Noble Spartan(mod's/add-on's begin)

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Sr Member
My Noble 6 Build IS*** Finished***

My Noble 6 Build.
I've come along ways since I've started this tread, I've also put up allot of links to help other do what I did here.
So sit back and enjoy my progress into the world of Halo Armor . Finished Basic build Pic's on page 27. (Youmacon pic, Detroit MI.:cool)

HD pic.

If you go to my build page 2 There are MANY links on that page from the files I used, to the help/how to videos.

:DFast forward to page 2--->
For those of you just starting off and need help Please read this first--->
Then I'll be more than happy to help you with any questions.
(Spitfire22V Writes/Teaches better then me :cool)

THIS is W.I.P. project and will be updated weekly, and is subject to change at any given time.

How I did it.

I just starting out on a Noble 6 build this summer, I found this site on a link from a SFX site (yes it was the old Indy Mogul) and well here I am. I'm looking at a pic of a noble six as ref.

Side note: I've never seen the game and with having a XP computer it doesn't look like I'll see it any time soon.

Till Next time.

Don't let your dreams fade away...
Build something....
And remember them Forever.
And as always, Please feel free to leave any and all input, comments, criticisms, and/or suggestions. Or You're just stopping in to say High. Please do For they are all most welcomed and appreciated. (they also keep me from triple posting.) Thanks for watching my build. and remember..... Your Dreams are always within REACH. ;)

This is my Facebook Page.-->


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Dang, nice work. the armor peping looks real clean, the only problem is the camera quality isn't the best :/ keep the good work up and i'll be sure to watch your progress.
(The pic in the first post is the edited new chest as of now. This build had changed in mid build when I found out what it was supposed to look like. But I had to leave in some of the old post so this thread would make sense to new readers.)
What helmet is good for a noble build?

Personally, I would probably go with the standard Mark V helmet. It's the one that Noble 6 is wearing in the game. Unless you like one of the other helmets, then go with one of those. It really just depends on what helmet you like the most and would enjoy working on the most.

And I see you live in michigan too. :p I am wanting to get my build done for the Motor City Comic Con in May. Due to the cold weather, I am going to be doing the foam build instead. Plus all that sanding, fiberglass,'s too much for me and too much of a pain to do. Especially since I found myself outside at 11pm working on it in my driveway! XD I would rather be indoors where I have more light and can see better. Plus I can sit in my living room and watch tv while I work on my armor. :D hehe If you don't mind scrapping what you got now, I would recommend trying the foam instead. It's lightweight and seems to have better mobility than the "rock hard" armor. XD But with the foam, you gotta have templates unless you think you can scratch build it. I'm just going to be using the pepakura files and modify them to create some better templates to use and trace onto the foam. :)

Good luck with your build though.........however you plan on doing it. :p



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Thanks HaloGoddess, can you give me the link to that mark V (B). I thought I had them all up to date but it seems as I've either missed it, or placed in the wrong folder. thx. I seen you're name on some unfolds...what all have you done?
I'm on page 42 out 160? pep files any idea for mark 5 (b) HD helm...I was told its better than the carter but I still can't find it. just a hint would be nice ;-)
I'm on page 42 out 160? pep files any idea for mark 5 (b) HD helm...I was told its better than the carter but I still can't find it. just a hint would be nice ;-)
*Cough* Jico's *cough*
Awhile back Jico made an HD Mk 5 (B) helmet that I slightly edited and unfolded

it is found here!!!
good armor i will make the chest piece model that you are using

Thanks Spartan-b312, All Files are on page 4

*Cough* Jico's *cough*
Awhile back Jico made an HD Mk 5 (B) helmet that I slightly edited and unfolded

it is found here!!!

Thank you very much Rhinoc. It would have taken a few more days to find that one. Pls feel free to add me to you're updated pep file list ( if there is one) thank you again.
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