Props GOW Boltok by TheBearMan

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Hey guys!

So I'm painfully aware that I have yet to finish my GOW Marcus build, but since school has gotten in the way I decided to make the best of a bad situation, and made myself a Boltok for a final project!

We were given the choice of what we wanted to do and since it was a fabricating class (and i had the entire university shop at my disposal!) i went with making a Boltok to accompany my armor when its finally finished. The piece is completely static (meaning no moving parts) and I tried to make it as game accurate as possibe. That being said I am on a very short time frame so this piece has been put together in A WEEK!

Now for the pictures, (sorry for the bad quality hopefully ill have better ones soon)


So there is some detail work left to do and some sanding.

Tell me what you think guys, I will be molding this project and making casts. My question is if i make a few pulls would anyone be interested in buying a copy? Not sure yet if i feel its good enough to sell so your input would be really helpfull.

Aw come on guys, nothing? give me a little feed back here. I appreciate all comments and constructive criticism!

Now fro a quick a quick update,

I got the final detail piece onto the gun, and have started t seal it with some plasti dip. Next step after sealant will be to mold it!

Keep an eye out because updates are going to be coming in quick succession!
Looks good, no problems that I can see and the detailing is flawless. Edges might need to be a little more crisp though.
That looks great! Any plans to cast it? I can't wait to see it painted!!
Thanks Jedi!

Yes the plan is to cast it, in fact thats part of the project! Im going to be molding it in the next few days, then within the week we should see the first cast off it!!

Stay tuned as I said the updates are going to come in almost by the day!

Thanks Tyvern!

I appreciate the input! I do see what you mean about the lines, but due to the time crunch I'm not going to be able to fix that part. The good news is once its cast and painted the handle will be wrapped in a leather cord as seen in the game.

Now for some more pictures,

The last detail was added yesterday and I just finished sealing it this morning...





Well there it is! (and may i add that this has been a nerve wracking process in order to transport this weapon on and off of a college campus, i keep waiting to be tackled by campus police!!!)

Let me know what you think guys, and thank you for the input thus far I do really appreciate it!!

Thanks Tyvern!

Yea I believe the only other boltok i have seen was made by Propcustomes. Though mine pales in comparison to his lol.
Hello again!

Time for a quick update! So I got the piece encased in clay and the mold box around it over the weekend. Today after some deliberation as to the right amount of rubber needed (due to an how many art majors do you need to figure out a measurement moment) the first half of the mold has been poured. Tomorrow I will be going in and breaking it out then pouring the second half. Hopefully we will see this sucker cast in plastic by the end of the week!!

And a quick shot before i poured the rubber...

Thanks again for the comments and input guys, keep it coming!

Thank you again Tyvern!

So at this moment I am sitting in school right after breaking the mold out and have come to discover that we do not have enough rubber to complete the mold >_< !

In light of this I will now have to go order my own rubber as well as smooth cast in order to finish this project. Gota love state schools folks, you pay your tuition and lab fees yet you still end up spending a fortune on top of that!

Well sorry bout the rant just needed to get that out. I should be placing my order tonight and hopefully will be up and running again in a few days.

Thanks for the continued support and comments!
Update time,

So my smooth on products came in and i finished the other half of the mold. But today i suffered a bit of a set back, I went to cast and poured the smooth cast in but when i pulled the mold it turned out that i had some serious air entrapment (i did consider this possibility but i was hoping by properly agitating the mold i would avoid it). Anyway the cast picked up the detail but because of the air bubbles im missing the bottom half of the gun.

Here are some pictures,


Well there it is, im going to cut some air vents in and try again.

Thanks Kwanmeninja!

And yes the plan is to sell a couple casts, just have to work on pricing and making a few more casts.

So now for an update!

I did a little cutting on that messed up cast from yesterday, and this is where its at right now,

And now for take two on the cast!


the only problem i had with it was the barrel got a little warped in the casting process, havnt decided if i want to leave it as is or try to build it up...

Well there it is folks, now i just have to fix up a few things and throw some paint on it!

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