EBK's Warhammer 40k Terminator armour w/ Power fist/Assault Cannon (pic heavy)

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Ecchi Baka Kon

New Member
Hey 405!

Ecchi here, as i've finally managed to get a account of my own and get it activated i'm finally allowed to pop in here and post my build!

about 8 months ago a group of chinese cosplayers posted this photo up



As you can see my mind was blown, and the terminator on the left particularly left an impression on me. And thus i was envied and my inner childhood demanded than i get one, thus i started drawing plans and envisioned how i was going to go about it

this project started in about febuary, normally i would just cruise about it but in April i recently discovered that the Australian Supanova Popculture convention was happening in june, This natrually made me panic, as i've never been to one and i wanted to go, and if your going to go to a convention you'd have to cosplay, and since i've always wanted to cosplay but never had a chance to this was the perfect occasion, this has now put me into overspeed as i now have about 30 days left to finish it. Enjoy my journey as i regularly post up updates as i go.

As you can see, i'm a total newb, i have never build anything in my life and this is the first time i've build anything, worked with foam so its a little messy but i am learning many things as i go on!

For starters, my good friend Combust (also a member here) recommended that i start with a card board version as a size guide, so with a stack of cardboard and duct tape, i got my self into a frenzy


So now with the cardboard done it was time for the Helmet!

so i googled around for a picture of a terminator helmet and this little gem popped up

and since if i use photo that is not mine i have to give credit, and right now i am slamming my head into the table as i just realised that this helmet was done by none other than our own Mr thorsolli, albeit off his website http://protagonist4hire.blogspot.com.au/p/project-portfolio.html

So here is my Awsome duck face :D

My Quick little prototype i stiched up for size guide and get a feel

and here is my progress as the helmet slowly comes together



A few more pieces cut out and assemebled



For this bit i tried to go in one piece but totally failed, as both sides are not symetrical, much to my chargrin xD


3 hours later and 3 tries, i got it right ish...., doing 1 side was too hard so i decided to go halves


Here is the viewing port where i'll look out.


Second piece was a lot was alot easier and took only 1 hours as opposed to 3




/palm, glued it on the wrong side should be above...how fail, guess we all got to go through it once


All glued together for some awsomeness



Prototype and final copy

big difference eh? cardboard one got hacked up to trace for size


to add- targeting eye piece, ears and mouth/view port front

but i've had enough with the helmet hence break time (time taken 25 hours ish)
and here it is mostly complete,

i am aware that the front of the chest should be more curved, however due to some error in my measurements and judgement, it was too short, and since i did not want to fork out another 80 dollars to get the foam to redo, i improvised, and it doesnt look too bad in my opinion. not exactly like the cannon terminator armour, but meh, close enough




as you can see, the top left pannel is slightly bent =\ it was 3mm too long -sigh- but too late since its all glued together, i'll find a way to make it straight...i hope


lots of gaps, but a bit of filler and sanding :D and paint, hopefully you wont notice the seams....nts STOP USING SO MUCH GLUE urgh


looking sexy :D but i'm holding it a bit too high


tilted foward a little too much

Q_Q foam y u 3mm too long
For the one vent panel, you could paint it up as battle damage, as through you took a xeno/Chaos hit in the back.
So did a bit of work, was sick on the week end, down with a mild case of pneumonia

started on the pauldrons and here are a few proto types and to get a feel for it






so here we are, i've made a rough copy of the pauldron on some of the foam once again to get the feel of it, the final copy was originally planned to use a thicker softer foam to make them, how ever after some brain storming i've decided to go for a new approach and build up the foam frame work for the pauldrons and overlay it with a thin soft layer of foam (the one i used for my helmet) that way it should be a much lighter and seamless, (will be doing this in a few hours of this post)

here it is roughly the size :D oh btw i'm a rather tall asian, 183cm (6"00") so this suit is estimated to end up at 2.5m (8"2)ish.....


I can confirm the amount of work Ecchi is putting into this! Rock on man. Ill try and hunt down the power fist builds for you to check out.
I am very impressed man! Excellent nay, OUTSTANDING work for a foam build! I'm hoping you have some sort of plan for the height complications? When myself and my friend were working on his Bumblebee costume, we made stilt-raises with extra foam and sheet metal to give him a boost, and with the boots on the Terminator, I suspect you could easily pull that off. Another thing you might want to look into is an animatronic hand. These can be built from PVC, springs, and metal cable. Basically you just joint together a hand, set springs on the knuckles and fingertips, and wire the cable through, connecting it to your hand. It may sound complicated, but if done right, you might be able to complete the hand, and be able to position each finger individually. Hope you take this into consideration, and way to go!
oh the height thing was easy, i have a pair of gum boots and then 3 layers of thick polystrene foam to boost up the height, as for the animatronics i could do it, provided that i have enough time, mr combust is a expert at that and i could possibly draft him in to help me, but alas i have 27 days left to finish this suit so we'll see how it goes :D
hmmmm it seems i havent posted anything in a while and i appologise for that as i been so busy and stressed out about the terminator suit, as i have to go over seas for 11 days tommorow and when i come back, only have 4 days before i go to the supanova convention

it seems i may not be able to make it in time, but non the less here are some photo's on my progress










Ive been a warhammer player since i was 12, so ill always have a love for the space marines, but terminators are the absolute bada$$'s of the space marine, and you sir are doing is absolue justice. Bulky and aggresive. i will be following this closely. Keep it up buddy.
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