Metro 2033 Ranger Project

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New Member
Hello, I am an mild Otaku, collector, Japanese translator, and frequent traveler. I am 17 years of age and I am interested in mechanical engineering.

I have yet to read the tutorials and stickies of the forum. Please give me time.

This year, I plan on creating a Metro 2033 Ranger costume. Here are the items I plan on buying:
If anyone can find me cheaper items on the internet, please do post it below.

I have the following items:
-Army Green cargo pants
-Black shoes

Here is the template I'm going to follow: 2013-01-14 12-02-05-50.png

I have asked "SpartanSonny" to help me "unfold" the helmet model I provided with. The thread can be found here:

I am pretty creative, so I will be using cardboard and other materials to shape the following items:
-Soviet Standard Issue Medkit
-Night Vision Goggles
-AK74 Mags

I need to get the following items:
-tons of brown acrylic belts
-tons of army green pouches ;_;
Please help me find stores that sell that many "belts" and "pouches" of the "same kind" at a "very reasonable" price.

My budget for this project is less than $100.

I have yet to create the shoulder and Knee pads using Pepakura. I have 0 experience using the program, so I will be lurking through the forums for tutorials and what not.

I hope to get as much support as I can. This shall be my first "real" cosplay. I plan on wearing this to Anime North, located at Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Many thanks and I will try my best to support your projects as well!!
So I went shopping with my mother today, and today was a busy day. After this post I have to work on some "translations" for my subbing group. This is all I could do today:


It's the handle of the AK47 Pepakura. It's a bit flimsy... what should I do? After I'm done making and assembling the whole thing, do I just cover it with fiber glass resin and it should be solid as rock?
First off buddy, most people don't make their weapons out of pep, it's just not a great medium for weapon making.
But, with that said, it has been done. Putting a coat of fibreglass resin on the outside, and then filling the inside of it with expanding foam. A quick search on google or the 405th ill find a thread with a little more detail.
And as a rule of thumb, you'll tend to get more replies when you use tags instead of [URL] tags for your pics. People love being able to see what you've done so far.

Good luck buddy, happy building.
Thanks for the replies. The 3D Modeler is still taking his time with his life... he told me it should be done by the weekend. I'll try to push him.

I'm poor and I don't have the money to spend on 3D printers and such. The least I can do is making props out of Pepakura.
Nothing wrong with that. I personally find pepakura to be highly rewarding (even though it can be frustrating). There's nothing like completing something you made from scratch. Keep at it and have fun. Your pep looks pretty clean so far. This should be pretty nice when it's fully done.

Rex out.
I took a crack at that helmet file. I made it LOTS more Pep friendly.
It's not unfolded, but it will help an unfolder out more so than the original file.

Jesus H Christ! What brilliant work you've done! Better yet, you did something I didn't ask you of. Originally, I wanted the front goggles+gas mask to be able to be flipped upwards "when not in use" like the actual helmet in Metro 2033. However, I thought that was too much to ask. Either way, thank you very much. I await for Spartansonny's reply and his unfolding of my helmet.

Edit: Whoops, I meant I was going to wait for Spartansonny's reply... not Rex's. Come back, Sonny! >.<
So far, I've finished working with the stock and the basic part of the receiver.


The reciever is a pain in the ass to make. I had to glue together and reinforce it with tape. There are many parts within the receiver itself. Some are just for the looks, and some are to connect other parts of the gun.


The folding process is very complicated and messy. I had to use a lot of tape to reinforce certain parts of the receiver.


This is the end result.


This is the stock. Very easy to make, it is composed of 2 parts.


This is a rough idea of how it should look like when glued together. Notice how the stock and the receiver connects well with each other.


These are the tools I used for this pepakura project.

I will finish the receiver 2 days later. My Grandma is coming back from Hong Kong tomorrow. :)
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