EMAW09's Mark VI Bucket

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I was getting a little tired of pepping and resizing pieces for the Noble Six armor so I decided to diverge a little bit. I really wish I would have started with this helmet. It was the easiest thing I have pepped so far.

Some of my buddy's are harassing me about making helmets for them so provided this turns out good I might try my hand at molding. Tips are appreciated.






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Update time...since taking these pictures i added a little spot filler to clean it up a bit. Its coming out much nicer than my first helmet. Next i will be adding a little more rondo to the inside bottom lip for a little more stability and heft. I was also thinking about doing the painting a little different than last time. Does anyone have any good links for blackwashing?




I've got the faceshield all cut out and the gold visor on order from amazon. In the meantime I got bored of looking at a primered helmet so i decided to throw some paint on it and try blackwashing it. It's not the right color of green and I think I went a little overboard on blackwashing, but I think I've got the technique down for when I can either find or mix the right color. Does anyone know a good water based paint for airbrushes that matched the chief?


In Primer


In Primer


Base Coat


Base Coat






Nice paint job. When I saw the base coat I thought "that green is all wrong" but the blackwash makes it look awesome.
I've gotten a couple of PMs asking how I did it so I figured I would post it here on the thread for all to see.

1. I started by airbrushing the base coat, which is pretty standard. The nice thing about water based airbrushing is it doesn't take very long to dry.

2. About 30 minutes later I sprayed strait black onto the lines and tried to dust it over the flat parts.

3. When I first started I waited about 20 seconds and wiped the black away with a blue shop towel. I thought it looked kinda of streaky so I reapplied the black only this time I dabbed the paint off and it looked much better.

4. Another great thing about water based paint is that if you screw up a spot even after it is kind of dry you can wipe it pretty hard and it will almost always come off or at least lighten. After I am all finished I will clear coat it so it's not a regular occurrence.

5. When I get the chance I am going to get some silver and brush it on the edges to make it look worn and then probably black wash over that to dull it a little. I really want to gouge out parts with the dremel and burn it so I can get some heavy damage but I'm a little nervous about messing it up.
It looks really solid, never done this before but I'm going to venture a guess, I think it would look even better if you blackwash it with another color like brown or silver so as to make it look more realistic. You're definitely on the right track.

Looking good man!
New Paintjob. I think this green is more like it. The first set is with the base color, then with blackwash. I also tried to do the accents with foam pieces with and adhesive back and plasti-dip. I thought both of them looked a little cheesy so I am just going to paint it.







The visor isn't mounted yet it's just propped up. I decided I'm going to add another layer of rondo and dremel in all the details instead of doing the foam pieces.



Visor is mounted. I've etched the details in the front and back of the helmet. All that is left is to mount the vents on the front and install some led lights.



it looks nice and clean, but its missing something
i really don't know why, its beautifull, but my gut tells me different

no affence
No lights yet is the main thing. The only other thing I might change are the accents on the left and right sides of the visor and above. I dremeled in the lines and only painted the lines black. The actual mark VI is solid black. I think I will be changing it to do solid black and try to airbrush a little so the lines are more pronounced.

Edit: I also thought about painting the dremeled lines on the visor gold so they stand out a little more. The visor is actually a very good looking gold color but its tough to see from the pictures.
I changed things up a little again. I think it looks a lot more like a master chief mark VI now. I added some foam pads to those accent pieces and it makes them stand out a little more. I also traced the dremel lines on the visor to make them stand out a little more. Not really "chiefish" but it makes them stand out. I might brush on a little black paint to those foam pads. They are a little dull but plasti-dip makes them too bright. I also need to take some pictures with my wife's camera in a little better light. Cell phone pics don't do justice.


I can't seem to leave this thing alone. I really like the look of the bare metal showing through so I decided to repaint with a metallic undercoat and vasaline. I think I left the vasaline on too long because it seemed to be taking some of the silver off and revealing an older green coat underneath in some spots. I still have to blackwash the helmet and add the vents to the front.






Nice job on the paint, It hepls to let the silver paint dry overnight, I found this out on my reach eod, if you apply something like vaseline for the scraped metal look it tend to rub off the silver, but since your going to black wash it, the blackwash will help to hide the areas where the green is showing thru
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