Show us your 3D printer/ CNC machine!!!

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So... the 3D printer boom continues, and I am now a part of it. My printer is almost done.

What I want to see is... YOURS! I'm sure some people have wonderful printers/routers/mills, and we could all use the information even from simple pictures.

It would also be nice to hear your story on how it came to be and what you've done, as well as what you learned.

Here is my main printer.


My secondary printer.


This was my first one I built from scratch. Rebuilt for 3rd time.


Building a blue one.


Building a pink one.


And finally the XXXL RepRap to print helmets. (I don't actually think this will work. If it doesn't I'll convert it to it's proper size)


And here's a garden gnome dressed as Master Chief.



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"My" CNC:

I don't have a picture of the 3d printer I use, but it's a lightly modified version of this:


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Thanks for your feedback guys, and to KingRahl...


After looking at your work I just think I went too far with my printer haha seriously I put a lot too much work on myself X(
kingrahl I am hulk green jealous. do you have plans for these printers by chance.
My first plan was to open a 3D printing business. Customizable things, like scanning people with a Kinect and printing them, cookie cutters, and the like. I have a local trade school making the machined parts but they might not be done until Jan. Now I'm thinking of selling them on eBay and getting my money back. After they are put together of course.
My first plan was to open a 3D printing business. Customizable things, like scanning people with a Kinect and printing them, cookie cutters, and the like. I have a local trade school making the machined parts but they might not be done until Jan. Now I'm thinking of selling them on eBay and getting my money back. After they are put together of course.

You definitely have my attention., but we will talk through pm when you are ready. And thank you.
appologies if this is inappropriate of me lads, but is anyone taking requests for very small 3D prints? i was thinking of 3D printing the knuckles of the H4 spartans but i have no one with access to one and they are FAAAAARRRRR out of my price range :)
I may be talked into it. That will give me the chance to make a proper tutorial for printing armor and show an end result.

Enough of that though. Let's get back to seeing everyone else's printers and cnc's. There are many different varieties, I'd like to see if they are different.
i have both,
a CNC machine:
and a Creatr 3d printer from leapfrog:


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My company just picked up a Makerbot Replicator 2 last Thursday. 16 hours of modeling in Solidworks and 3 days later, I have a very rough build of a M6G. Still got alot to learn about the process.

Fantastic work on that M6G. I wouldn't print a whole pistol like that again after my M6H. Not unless you plan on making a mold out of it. That's a lot of print time and a lot of plastic especially if it makes a mistake printing. I'm still making plans on printing a "working" model. That way I don't have seams and don't have to glue anything.
Here is the one I am using.


It is small, so I won't be using it for much other than odd bits


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Here is my cnc rig


And here is my Vac Form machine


Rotocast machine and 3D printer (respectively) are next on the list.


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Dat magnum.

Sigh I need to finish mine already...


To everybody else who also shared pictures, thanks. Awesome rigs guys!

What I started to notice is there are a lot of 3D printers, but not too many models being made. Is it hard to 3D print whole helmets and rifles? My delta WIP is MASSIVE with intention to make whole helmets and my first model is planned to be the battle rifle. It's kind of scary now with actually how many printers are being used in 405th but I may be wrong.
There are lots of models such as the Cortana chip, Master Chief, plasma grenade, grunt, elite, energy sword, pistols, machine gun, activation index, and Serin117 has be submitting lots of space vehicles and there's even a halo helmet ring to print.

Not too many things being made because, such as you can see in Drgon47's photo, there is a bit of warping on the underside. And lots of times the print messes up so much it's unusable. This can be an expensive waist. Just remember, if it messes up during a print, you can't restart it in the middle. You need to restart it at the beginning again.

If you do go ahead and print the battle rifle, you may try to break it down into pieces and print a section at a time. I printed the scope (since it's un-Pepable) so far last year and never got around to printing the rest.
I teach a 3d printing class, and definitely you see a lot of people come in expecting the things to be like Inkjet printers.

The technology has come a LONG ways in the past two years, but it still has a ways to go. Rahl covered a lot of it, though I spaced out watching the hypnotic thrusting..

The thing I'd like to add is that not only are large (bigger than 3 inches) prints prone to warping or getting trashed, they also can take a looooooooong time to print. I recently got the Biker Pistol printed out and it took me a good 10+ hours counting mess-ups to do at High Res.

That file is a great example of how to break apart a model to get more reliable prints (and fit it onto smaller build plates)
My office has a couple of Replicator 2.0's as well:

A scaled-down M6G mid-print:

The finished product after cleaning and assembly:

Definitely took some experimentation, but once I figured out all the variables I was quite happy with the outcome. Here's to hoping we can get our hands on the bigger combination CNC mill/ printer my boss has been promising for a while...


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