[FOAM] S420's Halo Wars Mk IV build.

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Hey guys. So I'll get right to it. I'm going for the Mk IV Halo Wars variant. It's heavy build makes it my favourite armour variant in Halo.

I've had experience in costuming, a few years back I had a few pep projects that got up to bondo stages. Unfortunately problems arose and I had alot going on. Now I've freed some time up and I've returned to see everyone working with foam. So of course I'm joining in now. I wasn't going to make a thread this early BUT it makes it alot easier for me to ask questions and get direct help when I need it.

This is my first time using foam. I just wanted to make that clear. I've found that the pepakura files for the Halo Wars Mk IV are running very dry, a few people have worked on them (Abgates, Rundown, Jason) but they're either busy with other projects or still in progress. The only files I could get were the shoulderpads, the torso and the helmet. Luckily that's a good start as those are the most unique parts of the suit. If I finish those pieces and there are still no files available, for the rest of the suit I'll use a combination of Halo 3 & 4 pepakura templates for the foam build, and modify it as I go along to make it look like the IV.

My helmet will be built using Pep, Fibreglass & Bondo, as I don't like the idea of a soft helmet. I've also heard stories that sometimes the thickness of the foam makes the helmet too small for your head, and that a helmet is generally quite hard to build with foam. So I'll go with pep to play it safe. The rest will be completely foam though.

Right this second my printer is out of ink, I've ordered some but while I was waiting I put together some templates based off the pep file and traced them off the screen onto card. I was worried about scaling but I think I found a a way around it. The templates are for the shoulders, as they're incredibly simple pieces. I'm very happy with what I've got so far. Once I get my printer ink I'll print some templates out for the torso and work on that.

Right Shoulder Template

So far I have 2 shoulder pads. Unfortunately there are bases that go beneath the pads, but theres only one pep file out there for it and the link is dead. I'll have a look around again but I may have to resort to using Halo 3 shoulder-bases or scratchbuilding them.

Both Shoulders

I'd like to point out I'm usually a bit of a perfectionist, but for this suit, not so much. I plan to upgrade it and fix things as I go. When my suit is "Finished" it still won't really be complete, I'll find little flaws that I can fix/replace later on, but as my experience with foam is limited there is only so much I can do.

So my pads are done as I said, next thing to do for these bad-boys is clean up the overflowing glue and the seams, then once my spray-adhesive arrives I can start using craft foam to add details, and finish them off with a few coats of PVA. By the way, I stuffed my motorbike jacket with a pillow, and rested the pieces on there to see how the scaling looked. Personally I think the size is decent. The jacket is a decent representation of my body (A bit thicker of course, but my undersuit may require padding anyway to add more "bulk".) However it's hard to tell how the scale is without the shoulder base plates.

Scale test

Both Shoulders Top View

Just to warn you while I did do this in a day, I am a slow worker and can get easily distracted, so don't be shocked when I disappear for a week with no updates, that's gonna be a regular thing with me.

Anyway guys, I hope you like it so far. Feel free to give me tips, advice & constructive criticism.


Next Time... Smoothing & Detailing


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Awesome dude! I love the improvisation with the tracing. I'm looking forward to a Halo Wars build. I haven't seen much of them. I'll be checking in soon. I'm looking forward to your progress.
Thanks guys. I have another update today, although I wasn't planning to get anything done.

So it's been Sunday, and all the shops were closed so I couldn't make much progress on detail, as I forgot to buy spray-adhesive the day before. Instead I worked on a few new parts, and I cut out alot of templates and craft-foam for details. Unfortunately with no spray-glue, the best I can do is tape on the details to show you how/where they go, so don't worry if you think some pieces look wonky or lopsided. They're just hanging there by a piece of tape, they'll be glued on accurately when I get to that point. By the way I hand-drew all of these detail pieces on cardstock, before copying them onto 2mm craft foam. (For anyone who cares.)

So I started work on my Handplates. Here they are cut strait from the templates.

Here it is pretty much finished, on my hand to represent scale. (They look perfect when I'm wearing a glove underneath.)

Some very basic detail added to my right shoulder. Hard to see the centre-detail, will try and get better pictures next time.

A bit more progress on the left shoulder, all the details are ready in foam except the large ridge (that you can see in cardstock). Won't be cutting that out in foam until I have my spray glue, as I think I have to double up two 2mm craft foam sheets to get a thicker ridge.

And finally, an overall view showing you my total progress, start getting used to these.

Enjoy guys, Any feedback is always good!

OBTW. On my handplates, I used a little AA battery holder to press the circles into the handplates, however I have nothing like this sharp enough to actually cut through the foam, and I can't heat it up without burning myself. So I'm open to any suggestions as to getting perfect circles cut in my EVA foam. (I practised free-handing circles with spare pieces of foam, it's REALLY hard to make it look neat.) Anyway if I don't get any other suggestions I may just indent it a little more and leave it like that, I'll be happy with it looking how it does now.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, tommorrow I'll be spraying on the details that you've seen today. Provided my printer ink arrives, I may make a start on the bicep-plates, or the torso. I haven't yet decided.


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Thanks guys. Noticed something that I had never noticed before on the Shoulders and that's this:

It turns out the 'left' shoulder I made isn't the left one at all. It's actually on both sides, and the large right shoulder just sits ontop of the regular one, which means I have to make another. However in the cutscenes it's practically hidden, only in these concept pictures does the shoulder stick out from underneath, so my solution is just to build the bottom visible part of the shoulder which will reguire minimal foam & effort, as that's the only part people will see.

I also saw this:

The pep files I'm using for reference have a few mistakes, they're still good files, but I'm gonna have to improvise and perhaps scratchbuild the biceps.

My plan for the torso is actually to use a tester piece, some of you are probably like "Whaa?" and alot of you probably know exactly where I'm going with this. You see the detail on the HD file for the torso is literally insane. It's doable in cardstock, but be prepared to put alot of time into it, I believe there are about 71 pages worth of pieces. And it would require heavy modifications for foam. Luckily the torso is like a Mk VI torso but more blocky, making it quite ideal for foam. I plan to build the tester in card without tabs using only tape, then taking it apart and rebuilding using the pieces as templates. Once I'm done I'll be giving it the craft foam treatment to get it looking tidy. Which is a point, I need a roll of foamies.

EDIT: Just realised there are alot of inaccuracies on the pep files, which is what I've been using for references.

Which means what I've built so far is inaccurate. Luckily I'm willing to look past it. This is my first foam build and hopefully will be my first completed built. I'm not gonna be picky about it, as you don't get that many good looks at the Spartans in Halo Wars anyway. I doubt anyone besides the 3d modellers have been staring at reference pictures as long as I have, and I only just noticed these mistakes myself so I'm thinking it'll go unnoticed. Usually I'm very picky, and after abit of experience maybe I'll come back and fix these pieces.


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Looks great! I'm glad you spotted the part about the little shoulder underneath the big one. I also am loving the idea you have about the chest, sounds like it will work nicely.
Mini Update: I just picked the soldering iron up from the wrong end. I think that's enough armouring for tonight. I really wanted to get a bicep done tonight but with this burn I think that can wait, I'll work on some templates for the bicep but probably no more tonight, I also got the "second" shoulder done, though I used a cheeky trick. (Below)

Looks great! I'm glad you spotted the part about the little shoulder underneath the big one.

Thanks bro, I had a little work at it and this was my result, a bit sloppy in my opinion, and almost "cheating" in a way, but it's mostly hidden and does the job.

(Had a bit of mess with the spray-glue. Will sand those glue marks out later on before coating.)

So yeah I'll be working on some bicep templates next, as after some inspection I'm convinced they can easily be scratchbuilt.



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UPDATE: Left shoulder is finished. Well I say finished, the foam-construction is finished. I have a few little details to add before starting a coat in PVA. Personally I'm happy with it. It's not game-accurate but IMO it's close enough, and I'm still pleased with it for my first scratch-build with foam.

This is the only picture I grabbed.

I've got all the pieces ready for the right shoulder, I just haven't constructed it yet, and when I do, the larger shoulder-piece that sits on-top will still not be ready, as I'm waiting to get aload of craft foam to cover it with. (It has some pretty nasty edges).

Solid work there buddy! Keep it up! Get this ready for next year and we will roll out at a few cons together. Ill get to work on a 405th flag :D
UPDATE: Left shoulder is finished in foam. By the way does anyone know of a completed Halo Wars WIP? Or will I be the first if I succeed?

Anyway left shoulder, I'm REAL happy with it. I kept going back to it and brainstorming how and where to add details. I basically freehanded all the details and based them off Pep files, reference pictures & what I thought looked good. I added a nice ridge around the shoulder-pad and a wedge on top which I think looks awesome, It was also necessary as the shoulder felt about 1cm short. Slapped some details that looked halo-like on the rest of the bicep. Caulked a few gaps, I'm about to start a PVA coat. Not sure how this is going to go but heck how bad can it be. Anyway pics ahoy.

Front view

Side views


The inside/back for anyone who was interested.

Solid work there buddy! Keep it up! Get this ready for next year and we will roll out at a few cons together. Ill get to work on a 405th flag :D
Aww yeah! That's an awesome idea! Asif a DMR, 2 SMG'S & a sword wasn't enough, now you gotta make space for a flag haha.

Anyway this is my first ever completed scratchbuild piece, and my first ever foam piece. So let me know what you think guys! Thanks!



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I love the look of the shoulder man. How well does it fit having the two straps on the arm? is it very mobile?
You're not the only one working on Mark IV. I just didn't want to post a thread until I finished sizing.


In regards to the right shoulder/bicep, it looks like you're going off the wrong reference. While most of the armor from the Halo Wars Texture render hasn't changed (you referenced it earlier in the thread), there are a few major differences that were made between that and the final game renders.

You already noticed the different inner arm pieces for the bicep. Otherwise, now there is nothing under the massive right shoulder than the same pieces under the left shoulder. The belt and codpiece have also been changed, but for the better. The shape is much less detailed and more geometric. The biggest difference in the helmet. From the picture above, the only parts of that d*** helmet that haven't changed is the front bottom portion, the part just above the visor, and the boxes where the helmet lights go. On the correct model, The bottom has a more shallow scallop, the back comes down farther, and the top is higher, more rounded, and curves smoothly into the back.


I'd spend some time searching through screenshots and Google to find some more accurate references. I have the massive poster above and a little help from Tex and Jerome-092.


Also, I have more pep files for this if you want them. I downloaded them years ago when I made my first attempt at this armor when the game first came out. I have a Torso Tester, HD file, gaunlet, bicep, both shoulders, the (wrong) helmet, and a shin rig. However, I didn't make them, and I don't remember who did, so I can't rightly post them. Anyone is free to PM me if you want the files.


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Hey man thanks for the post! Great to see someone else working on the same build. Yeah unfortunately my suit won't be 100% game accurate as I didn't catch onto the differences right away. I know someone is currently working on files, and my plan is to go back once I've finished and worn the suit, and replace any inaccurate parts with new game accurate ones. I've also decided to leave the helmet til last for 2 reasons, mainly because I'll be using resin & fibreglass, but partly because I'm hoping there's a new helmet file available by then. I've seen the pep helmet finished up with a visor and it doesn't look great. Nice work on the pep btw. Had any problems with forearm fitting?

Sorry for the brief reply I'm on my phone. What method do you plan to build with, and those peps you build, do you plan to use them? (I can't tell if it's the same files I've been referring to.)

Anyway can't update much on my phone. But here's both my shoulders detailed. Not as symmetrical as I'd hoped but It's hard to notice.



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Nice work on the pep btw. Had any problems with forearm fitting?... What method do you plan to build with, and those peps you build, do you plan to use them?

Plenty. For one, I originally only knew one way to scale, and that only applied to one specific pep model. Second, a lack of biceps. The pieces for these are ridonkulously wide, and even worse on me since I'm a girl. You really need to make your bicep and tricep pieces taller, and they'll go out on the side more. They should come out to be almost as wide as the right shoulder pauldron.


Re-donk-u-lously huge.

Plus, the detail bits on the left shoulder and upper arm plate (all the stupid f***ing ridges) just did not want to behave. The ones on the arm still kinda protrude.

As far as method, I want to mold and cast the pieces out of Smoothcast based on the resined pep files, except for the thigh and groin pieces. I figured I'd make those out of foam for comfort. I plan on sitting during convention panels.


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Plenty. For one, I originally only knew one way to scale, and that only applied to one specific pep model. Second, a lack of biceps. The pieces for these are ridonkulously wide, and even worse on me since I'm a girl. You really need to make your bicep and tricep pieces taller, and they'll go out on the side more. They should come out to be almost as wide as the right shoulder pauldron.

Re-donk-u-lously huge.

Plus, the detail bits on the left shoulder and upper arm plate (all the stupid f***ing ridges) just did not want to behave. The ones on the arm still kinda protrude.

As far as method, I want to mold and cast the pieces out of Smoothcast based on the resined pep files, except for the thigh and groin pieces. I figured I'd make those out of foam for comfort. I plan on sitting during convention panels.

Thanks for the tips, Yeah Spartans in Halo Wars have very odd body proportions. I'm still playing around with the forearms. I made them in pep first and it's like these files were made for pop-eye or something. I can just about fit my wrist in, yet I've got space in there for my weekly shopping. I'm still experimenting to get a forearm that doesn't cut off my circulation, doesn't look too huge, and can actually get on my arm, and I'm having trouble. I'm planning on sanding down most of the inside of the foam to make space for my arm but I'll see how it goes.

Are the files you're using in here? These are the only files I could find. That and a shin.

Anyway as I was typing this, the XL sheet of craft foam I ordered arrived, so I can finally get my pauldron finished so I'll probably work on that, then they'll all be finished up and I can work more on the forearms.

When I get my suit finished and look back, I think I'm going to redo my biceps indefinitely. They're not very game accurate at all, I am on the other hand, very happy with them how they are for now, the scaling as perfect, and while the biceps don't look fantastic, I think the shoulderpads will make up for that.
I'm still playing around with the forearms. I made them in pep first and it's like these files were made for pop-eye or something. I can just about fit my wrist in, yet I've got space in there for my weekly shopping.

Are the files you're using in here? These are the only files I could find. That and a shin.

I thought I had the same problem with the forearms. I found it better to go to match length than width. I got them scaled down to fit the width of my arms right, but then the bicep and forearm didn't fit together properly. It's just a little easier to wear something baggy underneath and let that "pad" you out. It seems like half of this is going for the proper fit, and half is going for the proper look.

*shrug* As long as it's wearable...
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