Inferno armor foam build + pep files (pic heavy)

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Jr Member
Hi! Thanks to Cipher_t13, got 3D file for the inferno armor and with pepakura I was able to unfold it for foam use!
I started with this as reference as well

I've done 5 parts so far...
Please note I did the right side only, just need to put your pep reverse for the other side!

I will post the 3D pic with the file links on the next post


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First little note: I use iPad for the posting and using photobucket for pics and mediafire for the pep file (they both are available in App Store) making it easier to post the links :)

Enought said here's the 5 I got unfolded so far:

Download here:

Leg 1

Download here:

Leg 2

Download here:

Waist (front cover and butt too!)

Download here:

Gauntlet (top only)

Download here:

Hope that helps :)

I will keep posting as soon as the arms, chest and helmet will be done!


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Hey, this is GREAT!!!
I wanted to do this too but never could find the pep files. Are these low res??
I didn't think it was do-able with foam as there is so much detail in the helmet.

I'll be watching your thread very closely - I really want to make this one but I was going pep - but need hi res.
Downloaded your files but I'm a bit confused with the difference they've been unfolded. I only have the boot and the helmet.
I don't know why a bunch of pieces are all scrambled in your files?



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Downloaded your files but I'm a bit confused with the difference they've been unfolded. I only have the boot and the helmet.
I don't know why a bunch of pieces are all scrambled in your files?


Trying to do for foam build, since that's what I'm doing after my helmet test!

I got the obj file and using Metaseguioa to clean each part.
Will check how the first one turns out and might go for Cerberus guardian with the shield next :)

Can also redo files for pep, I will update tread name as well!


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If you did the Guardian's armor or even just the shield that would be amazing. Ive been thinking about doing an N7 suit next and the shield would go great with it.
Will do! When I'm tired of too much sanding bondo, I'm doing unfolding lol

Appreciate it very much. This has been on my todo list just waiting on the pep files.

I think there's SO much detail to this armor it might be better off HD and pep'd - but I'm really interested in how your foam build goes as I also have everything to do it in foam too.

I had to do the helmet twice, the EARPIECE detail is a bit difficult to understand how it goes. I'll post a pic later.
If you did the Guardian's armor or even just the shield that would be amazing. Ive been thinking about doing an N7 suit next and the shield would go great with it.

I'm just missing the 3D file lol, been searching like crazy on Internet and can only find pic!
Appreciate it very much. This has been on my todo list just waiting on the pep files.

I think there's SO much detail to this armor it might be better off HD and pep'd - but I'm really interested in how your foam build goes as I also have everything to do it in foam too.

I had to do the helmet twice, the EARPIECE detail is a bit difficult to understand how it goes. I'll post a pic later.

I did the N7 helmet first as a test and will redo the inferno armor with foam... The one I did last year was not scaled properly and lost 40pounds between start and finish lol

When I'm done with unfolding (foam and pep) I'll start with pics of my first build and 2nd try at it!
You`re moving right along :) thanks...another file downloaded.
I can`t wait for you to begin so I can follow along and learn from you. I`ve never done foam
You`re moving right along :) thanks...another file downloaded.
I can`t wait for you to begin so I can follow along and learn from you. I`ve never done foam

Same for me! Cant wait but want to take my time on my helmet build
For me that's gonna be the 2nd! Ill start with some pics of the first one!
Once my N7 helmet is done I'll rearrange the files for pep and start with inferno in foam
so I'll have something to work on during bad weather days lol
Here's a little taste of what's coming next :)
Doing this next one in pep format since its the most likely to be made with resine!
Helmet coming soon...


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How have I missed this thread. Some great work I see, I'll be grabbing that helmet file for sure to build, Love mass effect things.
How have I missed this thread. Some great work I see, I'll be grabbing that helmet file for sure to build, Love mass effect things.

Glad you found it :)
I'm planning on doing this one too after my N7 test!
Just having scaling issues at the moment but will get it fix.
If you do it please post some pic I want to see that too :)
Good news!

The helmet pep file is completed:

On the pic I put the location of the ear peaces on each side.
Download here: **FILE UPDATED -> see post #22 **

Please let me know what you guys think since its my first official pep!



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On the helmet:

While it's good that parts such as those are separate mesh, the distance you've moved them from the helmet mesh is way too far. You probably could have kept them where they were originally. The bright red lines indicating open edges are usually enough to let people know that they're separate parts.

Scale could be a bit bigger. Because of the above point, trying to scale this would be rather challenging, because the moved parts will throw off the measurements significantly.

Unfold isn't too bad, though you could probably optimise some of that empty space and condense the unfold a bit more.
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