halo 4 hand (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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Active Member
hi guys and gals.

i'm currently trying to make some halo 4 hands. i think of sculpting the finger armor, or 3d printing it (when my printer finally arrives :) )

i have created some templates, and I have photoshopped them together to see how it looks.

feel free to use these for yourself or edit them,
maybe you can make them better, so I can use yours :p

template for hand and thumb:

paint.net creation :)

and with quick made handplate:

feel free to suggest some improvements

looks awesome!!!!

alright, this is the list of what i'm going to do next.

- first i'm going to do the under armor:
- find the right size
- print in paper to see if it's right :p
- use the paper as template to cut in leather
- glue and knit the leader to my gloves

- secondly (if my 3d printer eventually arives) i will print out the finger armor
- (i could do this in foam first like ACDCrockr209 has done. to see how it looks)

- and lastly make the hand plate
-i think cnc it in foam and then vacuuform will be the best for this.

special note!!!
as you can see in the pic, the index finger has the same strip of armor at both sides
(this is for you ACDCrocker :p)
Which printer did you order?

the creatr from leapfrog, it's from holland (neighbour country)
it has a really big surface, and nice design, it looks better than the replicator from makerbot,
i think it has the same extrusion, but a bigger build-surface
Under Armor Update

i have scaled the under armor to my fitting and i think i have the right combination :)

i printed it out in paper and taped it on my glove:



then i used the paper as a template to cut it out of foam.



but i don't think this is a good idea, so my next step is to cut them out in leather and sew them on

any suggestion for the colors?
i think i will make them cyan just like my mark VI armor. or blue. or ...

more pictures here: http://s394.photobucket.com/albums/pp23/kakjoe/halo 4 hand/
after the misfortune

after the foam underarmor i made a board with little haxagons in a plastic sheet:

i also painted a piece of cloth blue:

then i tried to use the plastic sheet as a stamp to make the little blue lines.
thas was a huge mistake, it didn't work...

so now i'm going to focus a little more on the finger armor,
i printed them out in paper and here's the result:


here are all the templates togheter:

next step: make the armor out of foam.
make the under armor, i think i will get a piece of darkblue cloth, iron the hexagons on with some t-shirt stickers (i will explain in next post :p) and sew them on the gloves.

photobucket is being a bitch, for more pictures, folow the link: http://s394.photobucket.com/albums/pp23/kakjoe/halo 4 hand/

special note!!!
as you can see in the pic, the index finger has the same strip of armor at both sides
(this is for you ACDCrocker :p)
These gloves look like they are real skin-tight... what brand of gloves did you use?

I searched good ol' Google for a bit and found black nitril gloves... Would those be any good? :cool
Looks very cool, what machine do you use for the Hexagons? looks like some sort of CNC-milling machine...
Good luck with the rest of your glove build!


it is indeed an cnc milling machine
These gloves look like they are real skin-tight... what brand of gloves did you use?

I searched good ol' Google for a bit and found black nitril gloves... Would those be any good? :cool
my gloves are running gloves, very thin and warm, from decathlon (a sports supermarket) i think the fabric is lycra
nitril gloves are like a balloon, you can't sew on them, so i don't think those will be good, but you can always try :p

thanks for the comments guys, i really appreciate it
yay 405th is back online, and i have a lot of progress to post :)

i can't post all the pics, but here's the link to my photobucket with all the glorious pics: http://s394.photobucket.com/albums/pp23/kakjoe/halo 4 hand/

step 1, the under armor:
with a cnc plotter i made a lot of haxagons on t-shirt plastic (the kind you have to iron on a shirt) and ironed that on a dark blue sheet of lycra.

then i cutted it out with the templates
and glued them on my gloves (there is a lot of glue, i know :( )

pic time 1:








step 2, the finger armor

i made them out of foam, just like ACDCRockr did, but i didn't make the fingertips yet because those will need to be in hard plastic so i can go around my finger.

then i also glued them on.

final result:

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