My Halo 4 Solider buid

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Jr Member
I really wanted to put together a Halo 4 armor,but I didn't want to be another master chief so i started to do the "Solider helmet" , then I'll move on to the chest piece then arms and legs...
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Nice job so far can't wait to see more work from you. And I know what you mean about not wanting to be another Master Chief. Good luck on the rest of your build.
I still need to install the lights and fan(s), but i got padding in it already, It can come out easy, but now its on to the chest piece.
Really nice Your pep work looks really clean. Just 1 question, Did you use fiberglass or another method for the inside of the helmet?
I wated to make it relly strong plus keep all of the detail, and the painting was a pain bt it paid offf, thank you again

I heard a way to strengthen it to make it almost indestructible. Another member on the site, Katsu, had told me to do it like this, from outside in:
Bondo-->resin-->Pepakura/cardstock<--Resin(optional)<--rondo<--fiberglass<--fiberglass<--rondo<--your head
this is actually really cool. ive only seen pictures of that helmet in blue before so the yellow really caught my attention. it reminds me alot of bumblebee haha. the battle damage you did makes you look like youve been to hell and back several times. good job dude!
Good job so far btw i really like the details with the paint it looks VERY realistic
Oh yeah, just wondering will the chest be foam or pepakura because i haven't seen a Spartan IV chest yet if it is pep could you put up a link plz
WOW! That is a beautiful build! How is this on the noob forum if you have such a great skill at this? Your smoothening is just so clean, I am impressed
WOW! That is a beautiful build! How is this on the noob forum if you have such a great skill at this? Your smoothening is just so clean, I am impressed
hoestly this is my third helmet i made so far, my first one didn't come outso good, the second one was pretty cool and the third one looks like bumble bee,lol, is my best, and I canonly get better...
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