Keep your head down, there's two of us in here now

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lol, that is Dennis from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In that particular episode they explored the mystery of "who pooped the bed". Still my favorite episode. Too funny!
OH..Ive only seen a couple of episodes of sunny, I don't care much for Danny Devito, and the only chick on the show (Sweet Dee) is on the high end of ugly. Plus too, the charachters seem like a bunch of malcontents not very likeable. HOWEVER, the episodes where Dee was going out with the retarded rapper and the one where they bought the cop car and pretended they were cops (SERPICO) were pretty funny.
p.s. Yer still a genius
Sure no praise to james for the ideas, only give credit to the engineer guy in the corner with the brains! :-D (j/k btw)

Sure no praise to james for the ideas, only give credit to the engineer guy in the corner with the brains! :-D (j/k btw)

Sorry Jay. Sometimes the shiny things dazzle more than the person that dreams up the shine. But your idea isa truly inspired.
Thanks to all, but no really the credit should go 80+% to Dustin, he truly is good at what he does.

I mention an idea, he makes it work, I make additional suggestions, he knows how to implement them! (pointing finger) You da MAN Dustin, You da man!

Yeah, it's been kind of crazy to see how you've taken suggestions and built them right in. I'm also a layman with electronics so I don't get most of this....BUT it's super cool and very exciting!

The Gang Gets Invincible has to be my favorite so far.

Have you guys watched the IT Crowd before?
Did some current measurements last night. Usage was a LOT lower than expected, from 200 down to 3mA !! Am thinking that lipoly battery would last a few days.

Yay for PWM~!
Got around to putting a few of these together today. I started with the latest design, but I ran out of parts. From what I have on the board so far, it looks REALLY good. The socket has some room on either side, but it doesn't matter. I made the power plates a bit wider. Just cram in the cortana chip any way into the socket and it will power up.

I'll get the socket version finished later this week when I get more parts in.

Video: Insertion Demo

5539623171_a7579c851f_m.jpg 5540095196_b08c33fdc0_m.jpg 5540054488_c3d2ab0fa1_m.jpg
No USB power for now. Running on AAA batteries. by thatdecade, on Flickr


Had some more fun. I did have enough parts to make an older revision. The capacitor powered one. Works well, but is not animated. Blurry demo video!

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100_6470.JPG by thatdecade, on Flickr
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This is made of 100% awesome. I can see that all your hours of work on this are beginning to pay off!

The only thing I can do with lights is "on" and "off". I wish I could do that wonderful fading glow that you have going on.

Looks great and I can't wait to see it completely finished!
Am noticing some improvements I can make in the next revision.

  • Reverse bottom power connector on one side but not the other so when chip is inserted backwards it will still power up.
  • Label EVERYTHING to speed assembly
  • Fix green layer at top of board. In an older revision the silver came all the way to the edge, find out why.
  • Move chip slighty further from the card edge to prevent physical stress.

Enhancements (optional)
  • Allow chip to be inserted both backwards AND upside down
  • Rotate parts on board so they are easier to assemble
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