Update! Since I had to move for 2 days I didn't have time to finish the thing in its entirety but I was able to make it to a small con in sacramento. One of the hilarious moments was standing in a strike pose behind some guys absorved in a Halo game. Gave them a nice surprise when they realized who was behind them 
Gungnir Knees.
I went to Sacanime with the suit held together with hopes and dreams..and tape. I didn't have time for the boots and a gun but I had a fun time at the con with my friends here are the few pics my friend took with their cell
Gungnir Knees.
I went to Sacanime with the suit held together with hopes and dreams..and tape. I didn't have time for the boots and a gun but I had a fun time at the con with my friends here are the few pics my friend took with their cell