"Dutch" ODST build

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"Dutch" ODST build [Pic Heavy] 25Oct UPDATE

Little more progress. If there are too many pics (or too large.. let me know :)
Boot toe, part of a Full boot by Th3 FETT MAN. Way to small, definitely needs to be scaled up.

Pauldron by Kirrou, looks pretty good as far as i can tell. I did the hinged version.
IMG_2159[1] by MRavenwolf, on Flickr

first attempt at making a clear visor. the funny thing is, the good clean edge was the first one i did... must have lost patience with my gluing after that. and yeah...lol made one too many fold cuts on the upper part :D
IMG_2163[1] by MRavenwolf, on Flickr
IMG_2160[1] by MRavenwolf, on Flickr
IMG_2161[1] by MRavenwolf, on Flickr

ANd finally... the Thigh.. right thigh. Model by Nightshade. still very much a work in progress :D
IMG_2156[1] by MRavenwolf, on Flickr

AS soon as i get more paper, I'm going to start work on one of the shins.
I had started a pistol, the M6C/SOCOM, but that's not been going so well. Had tried to do in in plastic to.. but coupled with a not so good night..... and yeah it was filed in the circular filing cabinet. ah well. I'll get back to it later.

Oh so many Glue hairs.....lol

I know there is those little pieces missing in the front, I've not decided whether to try and put those in or to fudge it and fix it with fiberglass and bondo...

Sub assembly



Just finished the second Pep build of the Dutch helm. Far happier with this one than the previous. Still some pars I'm not happy with, but I think those things will be fixed witha combination of practice, better assembly planning and refining of the unfolded file. Might help if i use a heavier cardstock too, but not sure where to get that (still havent tried staples or office depot)

For now the pics are just up on the flickr page, but I'll post them onto here later this eve.

I probably won't be doing the resin/fiberglass/bondo for a while, but hard to do those kind of things in an apartment.
Anyhwo, let me know what you think!


Hey Hey Everyone!
Thought I'd share the progress of the ODST Build I am working on.
Sorry about the quality of the pictures, All I have at the moment is my webcam, (Wife's out of town with our good camera :) )

This was my first attempt at pepakura modeling, and for the most part i thought it turned out pretty good. Some parts of it...*cough* right side vents * cough* not so well

You'll probably notice the top panel is missing as well, that's because my dog sat on it before i had a chance to attach it. Ah well.

So instead of attempting to repair and replace some of these pieces I went ahead and messed with the pep file a little and decided to start over using what I'd learned.

I'll do my best to upload better pics once i get my camera back
hey man that helmet looks awesome for your first helmet, my first helmet which was ODST came out terrible but good luck with the helmet :)
It's be great if you linked us to the dutch pep that you used! :)
And nevermind the camera, it looks amazing
Thanks for the comments everyone, I appreciate it.

@WandererTJ: There is a halo pepakura wiki that i got this from, it's linked somewhere here in the forums, but I'm having a hard time finding it again
Hey hey, another Dutch guy... :D I'm currently planning an ODST build as well, but first I wan't to finish my Guilty Spark, and start on a BR and a Brute Shot. Good luck with yours though :)

ps. I think you mean the halo costuming wiki
Awesome... thanks. Yep that was the place i was talking about.
I'm using Dutch's armor as a starting point, and probably going to add some modifications from there.

Lol, have to finish a Helm first though XD

Speaking of which.. I'll have more pics here in two days or so when I get my camera back.
Wow! for a first time pep, that is really a great build you have going on there! It's such a clean helmet with some nice detail as well. It looks like a great start, definitely going to keep an eye out on this build! Good luck with your progress bud
Thanks for the comments everyone, I appreciate it.

@WandererTJ: There is a halo pepakura wiki that i got this from, it's linked somewhere here in the forums, but I'm having a hard time finding it again

I've actually been to the site, but I guess I didnt pay attention to the titles as well as I shouldve, thanks! :)
I found a few other threads where I'll be pulling different pieces of armor from. I'd like to use some of the files Kirrou posted, but isnce that's not a complete set, I'll have to pull form other palces as well... havent completed that list yet though.

Finished the pep on the helmet (see first post in thread). Next thing I'll probably work on is the M6S/SOCOM. We'll see :D
smashing Dutch helmet, nice pep work!
Dutch is a personal favorite of mine, and you can totally mix the weta files with kirrous or even hugh holders files to pull of a decent odst!
there are some amazing files out there
good luck :)
@AceNat: Thanks :D
Dutch was aslo my fav. liked the detail of his armor set over the others as well.
I think the files I'm missing are the ab side plates, back/neck set, hip/thigh/shin. ok, so most of the set :p lol
but yeah there are some amazing files out there.. the trick is finding them, lol
Thats one of the reasons i never started an ODST, the files are up on the wiki and then theyre not... and then the are, and then theyre not... so on and so forth.. But Awesome job!! keep up yout good work!
aaahahhh.... thank you so much.
I think i had seen some fo those before (deffinitly had Kirrou's bookmarked) but had lost track of them
looks like i need to get to work peppin and buying some sheetmetal :D
Dutch was aslo my fav. liked the detail of his armor set over the others as well.
I think the files I'm missing are the ab side plates, back/neck set, hip/thigh/shin. ok, so most of the set :p lol
I love Dutch's helmet, and I do recognize the differences between all their helmets, but is their any differences in the rest of the armor that the ODST's wear?

here are some links ive found :)
hope this helps
Awesome AceNat, it's really cool that you posted all these :D
I love Dutch's helmet, and I do recognize the differences between all their helmets, but is their any differences in the rest of the armor that the ODST's wear?
I think it's mostly cosmetic items as far as Dutch is concerned ( i think, need to recheck the images) things like grenade belt, differnet pack, extra ouches.

Well i started the pauldrons last night. not really happy with how this first one is gogin so far, then again i was rushing it a little. Will post pictures later this eve or tomorrow when i finish the first.
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