GhostDude's ODST WIP (Pic Heavy)

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New Member
Hello 405th, GhostDude here to show you my progress on my ODST armor. I have been working on it for a while but at the very slow pace. I do like to take pictures so be prepared for it. Hopefully I can get advice from you all as I go on from here.
I would like to give a big thank you to Hugh for his pep files because I am going to be making almost everything with his files. I still have not picked which helmet I want to do but that's alright because I plan on making the helmet last on this project.

The parts im going to be making are:
-Chest Assets
-Chest Core
-Belt Buckle
-Front Hip Plate
-Hip Plate
-Fanny Pack
-Thigh Armor
-Boot Cover

Im starting with the chest and work my way to the limbs then the helmet.
First thing I started pepping is the Chest Core Assets. Was really excited to start that I even took a photo mid way. :p

After completing the chest and the ab part, I completely forgot that parts of it needed to be held together. Lucky I live kinda close to an office supply store and got clips for cheap.

Getting close to finishing the whole set. The look of it got me more motivated.

Had a couple more pictures but afraid to post too much on the first post.
The next I started to pep was the Chest core, but started to think if I should make that part out of foam.
Too much pictures? Nah!!! I have to say VERY good job on your first build! Can't wait to see what comes next! And don't worry about too many pic's really, post away!

Too much pictures? Nah!!! I have to say VERY good job on your first build! Can't wait to see what comes next! And don't worry about too many pic's really, post away!

Thanks! Im taking my time with it since it had so many small details. Trying to get everything as close to perfect as I can.

Starting the Chest Core, the amount of pages is intimidating.:(
Watching things on Netflix to help the time go by but also slowed me down.

Finishing the front half took longer than I thought, was also starting to wonder if a foam core would be better.

Just testing to see how it looks together.

Rather then starting on the back half of the Chest Core, I noticed I don't really have a proper place to store all these peps. So I started to harden the Chest Assets, that way I can stack them and not worry about the paper getting smashed.
It also gave me time to think if I should continue to pep the Chest Core or change it to foam.
After thinking about it for a while I decided to go with the foam core.
Figured it will be a much faster build than pepping and if I didn't like it I can go back.
I printed out the main things I needed for the core, only the right side since i just flip the paper around to trace the left side, and started to trace them on to the foam.


I tried using scissors but it didn't give me the sharpness I wanted on the edges, so I only used the x-acto knife.


Putting them together with hot glue, trying my best to keep it clean looking.


Using a dremel I made the indent on the back.



Testing to see how it looks with the other chest parts. Do you guys think the sizes are right?
You are doing a fine good job on your odst armor. Now im no expert on odst armor and its supposed to look but i think it looks like it will fit on your foam core chest quite nicely. Have you tried it on to see if it fits you yet?
You are doing a fine good job on your odst armor. Now im no expert on odst armor and its supposed to look but i think it looks like it will fit on your foam core chest quite nicely. Have you tried it on to see if it fits you yet?

Since the Core was still one piece, I was not able to try it on. I was thinking of a way I can put this on. I could already squeeze into it but my head could not fit in the top hole.

So I made a weird choice to cut straight down the front of it and putting it on like you would a vest. It's not a straight cut as I would like it to be but it will do.
It seems like the best place to make it to me, I didn't want to make a cut on the back because people would see it. Cutting the side shoulder parts would make putting it together not line up as good as it is a single piece. With the front, most of the cut mark would be covered up by the Chest Assets and the only cut that can be seen is the little neck area.
I have not seen anyone done it this way yet and hope it works great for me. Or maybe there is a reason why no one does it and I have a failed core. :confused
Also I gave it a few coats with Plasti Dip spray.


Trying it on!


This seems to be my problem, all that extra space.

As an experiment I wanted to make this thing close with magnets, here is what I got.




I think it worked out alright. I didn't have any magnets left for the top part but hopefully when I do it will close up nicely.

I would like to get your opinions on this. Did I make a big mistake with the front cut? And what do you think of my magnets?
Feel free to give me advices, comments, and say anything really.
It would be greatly appreciated! :D Stay awesome 405th!
I might be outspoken on this, but I call myself pretty experienced with foam. One of the issues that you might encounter with your foam-fut on the front is the factor of gradual-stretching. I think this is a term I made up when working on the juggernaut, but foam seems to hold in energy (stretching, bending) and store it for periods of time, before deciding to expel it. Although it seems imaginary, what may happen is your foam might decide to just randomly open-up at an un-opportune moment. the reason many people decide to make the cuts on the sides is that they are much-less visible. Not saying that your cut is bad, it it just in "public real-estate. Some easy back-ups could be to hide a parachute buckle (or two) inside your chest plate or bumper-pad (the plate on top of it) to help keep-it closed.

I was also looking at the gap in the chest core, and You could probably neutralize that by cutting an inch or two off of the mid-section (under the arms) if you wanted a closer fit, be aware though as that will get in the way of your measurements for all attachments related to the side of the ODST core. Good luck, and ask if you have any more questions!
What I did to fix the bulkiness problem was just cut a little a few inches from the are under your arms, just like this guy^^ is saying. Worked pretty well for me, It'll probably work well for you as well.

If you want, check out my build for some tips!
subscribed! can't wait to see how this turns out. i'm keeping an eye out for this one. keep up the good work. you are making some good progress there. :)
I might be outspoken on this, but I call myself pretty experienced with foam. One of the issues that you might encounter with your foam-fut on the front is the factor of gradual-stretching. I think this is a term I made up when working on the juggernaut, but foam seems to hold in energy (stretching, bending) and store it for periods of time, before deciding to expel it. Although it seems imaginary, what may happen is your foam might decide to just randomly open-up at an un-opportune moment. the reason many people decide to make the cuts on the sides is that they are much-less visible. Not saying that your cut is bad, it it just in "public real-estate. Some easy back-ups could be to hide a parachute buckle (or two) inside your chest plate or bumper-pad (the plate on top of it) to help keep-it closed.

I was also looking at the gap in the chest core, and You could probably neutralize that by cutting an inch or two off of the mid-section (under the arms) if you wanted a closer fit, be aware though as that will get in the way of your measurements for all attachments related to the side of the ODST core. Good luck, and ask if you have any more questions!

First off I would like to say your Juggernaut is looking awesome, I like how you used Rivets for more details.
Also I think im going to go with the parachute buckle idea to make sure the core stays closed. Thanks friend. :)

What I did to fix the bulkiness problem was just cut a little a few inches from the are under your arms, just like this guy^^ is saying. Worked pretty well for me, It'll probably work well for you as well.

If you want, check out my build for some tips!

Planning on doing it, just not too sure when.
Great ODST you got so far.

Dude! This is looking righteous so far, keep it up! I will be watching :)
subscribed! can't wait to see how this turns out. i'm keeping an eye out for this one. keep up the good work. you are making some good progress there. :)

Thanks, hopefully I get more done soon. My leave ends soon and I go back to work in a couple days and won't have that much time to work on this.
But I'll be updating as I go. :cool
Excellent work on the Chest Base!

That is some very clean work you did with the foam and I really like the split front. Definitely a new way to go about it!

Keep thinking out of the box! Its always good to see another Trooper joining the ranks of the ODST!

Nice Build so far ! Could you inform me about the Blueprints you used to get the Chest base done ?
Can i find them on the 405th ?
On the visible parts where the front seam shows through you could make a couple craft foam pieces and glue one side and a magnet on the other kind of like a flap. Might want to re-enforce your seams too anywhere it beds when you open it up to put it on.

Side not I have that same ceramic batman coffee cup on my desk too. Can't wait to see more.
Guys make sure to look at the last date the reply was, this thread is 4 years dead :(
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