Pilot to Pilot Uplink Confirmed: Gypsy Danger and Cherno Alpha activated

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Looks like the site is back up and running...it's been a while since I been able to see it actually load more than a page of my posts...

Conveniently enough my XV22 is finishing up right about now, and I have a buddy of mine who suggested we get serious.

So here it is ladies and Gents: 7 foot tall Jaegers alla Thorssoli's Space Marines. We're aiming to have them wearable by Halloween and fully functional by either Amazing Arizona Comicon or PHX Comicon. That means by halloween we need all the pieces built, painted, and rigged, along with proper stilts. Mercifully, though my friend is 4' 11 she is suiting up as cherno alpha meaning that we can fudge her height a bit better. This is her first build, but my fourth so it should be an interesting juxtaposition. I will of course be helping her out as much as I can but...well I know how my first build looked compared to my builds now...

Anyway! We have spent the day working. We're using a mix of peps from the RPF and here on the 405th, mixing and matching to get the best proportions and detail we can into each suit. Turns out the base Cherno pep was really airy with all of the pieces as freestanding floaters, so we'll have to tweak that design. As for Gypsy, Progress!



Hopefully she'll be stopping by tomorrow and I can show you some Cherno progress as well!


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Sick! I want to get started on my build all I have though is the helmet, could you give me a hint on your scaling and design?
Dang it you beat me to it! ah well.

this is looking cool man, and your foam work I nice and clean. I see you are planning on going to comicon... well their might just be 2 gypsy dangers... or a knifehead to fight.
Sick! I want to get started on my build all I have though is the helmet, could you give me a hint on your scaling and design?

In essence my scaling was done by staring at pics of Thorssoli's armor. I decided (since I have 5 inches on the guys who wore his suits) that I wouldn't need such scaling or massive stilts, but the general design should be the same. As such, instead of scaling to where I could comfortably move, I scaled to the maximum width I could have and still be able to put my arms foreward (which in my case was 21 inches wide, the width from the exterior of one shoulder to the exterior of the other). Unfortunately...well...no one has Gypsy's proportions, so I'm gonna fudge it a bit by scaling each part separately instead of doing what most pep scaling tuts suggest and using the scale factor value. I'm also fudging it some more with regards to the abs once I get to them, as making them long enough to cover my skinny body will probably make them far too wide...
Cherno Alpha, Ready for Battle:


Progress has been made, almost all of it today on account of a bunch of crap (in the past four days I've had 3 finals, work, and had to move to a house with no internet) on both Cherno and Gipsy. Cherno is now ready to move onto the back, so that we can get the proper spacing down before we glue down all of cherno's chest pieces. Work has continued on gypsy, with the chest now as done as I can get it atm:


Close ups on my helmet:


I'm gonna wait to do the neck cowling until I have the back done so I'll know how much room I have. I have to say it's by far the widest field of view I've ever had in a helmet, equal or superior to a Motorcycle one.


with the other to follow shortly...I had to print out a stack of sheets an inch thick to accomadate just half the parts of Gipsy's back at the sizes I'm working with...hopefully it'll be big enough...

Also, to give you an idea just how freakishly tiny my 4' 11" Cherno pilot is, here's Cherno's head:


We'll be adding glass for the faceplate as a viewport so she can see what's right in front of her. We'll also be adding other things to the cooling tower so she'll have good vision.


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Looks great, nice clean foam work so far.

...We're aiming to have them wearable by Halloween and fully functional by either Amazing Arizona Comicon or PHX Comicon....

I see you are planning on going to comicon...

Looks like I'll see you both at AACC and Phx Comic Con! I'll still be a spartan, but I'll be sure to flag down any space marines to say hi. I can't wait to see your suit in person in January!
We've gotten some more work done! though with school starting up it's killing our times...

Cherno's chest is almost done, we just need the smokestack:

Which we'll use to figure out how to fill the chest so that everything lines up properly.

I've also got my chest done for the most part:

Just need to tweak it and add a few minor details so that everything lines up properly. then it's just a matter of padding...

Here's the whole gipsy chest so far:

Need to add some detailing along the chest straps, unfortunately those weren't included on the rpf chest so I had to improvise from the 405th ones...it was fun.


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So with my chest done, I helped Hailee with hers so we could stay (relatively) on schedule. It was a bitch assembling this chest because everything on it is floating pieces, meaning we had to do a lot of guess and check with sizing and spacing. That said I think it turned out pretty good, so we're moving onto the feet to get the proper height going. Without further ado:


The transparent bits here will be tinted later so that they are indistinguishable (or as hidden as we can get...) from the rest of the tower. A Sad necessity given the stature of Cherno...


Sorry for the glaring foamie work on the tower too...we accidentally cut out two Left handed pieces, meaning we had to cover up the crosshatch pattern that comes on the bottom of the foam...We figured this would give it a better finish than dremelling everything.

And now onto the feet! They're gonna be a foot long each, in order to get the proper height boost we need out of them...should be fun...

Fun Fact of the day: Cherno Alpha means 1 1, which depending on the emphasis you place (czec or greek) is either 2 or 11.


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So with the torsos properly assembled and rigged we've started working from the ground up (literally) so that we can be sure that the suits will sustain our bulk. My feet were finished pretty quick:


On the right you can see some of the detail work beginning to make the suit look like a mass of welded plates (like it does on some of the hi res textures of Gipsy)

And from the side:

Of course, the reason I wanted to do this this way was to ascertain any problems the feet would have in supporting us *before* we got to the point of having to wear an extra 20lbs of armor on top of them...and guess what, Cherno's dinky little feet couldn't handle Hailee's weight :(


So what I'm thinking of doing is making a wooden I-Beam style stilt in the cross section of her foot, then fillling in the negative space with foam to keep up the appearence with the rest of the suit. This should not only have the structural stability to bear her weight but also should give her a nice satisfying "Clunk" as she walks.

However that of course requires money, wood, and time, three things I do not have at the moment, so I'm waiting on Hailee to go out and buy wood. Any suggestions on a thin wood with a strong cross sectional area?


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Pine, cedar, and teak are all very strong woods, often used in building and furniture. You said you don' have a lot of funding, but if you can get it, cocobolo is both incredibly strong and very beautiful. Fair warning, Teak, Cedar, and Cocobolo will tear up saw blades if you aren't paying attention!

On a related note, bloody amazing costumes so far! I've actually put my costume plans on hold simply to watch yours and a few others unfold!
Props to you for doing this dude, I cant wait to see the finished product. I briefly considered this, and then did a nice 180, and Nope'd out.
Well at the suggestion of Kyre I went out and got some 1.5 in (3.81 cm) pine board at home depot. After "borrowing" the local skill saw and ban saw I've cut the intended stilts out:


I then sanded them a bit to get rid of the rough edges and burrs and then nailed them with some 3 1/4 in (8.26 cm) nails and voila, we have a core that supports even my weight:


A few finishing touches and some glue and the feet will be done. Tomorrow Hailee's coming over so we'll hopefully have some progress on our shins...that should be some fun scaling.
Sorry for the long wait guys, it's been hectic with life and all that fun stuff...got a buttload of work done though!

My shins and feet are done:




I tried to cram as much detail and working piston assemblies into it as I could

Cherno's feet are also mostly done, with the shins not far behind:


And now i'm gonna go pass out cause I'm running on like 20 hours of sleep over the last 4 days...


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Really like this so far. The stilts are definetly different, but they look very stable. Shins look nice too. Cant wait to see more progress.
Well everyone your patience has paid off! In a desperate attempt to stay on schedule I banged out both thighs in two days, amidst work, school, and homework...it was a sleepless experience...


Tried to get as much detail in as I could so that I wouldn't have to go back and add a whole bunch later, but the clipping issues mean I'll have to wait until the cod is done and I have everything in that area rigged before I can accurately place the rear piston/cam assemblies...in the mean time though, here's a full shot of the legs, complete with knees and everything


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