Well-Known Member
I have 2 concepts, one for th GUNGNIR and the Pilot helmet's infamous huanted visor. Be advised, i have not tried this yet, thats why they are concepts. I am hoping to do these in the near future but for now i want to know your opinions on this and if you want to try them out, feel free to post pics of either WIP or finished products. Both of these helmets have been modeled and unfolded and can be found in the threads linked below, special thanks to xhimpei and to jtm1997 for making these and to thier unfolders for making them pepable.
First Concept: GUNGNIR
I have read alot of posts and threads about using pin hole cams and displays for the Gungnir. Its good would be awsome but i think i might have a less technical aproach and there are two ways to go about doing this.
The first step is universal for both and this process is much like what you do for a EVA helmet.
Just pep the helmet and harden it.
Second Step
This is where the differences comes in.
A) Cut out the entire sction of the face plate. Take that piece and Vaccum form it. You can make a vaccum former there are plenty how to's out there some easyier then others. The trick here is to paint, tint, etc, the same color as the rest of the helmet and just attach it.
B) If your like me and don't have a vaccum former this may be abit easier. Some hobby shops sell these sheets of plastic about the size of printer paper they look like this.
They come in different colors and as you see the are very transparent, but when you layer these it becomes tinted and are 3 bucks a sheet.
Cut the top of the helmet off and replace it with thes sheets, again the trick is making it the same color of the helmet.
Second Concept: The Pilots Haunted Visor :cool
Go through the basic steps of making a helmt pep it and harden it, and for this you need a vaccum former to make the visor, its like forming a ODST visor. If you want Tint it black or just keep it see through but the main thing here if is , before putting on th helmet put on a mask like this then put on the helmet. Maybe you can find or even make a better skull mask, its up to you.
Something else you can do is put a light in the helmet to make it look creepier at night, especially with the visor tinted black but not to dark, kind like Sean Bradley's helmet in his avatar. (Hope you don't mind me using your avatar as a example, if you do let me know and i will edit it out.)
Hope this helps any one, let me know what you all think.
First Concept: GUNGNIR
I have read alot of posts and threads about using pin hole cams and displays for the Gungnir. Its good would be awsome but i think i might have a less technical aproach and there are two ways to go about doing this.
The first step is universal for both and this process is much like what you do for a EVA helmet.
Just pep the helmet and harden it.
Second Step
This is where the differences comes in.
A) Cut out the entire sction of the face plate. Take that piece and Vaccum form it. You can make a vaccum former there are plenty how to's out there some easyier then others. The trick here is to paint, tint, etc, the same color as the rest of the helmet and just attach it.
B) If your like me and don't have a vaccum former this may be abit easier. Some hobby shops sell these sheets of plastic about the size of printer paper they look like this.
They come in different colors and as you see the are very transparent, but when you layer these it becomes tinted and are 3 bucks a sheet.
Cut the top of the helmet off and replace it with thes sheets, again the trick is making it the same color of the helmet.
Second Concept: The Pilots Haunted Visor :cool
Go through the basic steps of making a helmt pep it and harden it, and for this you need a vaccum former to make the visor, its like forming a ODST visor. If you want Tint it black or just keep it see through but the main thing here if is , before putting on th helmet put on a mask like this then put on the helmet. Maybe you can find or even make a better skull mask, its up to you.
Something else you can do is put a light in the helmet to make it look creepier at night, especially with the visor tinted black but not to dark, kind like Sean Bradley's helmet in his avatar. (Hope you don't mind me using your avatar as a example, if you do let me know and i will edit it out.)

Hope this helps any one, let me know what you all think.