't let you not know how it looks, so here are some pictures of it:

Two front views and a bottom view (note the Aperture science sticker :))

To make it "feel" more like a radio during the presentation tomorrow, I've cut a hole in the bottom of the radio, and glued it to it's base with a paper-hinge, this way, I can put an audio-carrier in it...

The audio-carrier I will put inside the Radio, will be my PSP 3000. It will quietly play an infinitely looped "Still Alive" melody during the presentation. I managed to find an mp3 on the internet of the samba version you can hear in-game, so it will be epicness :cool.

the views with the PSP addition.

Tomorrow the only thing I need to do is to take a blue highlighter and color the "85.2 FM" and the arch-formed inner section surrounding it.
Guilty Spark Update

Woot!!, double post... with almost two weeks in between

I've finally finished my Guilty Spark pep, and I'm pretty content with the results myself,

as soon as I finished the last Loop-form, it all pretty much reinforced it's own structural form...

Why am I still babbling about it, see for yourself!

And these last two show views of the entire outside, which was basically the only part that wasn't finished

So... what do you think I need to do next?
The Battle Rifle as promised?
The Brute Shot, because that one was promised as well?
Or to make a start on my ODST build?

Hope to get some replies on this post...
Seriously, don't be afraid to reply, I won't kill you... really... hunting you down is the worst I will do... promised.

So, please... do comment on the peps I have made so far, and don't forget to "vote" for the next build you'd like to see... :D
I really like the portal radio :p
you can download the radio tune off of youtube.

Awesome props! great work, I heard the brute shot is reallly tough. I was looking into a battlerifle. Go with the BR :p
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