My noble 6 armor [WIP]

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Hey guys!
First, happy christmas and happy new year :D!
So, I'll begin a new armor in a few days: a noble 6 armor, but with a CQC helmet and lots of other modifications. It will look like this:

But I need some pep files to begin :) :
-the CQC helmet (I know that it isn't finished but if someone have an other files :) )
-Carter left shoulder in good quality and alone
-and the cod

Thank you and see you soon for the first pic ;) !


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We Refer to these bad-boys/girls as Custom Spartan III unless its a Spartan II. Noble 6 is the character created by Bungie and its basically the guy with no add-ons and a MKVb helmet :/

As for the files....I heard torsoboy gave it to Nintendude and he did mention he was going to release it until he unexpectedly left the 405th :(.....So I'm sure it floating around on someone's computer :/

Your other two files, best luck would be in the Official Reach Pepakura Files Thread :)

Hope this helps ;)
Thank you for the answer :)

We Refer to these bad-boys/girls as Custom Spartan III unless its a Spartan II. Noble 6 is the character created by Bungie and its basically the guy with no add-ons and a MKVb helmet :/

Actually, if we take the game, we can change lots of pieces of Noble 6 armor, which become single. I agree with you that "the" Noble 6 haven't any add-ons and a MKV (b) helmet, but my mine will be different... which explain the title: My noble 6 armor :)

As for the files....I heard torsoboy gave it to Nintendude and he did mention he was going to release it until he unexpectedly left the 405th .....So I'm sure it floating around on someone's computer :/

I heard too but I didn't know it was real :( ...

Your other two files, best luck would be in the Official Reach Pepakura Files Thread

Yeah, thaks to this fabulous thread, I could find all my pieces except the other two files: my computer says that their links are dead :/...

Oh, and do you (you or an other people) have a tuto or a explanation for the LED :)? Because I really want to install it into my armor, but I don't know how they function ^^'
Torsoboy actualy gave it to Ruze, he said he would have it up as soon as he could, its just the matter of playing the waiting game.
This looks like it could be a very interesting build, I love custom Spartans...
I am also waiting for the Reach CQC Helmet to be built the rest of the way by Ruze. You could go about posting for a mod to change the title to something more appropriate, e.g. Custom Reach Spartan Build (only if you wanted to, it would just clarify the general topic of your armor build)
Ok sky, if the title isn't clear, I'll send a pm to a mod :)
I can see that the CQC helmet is very much in demand :p

Yesterday I printed the arms (shoulder para, forearm, arm, handplate) and the torso. I think I'll put a pic of an handplate at the end of the day (Ah yes, I forgot it: in France, it's 15:07 ^^'...)
Double post, but useful double post :)
I've the pics of my left pep handplate :D!



Next: left forearm :)


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Thanks breci :D

am i a seeing a sniper shield in that picture? or is that like Jorges shoulder piece?

None of them man ^^ I think you saw my glue stopper :p Because, if I will make a weapon, it will an AR or a M6G, and I haven't any piece of jorgein my future armor :)

So update! My left forearm is finish!



Next: the left arm :)


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Dude this is nice ! BTW what scale did you use for the forearm ? Because ive tried to make that 3 times and it was too big or too small :/
Thanks :)
Actually, I didn't touch to the scale, I just modified the hight. If I remember, the scale factor is around 0.6. Good luck with your forearms ;)
Nice build so far! By the way, where did you get such a high-res picture of your Reach spartan?
Just a quick note, you have the handplates backwards in that pic. What weight of paper are you using? It looks like it might be a little light, which would explain the waviness of the forearm.
Thanks guys :D!
So after a long time, here's an update! But first, your question:

By the way, where did you get such a high-res picture of your Reach spartan?
I got this pic with this logiciel :)

Just a quick note, you have the handplates backwards in that pic. What weight of paper are you using? It looks like it might be a little light, which would explain the waviness of the forearm.
Youps, I didn't see it ^^
The weight of my paper is (if I remember) 100g. I know it isn't the ideal weight, but I had only this :)
And for the waviness, it's because of my glue which is very hard to manipulate with (now, I change it ;) )

Pics now :) Here's my right shoulder:



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Update guys!!
Chest finish! Fuuh, it was very long and difficult -_-' ...





Next: the helmet :D!


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I keep the work with a JFO helmet :D!





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