Colonial marines armor

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Jr Member
Hey guys I am making colonial marines armor from the movie Aliens. Please keep in mind that I am 13 years old and this is my first serious pepakura build. Here is a picture of the chest piece and shin gards.


The shins are not made in pep. The files created by Nintendo dude and h1rg0n were far to complicated I have the back piece but it is not done.

Here is the progress on my shoulders.


I also have a puls rifle which is just back up incase I do not have the time to pep one, it is made from two nerf guns and card board.

Looking good so far. It might be my untrained eye, but I don't see any warping. What are you using for hardening? I'm 13 too and I'm too scared to try resin and glass, so I'm using paper mache. Nice use of a Recon and Longshot, by the way.
Looking good so far. It might be my untrained eye, but I don't see any warping. What are you using for hardening? I'm 13 too and I'm too scared to try resin and glass, so I'm using paper mache. Nice use of a Recon and Longshot, by the way.

Thanks. The chest piece and one of the shins is warped, but it is kind of fixed with bondo. Fiber glass resin is only dangerous if you do not where a respirator or gloves, also do it outside in the shade you do not what to have dangerous fumes in your house. You can do hot glue on the inside but in the future if you want to fiberglass, keep in mind that it is basically glass in a cloth or mat form. If I were you I would search this up on YouTube. There are many alternatives. You don't have to use fiberglass resin.

Ok so I have been doing alot of sanding and bond work on my back piece

I have also added some bond onto the shoulders to smooth out the areas that I made the connections with
great work for a first work, and even more of a notice for someone so young!
If I may.
Please take your time, if you arent completely satisfied, take the time to re-make the part. Your end product will look that much better in the end ;)

I have some up dates, I have connected the chest piec to the back piece buy I need more buckles.




Now I have been looking for shoulder lamp files I an I am guessing that they do not exist so I am going to scratch build it. Here it is.





Almost done

Yeah it is almost done. Just needs camp straping and me so I can where it. Other wise updates



They are not great pics but I will probably have more up tomorrow
Lots o updates

Well almost done just need to attatch soulder lamp






Always remember my friends in soviet Russia, armor where's you
Okay so I decided my shins were too small and crappy I am redoing them in...FOAM!
Shins and one part that I don't know what the name is

More parts

These actually fit meh
That's awesome! Me and my buddy want to make some UNSC armour when I get back to GA. We plan on taking some full auto airsoft rifles and using foam or whatnot to look like the Halo CE assault rifle. It was nice to see someone with a similar idea.
That's awesome! Me and my buddy want to make some UNSC armour when I get back to GA. We plan on taking some full auto airsoft rifles and using foam or whatnot to look like the Halo CE assault rifle. It was nice to see someone with a similar idea.

Thanks this is actually from the movie aliens but thanks any way
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