ok loving this build so far
subscribe CHECK
but as my opinion i think your sholders are a little small, but hey i wouldn't be any good at scratch building anyway
I agree with you bro. I dont have time to redo them, but it will be something i will do in the future.
Dude, this is turning out gorgeous!
You are a true inspiration to all the foamers out there

Keep up the good work!
Thanks man! Its you 405thers that inspired me to do this!
$hit this looks epic
This should be in the elite showcase!
i smell this moving to Elite soon
I hope so! it would be a dream come true!
Hey you combined the ab plate with the cup peice now u have less protection.
Actually i have more? there is no gap between the torso and the cod... Less protection from what?
Hey I'm curious as to what you used for the color of your visor. I know you can buy gold visors, but I've never seen anyone use a color like yours.
As i said before in this thread, "I used an amber bubble visor, dremeled out the detail, then mirror chromed that bad boy! i love the way it is looking!"
Boots are made and need to be battledamaged.
Lower legs are made and need to be plasti dipped, painted, and the webbing still needs to be added.
The knee cap needs to be also made.
The upper "hip" part of the upper leg is in the foam stage and needs detail, plastidip, webbing, and paint. this upper hip is sticking out too much when i have it on so i will have to come up with an idea on how to strap it "skin tight" to my leg. but the upper legs have buckles and the strapping system is all ready to go!
I have a unique way to keep the lower legs from twirling around. it keeps em looking right and attached to the boot, but i will show you guys that later!
and now for the pics!!!!
Let me know what you think!