Daft Punk Guy-Manuel Build(help?)

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It seems my posts on here are becoming few and far between. However, I return again to post a side project I'm working on, along with my Iron Man suit. It's the Guy-Manuel Daft Punk Helmet! Its the Discography version, released by Dung0Beetle. I'm using my slightly modified unfold of the file for this build.

So far I've gotten to the fiberglassing stage and will be adding the last piece tomorrow and hopefully begin sanding and mudding the same day! I plan on doing a vacuum form visor, much like Mrpinski's, which greatly inspired me to continue working on this project.

As I said it's been awhile since I've posted here and the adding images option seems to have changed again. Could someone tell me how to attach an image to a post? Have quite a few progress pics I'd like to add and on my posting permissions it says I cannot add attachments...odd?

Very nice project!! Daft punk, my favourite band ... :)
To post some pics, the better is to create an album on photobucket. You take the direct link and you put it on the forum. How? Do you see the little pic showing a tree ? Click on and put the link on. Tadam, you'll have your pic :)
Thanks for the heads up on the pic! Also a small update. I put in the last piece of fiberglass today and will be sanding tonight. Mayhaps I will also be pouring some mud :cool





Very nice job on the pep.
I would hate to deal with the symmetry on the large visor pieces but you seem to have it down perfectly.
Yes we do! I need motivation Paul! MOTIVATION!!!! Damn adhd..........
I believe i will try, might fail though at it. BTW, helmets f-ing sexy!

To those wondering: Me and Silvershadow work together, hence the awkwardness XD.
Thanks! On a college visit but am gonna get back to sanding tomorrow! Good luck Kenz with the vacuum forming, I'll let you know of it works out! And thanks for the comments guys!
Yes we do! I need motivation Paul! MOTIVATION!!!! Damn adhd..........
I believe i will try, might fail though at it. BTW, helmets f-ing sexy!

To those wondering: Me and Silvershadow work together, hence the awkwardness XD.
I was wondering. ;-p love your build too.
Lol thanks! Glad you guys are enjoying the build. Mrpinski your build was/is an amazing reference, as well as Volpin's work.

Have a small update today as I've started pouring some rondo in sections onto the visor. I'll post pics once I have a little more worth showing. Quick question though. Currently I'm using 80 grit sand paper on a woodblock to sand down the rondo. Is there a better tool I could use(powersander?) but that wouldnt sand through all my layers too fast? My arm is sore XP

Edit: Ok well my dad introduced me to his power sander today and I think I've found a new favorite toy! Works wonders and don't know how I did it before. But I've poured a couple more sections of rondo and will he sanding tomorrow. I'll need to pick up some more resin too as Ive run out. Should be adding more pics tomorrow!
Thanks dude. Just an FYI,try not to use too much Rondo. It works great, but it is mad heavy!!!! The new helmet that I am building is bigger and actually lighter because I went and used fiberglass inside of it and it makes all the difference!
Lol thanks! Glad you guys are enjoying the build. Mrpinski your build was/is an amazing reference, as well as Volpin's work.

Have a small update today as I've started pouring some rondo in sections onto the visor. I'll post pics once I have a little more worth showing. Quick question though. Currently I'm using 80 grit sand paper on a woodblock to sand down the rondo. Is there a better tool I could use(powersander?) but that wouldnt sand through all my layers too fast? My arm is sore XP

Edit: Ok well my dad introduced me to his power sander today and I think I've found a new favorite toy! Works wonders and don't know how I did it before. But I've poured a couple more sections of rondo and will he sanding tomorrow. I'll need to pick up some more resin too as Ive run out. Should be adding more pics tomorrow!
Yea I'm doing the traditional(or was atleast when I joined) fiberglass on the inside with sanded down layers of rondo on the outside for those lovely curves ;). Staying up late tonight to finish applying all the sections of rondo at once and then do all the sanding on the visor this weekend. Wasn't able to get much of it done in class this week :( so making up for it now at 2:00am! :D
One tip I can give when working with Rondo: using alternating food coloring in your layers is a great way to differentiate when sanding.
It's an excellent means to keep from sanding too far.

@wtfmkr I never thought of dying the rondo different colors but makes sense and think I'll try it when I'm pouring a few layers on the inside.

Here's an update with some pics! Also the reason for the non-rondoed sides is to keep the visor thinner there so that it's easier to cut out.





As some of the pics show I poured the rondo on in sections (about 6 total.) Once that was done it was just a matter of sanding down all the high points and making sure if was curved and smoothed. There is a little bit of touchup work to be done but I'll save that for when I cut out the visor.
UPDATE: I've managed to get quite a bit done today, been working sense I got off school. I've managed to cut out the visor (keeping it thin on the sides helped a ton!), begin rounding the edges of the visor, and start building up the lip on the helmet to hold the visor in place. Think I'll pour a couple more sections before the nights over! Enjoy the pics!





Now that the visor is cut out I'll also start building my vacuum form table, that'll be fun XP
Well I seem to have hit a slight speed bump with my helmet... While I have the entire visor rondoed and smoothed, as well as most of the rest of the helm, the visor is giving m a slight problem.

After smoothing in and checking the fit against the helmet it seem to have bowed out to the sides a bit. It there any way I can somehow bend/shape it back into place? It isnt off by much and I figure I might be able to bend the acetate once it's vacuum formed but would prefer to fix it before hand. :p
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