Grrr! We're freelancers! Red vs Blue WIP

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New Member
Hello 405th!
I've been lurking around the forums for a while and figured it's about time I started a thread on my own project.
A few months ago a few friends and I decided that we need halo armour for the next Supanova expo.
We're all huge fans of Red vs Blue so, as the thread title suggests, we decided to go as our favourite freelancers from the series.

I'm going as Agent Tex, my friend Nicole (405th name bubblycarolina) is going as Agent Carolina and our partners Kristian and Jason are going as Agents Maine and Washington.

The amour/weapons we'll be making are:

Mk VI armour, dual weilding M6G magnums

Mk VI armour with a Rogue helmet and Recon chest & biceps. Dual weilding M6G magnums.

Agent Maine was a headache as he is seen in 3 different sets of armour throughout the series: 1)Agent Maine 2)Agent Maine after implantation with the Sigma AI and 3)Meta (rawr!)
We are making the 2nd armour set so we're going with Mk VI amour with an EVA helmet, Security biceps and an as yet unidentified chest attachment. Naturally Maine will be wielding a Brute Shot (knifle)

Mk VI Amrour with either a battle rifle or sniper rifle.

For a bit over two months Nicole and I pepped, whinged about pepping, pepped, cried about pepping and then pepped some more until FINALLY the 4 suits were done.
As it stands now we've pretty much finished resining everything and we've begun the bondo phase.

Initially we had hoped to have the armour completed for Brisbane Supanova (November 2012) but it looks like we'll be aiming for Supanova Gold Coast instead (April 2013)
Anyway, the important stuff: photos! nothing amazing to show yet just some random progress shots, everything is still a WIP.
Ignore any size testers, everything was pepped in high res.

Comments and critiques welcome.
Cheers :)







Hey and welcome . Wow you started this thread with an amazing progress and your work is outstanding !!!

U have a clean build so far . And you got my heart with the rogue helmet :D im surely following this thread from now oN!

Beginning at the end, eh? It's pretty freakin beautiful! Why are you just posting progress now? That brute shot! Ooooohhh...
Did you fiberglass everything on the inside? It looks awesome! Good to have another Tex around!
Thanks, it's all glassed and stranded on the inside. I still need to go through and trim off all the overhang actually. RvB ftw!
Dang Man! you are working really fast, very clean so far!
Can't wait to see how fast you get these all done!
Thanks so much guys :) starting this thread has been a real motivator. Not a lot to report, I've been working on getting the ab plate right on my (Tex) chest peice, I know a lot of people make this a seperate piece to the chest but it just made more sense to me to make it as one (one less thing to hang maybe?) There's still a lot of work to be done on this area and I'm thinking about adding some physical battle damage to it also. Thoughs?

Also I've attached an updated pic of the Recon (Carolina) chest that bubblycarolina has been working on.

Looks like we'll be putting in a full day of work tomorrow so watch this space ;)

Also does anyone out there have an ID for the chest attachment that Maine has in the screengrab below?




Apologies for the dodgy phone pics, I'll pull out the dslr next time
Scout chest piece in the picture (with EVA shoulders).
I believe Sutekhian did a chest attachment for it a while back, and it was re-released recently, but you might have to do a bit of digging and searching to find it. I'm too lazy to do it right now.
Hey, thanks for that, I thought it was scout but some dodgy google image results led me astray. The shoulders are security though :) Thanks again, I'll see if I can find the pep you mentioned.
Finally, someone is actually doing an idea that i've had for ages but i haven't done anything about it because i don't have the resources and time to do it, i'm glad to see some other Australians on the 405th and if i see you at Goldcoast supanova 2013, i want to get a photo with all of you.
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