Well-Known Member
And now. . . . . I will do this. . . . . . .

First off. . . This will be and is a WIP Thread. I didn't title it that way due to a lack of any pics to put in the first posts since I've yet to actually start. I'm waiting for certain things that have been and will be ordered to come in so I can start. I figured I’d try to get all my rambling that I tend to do out of the way and get something up on here so that I’ll stop saying I’ll be starting in a couple of weeks. . . . LOL! Maybe putting this up as a thread will actually make me start and get me motivated to share what I come up with.
That being said. . . . .
Yippee!!!!!!! I Finally get to start my own build
INTRO and a little background info for those who don’t know me
My interest with this all started with My Son's Noble Spartan build for this past Halloween. After researching all of this for him, I decided to make plans for a build of my own. Seeing how all of my reference to date has mostly been on Noble 6 for my son's armor build, that's who I'm going to start with. Reading everything about Halo that I have, I really began to enjoy the story line behind everything. Knowing what I know now about the story behind Reach being where it all began, I thought it would be fitting for my first build to be from a character at the beginning. With Noble 6 that was thrown into the mess with Noble Team in the beginning, it seemed appropriate.
I want to put this out there for everyone that hasn’t read through my son’s build thread. . . . I haven't played Halo yet. Not that I don’t plan to at some point. . .
So, I'm not "in love" with any particular character. I am partial to the information that I found on all of Noble Team though and their mission.
My plan for this build is to make a set of Mjolnir Armor and an undersuit as game accurate as possible. A fairly complicated task when you don't have 24 hour access to the game. Did I mention I don't even have an Xbox?!?!?! My line of thinking is. . . If you're going to do it, you might as well dive head first all in and fail miserably while trying to do it right the first time. . . .
I've done countless of hours of research about pepakura and Halo since my son came to me at the beginning of the year wanting something built for him. I’ve learned a lot since I embarked on that journey, and on this one I will have a lot more to learn with what I have planned. I've found some screen shots on the internet to go off of, but have finally found a friend that has Halo and was able to get multiple screen shots of Noble 6 sent to me for reference recently.
All of that being said, I plan to start with the undersuit. I will have to do the Torso, Biceps and Cod as the first pep pieces because my undersuit is dependent upon where these pieces will sit so I can get all the detailing in the right places. I will be trying my best to learn a new skill to make the undersuit with the hopes of turning out the most game accurate undersuit I possibly can. The process I'll be using to make the undersuit will be similar to what I've found on the Hunter's Lair that others have used to make Predator Suit skins. Except I won't be using a Mr. Incredible costume as a base.
Once portions of the undersuit are done, I'll be able to start the pep process for other parts so that they fit the undersuit properly. I'm going to try to make the undersuit so that it supports the pieces like the Biceps and Thighs so MAYBE I can avoid having to use a strapping system to hold those parts in their proper place. However, strapping is not out of the equation at this moment since I don’t know if my ideas running around in my head will work. The undersuit will take me some time to do, because I'm by no means a special FX artist. I'll be learning as I go, and despite my ranking on this site being an Infantryman, I still feel like a Noob. I'm sure that I will make a lot of mistakes along the way that will have to be fixed since there isn't a pattern or anything that I've been able to find of any of the undersuit. What I've learned and need to learn will definitely be tested on this build, but I look forward to the challenge. Especially since I haven’t seen an undersuit made like this so far. If anyone knows of anyone making or that has made an undersuit like this for Halo, please let me know so I can try to contact them.
I will do my best to show all of my work, mistakes and /or fixes during this build so that it can be shared with the rest of the 405th community to help whoever may be following along with me in some way. I've learned so much from the other talented builders on this site that I feel it is a responsibility to do that so maybe something I do can help someone else. Again, I'd like to extend my gratitude and thanks for everyone on this site. . . Noobs, Veterans, the talented 3D artists and people that unfold the 3D files for all of us here to use and everyone that helped me during my son’s build in some way. Whether it was suggestions or just comments to keep me motivated. Without them and this very unique and supportive community of the 405th, builds like my son's and now mine, would most likely not be possible.
At this particular junction in my life, I do not have a deadline set for the completion of this suit. My only hope is that is done before Halloween 2013. I have no doubts right now that I will be able to make a set of armor by that time, but you never know. I’m looking into any cons that may be in Texas that I can go to next year, but I am not going to rush through this build for any one special event. I really want to be able to take my time and produce the best possible product that I can.
I will be reserving the first few posts so that I can keep this build thread better organized to show files, progression /current state of build photos and show what I’ll be up to in the beginning of this thread as well. I’ve tried to do as much prep work in the starting of this thread that I could to help make it easier on everyone. Please bear with me on that.
First off. . . This will be and is a WIP Thread. I didn't title it that way due to a lack of any pics to put in the first posts since I've yet to actually start. I'm waiting for certain things that have been and will be ordered to come in so I can start. I figured I’d try to get all my rambling that I tend to do out of the way and get something up on here so that I’ll stop saying I’ll be starting in a couple of weeks. . . . LOL! Maybe putting this up as a thread will actually make me start and get me motivated to share what I come up with.
Yippee!!!!!!! I Finally get to start my own build
INTRO and a little background info for those who don’t know me
My interest with this all started with My Son's Noble Spartan build for this past Halloween. After researching all of this for him, I decided to make plans for a build of my own. Seeing how all of my reference to date has mostly been on Noble 6 for my son's armor build, that's who I'm going to start with. Reading everything about Halo that I have, I really began to enjoy the story line behind everything. Knowing what I know now about the story behind Reach being where it all began, I thought it would be fitting for my first build to be from a character at the beginning. With Noble 6 that was thrown into the mess with Noble Team in the beginning, it seemed appropriate.
I want to put this out there for everyone that hasn’t read through my son’s build thread. . . . I haven't played Halo yet. Not that I don’t plan to at some point. . .
My plan for this build is to make a set of Mjolnir Armor and an undersuit as game accurate as possible. A fairly complicated task when you don't have 24 hour access to the game. Did I mention I don't even have an Xbox?!?!?! My line of thinking is. . . If you're going to do it, you might as well dive head first all in and fail miserably while trying to do it right the first time. . . .
All of that being said, I plan to start with the undersuit. I will have to do the Torso, Biceps and Cod as the first pep pieces because my undersuit is dependent upon where these pieces will sit so I can get all the detailing in the right places. I will be trying my best to learn a new skill to make the undersuit with the hopes of turning out the most game accurate undersuit I possibly can. The process I'll be using to make the undersuit will be similar to what I've found on the Hunter's Lair that others have used to make Predator Suit skins. Except I won't be using a Mr. Incredible costume as a base.
I will do my best to show all of my work, mistakes and /or fixes during this build so that it can be shared with the rest of the 405th community to help whoever may be following along with me in some way. I've learned so much from the other talented builders on this site that I feel it is a responsibility to do that so maybe something I do can help someone else. Again, I'd like to extend my gratitude and thanks for everyone on this site. . . Noobs, Veterans, the talented 3D artists and people that unfold the 3D files for all of us here to use and everyone that helped me during my son’s build in some way. Whether it was suggestions or just comments to keep me motivated. Without them and this very unique and supportive community of the 405th, builds like my son's and now mine, would most likely not be possible.
At this particular junction in my life, I do not have a deadline set for the completion of this suit. My only hope is that is done before Halloween 2013. I have no doubts right now that I will be able to make a set of armor by that time, but you never know. I’m looking into any cons that may be in Texas that I can go to next year, but I am not going to rush through this build for any one special event. I really want to be able to take my time and produce the best possible product that I can.
I will be reserving the first few posts so that I can keep this build thread better organized to show files, progression /current state of build photos and show what I’ll be up to in the beginning of this thread as well. I’ve tried to do as much prep work in the starting of this thread that I could to help make it easier on everyone. Please bear with me on that.
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