Halo 4 Hayabusa Concept Armor

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Well-Known Member
View the build thread HERE


Helmet: HD version : Halo 4 Hayabusa Helmet HD Here is a LD version for test fitting: http://www.4shared.com/file/a8fdZgsV/Halo_4_Hayabusa_Helmet_TEST_FI.html?
Shoulders: Done! Download .pdo for pep HERE or the foam unfold HERE
Chest: Modeled, being unfolded.
Butt Plate: Not started.
Thighs: Modeled, being unfolded.
Shins: Modeled, being unfolded.
Boots: Being Modeled.


Hey everyone!

Ever since I first laid eyes on the Hayabusa armor in H3 many years ago, I instantly fell in love with it and has been my favorite armor permutation. A little while ago an employee of Liquid Dev. leaked out a couple renders of the Hayabusa concept armor based in the Halo 4 Universe. This, along with Hyper's build and Cereal's build, inspired me to build the H3 Hayabusa armor (which as of this original post date is still a WIP). After I finish my H3 Hayabusa build I will be jumping directly into my next build, the Halo 4 Hayabusa concept armor. I haven't yet seen any .obj or .pdo files on the internet for this particular armor set so I decided to install 3DS Max (I got it free due to me being a student) and try my hand at modeling it myself. I have an extensive background in Engineering CAD but very little experience with animation/character type modeling so this will be a first for me. I am really excited to see this through. Now seeing as this is the 3D Modeling thread, I will be posting my .pdo files in this thread as I finish them and posting the actual build in the creation discussion where it belongs, but the build will not be started for at least another few months. I will be doing LD files at first so that I can get accustomed to this new way of modeling but as I get better I will most definitely be doing HD models.

Here is a screenshot of what I have so far, it's the shoulder piece in 3DS Max and in Pep Designer:


I am still currently working on the unfold so I don't have a .pdo for you guys yet

Seeing as there is really only a front and back view to model off of and a 45 deg turn for both the front and back, there will be a lot of artistic decisions I will make that might not exactly match up perfectly with the images, but seeing as this is merely a concept armor set and not actually in the game, I think it will be fine.

Feedback and tips would be HIGHLY appreciated :)

This is great! So is this armor eventually gonna come out for Halo 4? Like a DLC? Also, can I get those pics you're referring to? I have experience 3D modelling and would like to help get this armor built. Thanks!


EDIT: Nevermind, found the images on Google.
ok, im totally subbing to this! really lookin forward to the chest and helmet!

Thanks! It will take some time before the chest and helmet are done but I assure you the wait will be worth it.

This is great! So is this armor eventually gonna come out for Halo 4? Like a DLC? Also, can I get those pics you're referring to? I have experience 3D modelling and would like to help get this armor built. Thanks!


The armor will not be in the game, merely a concept armor set by a Liquid Dev. employee. If my research is correct, the Hayabusa was in H3 because Bungie had some deal with Ninja Gaiden. 343 did not acquire those rights and therefore the Hayabusa will not be in Halo 4. This is what I understand from what I read.

These are the reference images I am working with:


and this one


It'd be great to get some help :)
Ah, makes sense. If I'm not too tired I'll try to start working on it tonight. I see you got the shoulders taken care of, I might go after the torso or the legs.

Pretty. I know someone who would probably sell you her first child for these files.
Nice, I have asked several modelers to make the Hayabusa helmet from Halo 4 but no one wanted to do it, I would love all you guys if you made it happen lol and whoever models it I will do the model justice ;) if you know what I mean
Hey everyone, finished the right shoulder unfold and uploaded it to a 4shared account.



Let me know what you guys think and feel free to leave any suggestions or comments.

Edit: Just to let you guys know, Both of the shoulder pieces are exactly the same, they are perfectly symmetrical looking from the side view, so there really is no left or right seeing as they are identical and would be pointless to create another .pdo for the left shoulder as it would be the exact same thing. The file said right shoulder so I have renamed the file to Halo_4_Hayabusa_Shoulders.pdo and edited the above link to avoid any confusion.


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I just wanted to post a quick update for you guys. I contacted Ashish (the liquid development employee that modeled the Hayabusa armor) and he will be sending me some more renders (sides and top view) to help aid me in getting this armor set completed. There is no guarantee he will be able to send me these renders because he is still under contract with 343 but he said he will do what he can. I'll add the email below in case anyone is interested in reading his reply.

Hopefully you can read it haha


So I'll be waiting to see if I can get these new reference images before I continue modeling.

Also I was wondering if, out of the people that have downloaded the file (which is only six of you haha), has anyone tried pepping it yet? If so let me know if there are any issues I might have looked over.

Thanks everyone, hopefully my next update comes with some very good news :)


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I downloaded the shoulders, I haven't tried to build them yet I was going to wait for more files to be released before I start just to make sure there is enough of the armor modeled to justify building it, I can try and build them out of foam really quick to see how hard or easy they are to put together, your unfold looks really good so I don't think there will be any issues building them, thanks for taking the time to make these files
I downloaded the shoulders, I haven't tried to build them yet I was going to wait for more files to be released before I start just to make sure there is enough of the armor modeled to justify building it, I can try and build them out of foam really quick to see how hard or easy they are to put together, your unfold looks really good so I don't think there will be any issues building them, thanks for taking the time to make these files

Thanks I appreciate it. I was just curious if anyone had attempted it yet :). I'll be pepping it as I wait for the skies to clear so I can continue hardening my pieces for my other build. As for scaling this shoulder piece, I am guessing I'll just measure the width of my upper arm and add an inch to it. Let me know how it does with foam. I'll be posting some images of the pep build when it's done.
Quick update on the armor. Unfortunately, Ashish was unable to release any other renders so I will have to make do with the renders I have now. Here is a picture of what I have for the chest so far:


I am using a male model, which is hidden in the image, to help me get a proper depth for the chest (seeing as there are no side views :(). So far I am pleased with how it is turning out. I'll be uploading more progress pictures as I go.


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Worked a little more on the chest, finished the front half and worked my way around to the back:


You can see the model I am working with to make sure that the chest fits somewhat properly.

I'll be getting to the helmet after the chest is completed.


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Definitely watching this thread! Excellent work on the shoulders, they are well-crafted and very accurate to the original design. I'm definitely gonna wait for the helmet, god speed, man!
Another update on the chest. Made some good progress, finished up the back portion and will be working on the thruster packs (? not sure what to call them haha) which will complete the Hayabusa chest.

Here is a little animation in pep designer (screenshots then roughly animated in Photoshop, pep designer doesn't, to my knowledge, have animation capabilities.)


The back is a little bigger than the front because the images are slightly different in size, so I'll scale it properly once I finish up the back shoulder pieces. I am actually very pleased with how this is turning out and my modeling skills have greatly improved throughout the process.

I will be jumping straight into modeling the helmet after the chest is completed so a .PDO will not be available right away for the chest.

very good work, I can't wait to see the complet armor.
Keep it up. ;)


Definitely watching this thread! Excellent work on the shoulders, they are well-crafted and very accurate to the original design. I'm definitely gonna wait for the helmet, god speed, man!

Thanks a lot. It was my first attempt at modeling armor and going through the whole unfolding process so I'm glad it turned out the way it did. You will probably notice as I complete more pieces of the armor that they will continually get more detailed as my skills improve. With that said, I'll probably be going back to the pieces and adding more detail to them (if you guys want them), essentially having a somewhat detailed set and a super detailed set (HD and UD).

Well that wraps things up for tonight. A big thank you to everyone that's been following this thread!


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Your doing a really great job with the modeling for the torso, I wouldn't stress to much over not having all the details in the model, its actually easier to add a lot of the details into the part while your doing the body work on the actual piece, from what I see that you have done so far it looks easy to work with, as long as the shape is correct then the details can all be added to finish it off, keep up the great job, when your finished with the torso I will give it a shot and build it if you don't mind, I really don't have any builds going on at the moment so it would give me something to do ;)
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