Calladar's Grunt WIP (pic Heavy)

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Ok so i was talking with my daughter about her costume that she wanted for Dragon-con and since me her mother and big brother were all going as reach characters she wanted something different. SOOOO I started pulling up pictures of different characters from not only Halo but other things. Of all things my daughter saw a grunt and started jumping up and down that was what she wanted to be..

I started looking at pep files for grunts and there was not much to choose from. what i did find i liked the chest piece but did not really like the helmet / gas mask piece. as i was looking i also noticed that the eyes were on the side of the head. I started asking myself how i was going to do this and my daughter be able to see where the heck she was going. as i was looking i got to thinking. what if i made the gas mask big enough to pretty much cover my daughters face and put tinted plexiglass in places on the gas mask (which will be painted black) so she could see. i started taking some measurements of my daughters face and drawing it out. (needed a break from the Kat build for a few)...

I decided on a scratch build due to no real pep files for what i wanted to do. I sat down and started sketching and measuring and scratching the top of my head. after i had a plan i decided i was going to try and make it out of foam. This should be fun... I have been playing with the foam on my Kat build and felt confident i could get the results i wanted. after about 6 hours of fighting the foam and allot of head scratching i got to a point that i felt i could do it.
Ok now that i got all the splaining out of the way. here are some pics of where i am now.






still have allot of work to go but it is a start. going to put allot more detail into it and i still have to Finnish closing up the back. I am now building 2 suits at once and trying to put a little bit if time in on mine as well.. soo i will be going back and forth between working on this and the kat suit for my wife. i guess i am glutton for punishment.


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Wow, I love the detail I'm looking forward to updates ;)

Also general tidbit of information: Grunts are roughly 5 feet tall.
That is a very cool start I'm liking this

Thanks I noticed something this morning when my daughter was walking around playing with it. the top of the head is a little tall / misshape. going to try and fix that in a bit then back at it. going to Harbor Freight today. probably going to spend more money i plan on but what can you do. have plenty of foam but they are having a sale.. going to spend money to save money. ummm yea thats it.
ok so i am sitting there starring at the monstrosity that i am building and noticed i had made a huge bulbous head out of the thing.. time to get to work..

Started off scalping it and getting rid of the misshapen "dropped as a baby head":


i then reshaped the head:




redid all the flesh folds finished the back and started adding some detail:





yea i know that is a coke cap. it was what i had laying around. now have to clean up some seams and maybe add a little more detail. did not have a picture of the back of the head so used a little creative license and made it up as i went along.


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I think it looks awesome! I like the coke bottle cap detail...Lol. Can't wait to see this thing all snazzed up. Keep up the good work!
that is a wonderful idea, discuising the eye holes, and people are going to be drawn by the rest of the well detailoed features that they wont notice. very well done
This should be really great when it's done. I like to see all the kid grunt costumes that are being made. Kids make the best grunts, haha! Can't wait to see this finished.
This should be really great when it's done. I like to see all the kid grunt costumes that are being made. Kids make the best grunts, haha! Can't wait to see this finished.

one of my friends in band is 15 and he would be the best grunt ever but he needs a higher voice....
thanks for all the support. but alas... ran into a problem today. started working on the chest piece today and sized it to my daughter and started building. got the chest about half way done and had my daughter put it on and it fit her like a glove.. had her put on the helmet and "HOLY BOBBLE HEAD BATMAN!"... needless to say with how i made the helmet with the gas mask basically being the size of my daughters face so she could see made the head a little big but i figured the chest would compensate.. I WAS WRONG!!!!

so i am going to increase the size of the chest to get it a little closer to the size of the head. still may end up with a little of a bobble head effect but hopefully not as bad as i have now. so one day of work lost and about one sheet of foam. grr.
ok i have re-made the chest piece and increased the size by 30%.. still a little small and the head is still a little big but you know what. gonna deal with it. i have the chest put together but i have allot of cleaning up and detail to put in that i plan on putting in.. waiting for my daughter to get home to try it on. but here are some pics so far...




With head sitting on top. bobble head is not too bad but could be better:


i have been thinking about the arms and i think i am going to do a scratch build on the arms like i did for the head. Weeds is building a grunt as well and had an idea for the arms that is brilliant. I don't know if i have the gumption to follow in his footsteps with the arms. what i was thinking of was to make arms with sculpted hands and a way for my daughter to be able to still use her hands easily through the arms. still trying to figure that one out. going to try and get a couple pieces done on the wife's Kat while i think about it.. Soo once i figure it out will post it.


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Wow lol., the head is like 50% bigger than it should be, but it's easier to make than a latex mask.

For the arms/legs you could use Nylon stockings with hot glue on them.

Wow lol., the head is like 50% bigger than it should be, but it's easier to make than a latex mask.

For the arms/legs you could use Nylon stockings with hot glue on them.


lol yea i know.. with how i designed it for my daughter to see out the mask part just made it big. going to go with it. mutant grunt i guess. lol.. going with it for now. may go back and do the head again later if i have time.
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