Much to my horror Jacob Keyes' famed shipshape ship, shape-shifted.

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I fell in love with Autumn's unusual design at the beginning of Halo CE. That's the moment she jumped out of slipspace and into my heart. The idea that something which looked like a horizontal skyscraper could be put to orbit, much less maneuvered deftly (as piloted by Cortana) held my imagination for years. After reading Nylund's Fall Of Reach, I decided that the time was right to take Beyonce's advice and "..put a ring on it". I've jealously watched over the years as various individuals on the intersphere created their own versions of my baby.

When I finally decided to scratch build a styrene starship, I thought that she would be the perfect candidate for a semi-novice like myself. Very geometric. Her scale would allow me to gloss over minute details. Her big square caboose and rotund engines would be easy to rough out. I casted some small areas from molds I had made from a toy millennium falcon, and then finally I painted her the way she appears in the game. Semi gloss gray. The finish of the paint left me totally disgusted. Rather than repaint her and possibly destroy details like panel lines...I...I abandoned her. With only the forward comm array left to do I just put her on a shelf from which she stared at me mockingly for months (years?)

Then came REACH. I saw the cut scene to mission 10, and fell in love all over again. I'm so stupid.
Wow, that's a great looking model!
Thanks G. I need to put the 2 antannae on bow and front and maybe some washes and a little drybrushing. I was going to try and get that glossy sheen on the hull,like MC's armor had, but I don't think I can replicate that on a 12 inch model.
I'm gonna photoshop the living bejesus out of it though, and maybe animate it floating across my living room. I need to test my chroam keying skillz. Then I can work on my nun-chuck skillz then my hacker skillz.
is there any possible way you can mold this? it seems that we both fell in love with the same woman my friend.
I've never even considered molding it. She's kinda small though it shouldn't be too hard. I can't promise anything, but let me look into it. :)
I appreciate that you think she's mold worthy though, Thank you for the honor
Hi man your pic really creep me, but your pillar of autumn build is just epic. Like project003 said this is really mold worthy and would probably love to have it right next to my reach legendary statue on top of my TV.

Awesome work man.

wow. thanks G-Azur.

I know I have a bunch of smooth on stuff in my closet somewhere but I'm afraid of having to take the place apart to find it. Let me check it out and I'll see If I can give you gents a serious answer about me attempting to make a battered old refit Halcyon class cruiser worthy of praise

Also, the funny thing about that pic is the guy's expression. you can't really see it in the avatar but trust me he looks like he just dropped a deuce in his a adult diaper.
I agree with everyone having a copy of this myself would be awesome it looks great, and if molding gets complicated (which i know it can) you've definitely inspired me to try one of my own, i'm no stranger to styrene. Maybe a pic for getting an idea of how big it is would be nice. But again just a truly great job.
I'm liking the molding idea (even though I don't have the money to buy a potential pull). I've always had this idea of little UNSC ships sitting on fancy display stands on a desk, like a modern general might have a model of an F-18 on his desk.
I'm liking the molding idea (even though I don't have the money to buy a potential pull). I've always had this idea of little UNSC ships sitting on fancy display stands on a desk, like a modern general might have a model of an F-18 on his desk.

or like in Star Trek and how Captain P'card has all the Enterprises lined up under glass and gold painted.
I Spent the day at the children's museum on Long Island with the wife and kids and all I could think about was potential parting lines and how many parts my Autumn would need to become a viable kit. :) I'm gonna try and make some test molds without destroying the original (hopefully) and put the updates here.

This thread just became a WIP thread:-O. The love affair continues.

However I was struck by dilemma. The Autumn of my creation is the one from Halo CE(with some embellishments just to be thorough) But the one that Noble SIX and Emile were tasked with getting to, looks WAYYY different. My issue is; which Autumn now becomes canon. I would like any model I put out to be as 'screen accurate' as possible even if that means an entire overhaul of my little lady.

I think that there are some individuals among us with abilities that can help the community as a whole. Your collective posts make me feel like I may be one of the lucky individuals.

P.S. A UNSC wall of staships scaled to each other, would be a sight to behold indeed.
Stick with the Halo:CE Autumn, I know that I for one don't want to see all the great, classic CE designs swept away by the wave of Retcon.
I'll be the first to say it this awesome creation needs to be put in the Elite section.
Thank you Nintendude. I will accept you nomination. :). But, I'm not sure I'm ready for this to go elite. Keegan and Thor are in there among others who do great work. And I don't mean that in a reverse psychology type of way.






was a project I started because other than recent Lego and some papercraft, there seems to be absolutely no love being paid to the fantastic vehicles of Halo universe. Imagine a 3 foot wingspan on a screen accurate Longsword? or a Covie dropship with a shimmering grav field between it's mandibles?( I have) but no one is making them, so I made one for myself. Then I found this place and I thought this would be the perfect place where someone would get a kick out of it. The rest is becoming history.


is a nice render I found online which offers the extra detail needed. This along with screenies from the PC game I own helped finalize the Autumn's final look.
I just need to add the comms and the 'skid-plate' thingie to the ventral bow.
Stick with the Halo:CE Autumn, I know that I for one don't want to see all the great, classic CE designs swept away by the wave of Retcon.
It's settled then. I Agree with you and find the trend annoying. It's like Han and Greedo thing all over again. Han Solo I a cold blooded killer end of story.
WOW Alix you Halcyon-class Cruiser C709 "Pillar of Autumn" is
AMAZING. your attention to detail is extraordinary.
I too am a huge fan of the "ships" of HALO.... I have 3D models of almost all of them
and am currently working on unfolding them for PEPAKURA.

Very small update just so you'll know I haven't neglected this project:
Today as preparation for clay damming, I removed all of the extra hull plating/heat shielding from the Autumn. And was dumbstruck by how much detail I put into the main engines. Hello undercut city!! I hadn't remembered all the work that went into repetitive detail and parts that would never bee seen.




She only suffered minimal damage to the her plating and engines because all I used was super glue and that stuff bonds strong but gives pretty easily under stress. I had contemplated using model cement for this baby but passed on it because I've never used it before. Thank god.
That's so pretty! I love that ship too. I've never thought of it like horizontal sky scraper, but that makes total sense now that you pointed it out. I can't wait to get ahold of some of those ship peps in that other thread so I can make my own!
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