My new home, the noob forum (first build)

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I began making a Halo 4 MC helmet recently to have a go at costuming which caught my eye a while back because it is quite awesome. I did a lot of research, got myself some card stock, some new x-acto blades, and began. I scaled the helmet to around 310 mm which I got from all the scaling threads and things were going quite well if I do say so myself (especially since I was doing it all with a broken wrist and a cast). I did quite a bit and thought it might turn out a little big and thought to myself oh well I'll find out soon enough, and soon enough I did. Like many people on their first build the scaling was quite off and the helmet is a little larger than anticipated. Here are some pictures you can't quite tell how large it is unless you view it from the side and see all the space there is behind my head.




The picture quality isn't exactly the best, but I have now decided to start over and this time I will be attempting the Halo 4 recon by monkeyfuj that was unfolded by spartansonny which looks like a clean pep file. I'm not exactly sure who unfolded the MC helmet I did to start with but it was quite HD which I wasn't necessarily a fan of. If anyone has scaling advice for a recon helmet ( seems like an odd thing to scale due to it being a bit rounder than most helmets) it would be quite appreciated I plan to start in the next few days. I wear hat size of about 7 5/8 if that helps or if anyone with a similar size has done a recon helmet could tell me what they scaled theirs to it would be greatly appreciated.


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I don't have much info for scaling anything individually. I do suggest though that you find a piece you really like and be prepared to make it a few different times until you find a scale that suits you.
Yeah, my original intention was to build either a MC or Recon helmet and After this attempt I am ready to do some trial and error on the recon.
well hey there, glad to see you are gonna work on that beauty by monkeyfuj. i scaled the helmet at 310 wide due to the fact that the narrow point by your ears inside of the helmet is around 225mm, or about 8.8 inches which is what you would need for some padding added in there with the size of your head. i did the same scale on my spartan warrior helmet and it does well on that one also. this doesn't hold true for all helmets but this one in particular it does. mY head is the same hat size as yours, so I imagine this might work out pretty well for you. let me know how it goes or if you need any help at all :) welcome to the 405th btw!
That looks real good :D
310mm does seem a little big, but whatever fit you're head is fine ;)
But the pep work looks pretty good,
keep up the good work :)
well hey there, glad to see you are gonna work on that beauty by monkeyfuj. i scaled the helmet at 310 wide due to the fact that the narrow point by your ears inside of the helmet is around 225mm, or about 8.8 inches which is what you would need for some padding added in there with the size of your head. i did the same scale on my spartan warrior helmet and it does well on that one also. this doesn't hold true for all helmets but this one in particular it does. mY head is the same hat size as yours, so I imagine this might work out pretty well for you. let me know how it goes or if you need any help at all :) welcome to the 405th btw!

Thanks for the help! I'll make sure to keep this updated, I plan to start in the next day or so.
I feel your pain - will be starting my V3.0 helmet next week. But, it is a great learning process and perusing other threads in the Noob forum is also giving me additional inspiration and helping me find ways to improve my pepakura-building skills. Keep it up!
Finally got around to pepping the H4 recon. I work quite slow cutting pieces as I go, and I'm an avid procrastinator which doesn't help. Here are some progress pictures, any criticism or praise is welcome!


There were some problems with that front respirator thingy and any suggestions on how to straighten it out or redo it would be appreciated because it makes the rest of the helmet look non symmetrical.

the section above the visor was removed due to it not looking quite right I plan on fixing this tonight.


Size comparison to my MC pep that turned out way to big.

Finally thanks to spartansoony and Monkeyfuj!

Just a couple pictures, fits well plenty of space inside; a little tight getting it over the head but easily modified. Not the cleanest pep ever, but I am happy with it!
No idea how to fix the front... Good luck. I have seen some people just fix it in the bondo stage.
As for fitting over you head, i would trim a little bit now. Not that cutting into the bondo is horrible once youve put it on, but seems cuttin paper would be a bit easier. Good luck
No idea how to fix the front... Good luck. I have seen some people just fix it in the bondo stage.
As for fitting over you head, i would trim a little bit now. Not that cutting into the bondo is horrible once youve put it on, but seems cuttin paper would be a bit easier. Good luck

I think I'm just going to re print out the pieces for that front piece and cut out the current one. And for the size it's just snug going through the cheek parts, so I was thinking during hardening I will put a pvc pipe or something like that to hold it a bit wider, or I could stretch it a bit with a heat gun after.
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