Custom Reach Armor/ Miscellaneous

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Great Thank you! Here are the pictures i promised




should be on to sanding the excess and bondoing this week. Maybe later because im going snowboarding this weekend :)
From what I can tell on your helmet you didnt resin the outside prior to the Rondo which looks like your getting a ton of warps/dimples that you will be bondo'ing and sanding for a bit to fix. Before you glass/rondo your chest piece run some resin on the outside to stiffen it up so that you can hold all the great details you are creating in the pep stage. Other wise looking very nice!
Will do, i agree with that whole heartedly, but some of the warps were already there due to less than normal pepping haha.
That bondo is looking very nice! Might hafta do that to the top of my helm before I bother painting it all the way. I'm impressed that yer taking on a 89 page pep piece. You have more patience than me sir, I look forward to seein it finished :)
Thanks! and yeah, its going slowly because my computer shut down, and my rearrangements got reset -.-, but anyway, ill be sure to update more.
Nice work. Just remember, as someone already said, a nice thin coat of resin will help your pep bear the weight of whatever you apply to the inside of the piece and keep it from warping, as well as preserve small details. Also, when you go to apply bondo, you need something firm and sandable on the outside. Bondo directly on paper won't do, so make sure to resin the outside before you go to the next stage.
Well guys i forgot to mention that i have most of the armor already pepped, so here are the pics



the last one is both forearms and a surprise recon helm for my little brother
wow!!!! it looks great :D
at first when i was scrolling down the page I started to see a metal shelf type thing and I don't know why but i thought that you put your armor in the dishwasher rack :p
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