I would love to edit the finished clips together into a thank-you montage.
Time should be around 10 seconds, maximum 15. Footage should be as high quality as possible, webcams would be acceptable, but only if the footage is lag free. Please try to be creative with your message, as was said, hearing "thank you" over and over will be boring. Be enthusiastic, and let Bungie know why they're awesome.

If you don't have access to a camcorder, a screenshot of yourself with your suit or prop would suffice, provided it's appropriate. Photos would need to include a written message to display as a subtitle on your photo. You'll need to include your 405th username when you send your clip.
A full suit won't be required, but some form of prop would be nice to show your dedication. If you send a photo, and have no prop, please give some kind of gesture to indicate your appreciation, for instance, a thumbs up, smile, and an appropriate background.
If everyone is alright with me handling this, I'll post up my email address, and you can send your clip to me. We do need to get Adam or Spase's permission though to use the 405th name or logo. I don't have Spase's email, and he'll need to approve the final video. Does anyone know a way to contact him? We need to get this rolling fast if we want to have it done by monday.