My Halo 4 Master Chief Build - WIP -

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Hey guys, I'm going to build Mater Chief's armor from Halo 4.
First of all, if my English isn't perfect at some points, excuse me, I'm German.
Today I finished my Duct-Tape-Dummy, tomorrow I'm going to start making the patterns for the undersuit.
The armor will be made by the Pepakura method.
Yet I don't have any pictures except one of my Dummy.

This is my first Halo suit, but I already made a Dovahkiin/Dragonborn armor, so I have a bit of experience.

That's quite little information and progress which could get me your interest (and also this isn't a very extraordinarily costume anymore, since there are lots of good Chief suits out there) but I hope that will change.

More information will come tomorrow.


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Good luck on this build dude! I attempted the same one, and I am nearing completion, so it'll be interesting to see this take shape!

Happy building. :)
Today progress has been very slow, because a special tape for marking the patterns was missing. So no pics for you today, sorry. :(
Good luck on this build dude! I attempted the same one, and I am nearing completion, so it'll be interesting to see this take shape!

Happy building. :)


Get some pictures up, soon, even if it's just of your duct tape dummy (I recommend editing your first post to reflect the statement that you have a dummy built). A WIP thread with no pictures in the first post is technically against forum rules.

Oh I didn't knew that, thanks for the tip!

And to everybody, in future if you notice more of these ehh... things like the picless post, it would be nice if you tell me. :D
So, today's progress has been much better than yesterday's.

First I think it's a lot easier if you take many patterns directly from good reference pics. I used the James_005 picture of the undersuit and traced the contours of most of the pieces and and deleted the background.

Then I scaled it to my size, printed it, taped it on my dummy and marked the outer contours with a sharpie.

The other pieces between these big parts I do by myself. This method promises a quite high game-accuracy although it fits exactly to your size.

I will do the same with the arms and legs, so maybe I have to redo the patterns on the arms, let's see tomorrow.
Also I have to improve the way I fix the dummy in a standing position, I just put it between two chairs, that will become problematic when I do the legs.

The last weeks I also worked a bit on the Pepakura M6H Magnum by monkeyfuj, and found out that it's a pain to pep a weapon and that I will never build a weapon completely with Pepakura again. Btw has anybody the MA5D assault rifle pep file by Koshima? Maybe I take some parts of it and put them on a foam core, mixed with some other materials for the details. But before I start the building of the rifle I have to concentrate on my armor.


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So, today's progress has been much better than yesterday's.

First I think it's a lot easier if you take many patterns directly from good reference pics. I used the James_005 picture of the undersuit and traced the contours of most of the pieces and and deleted the background.

Then I scaled it to my size, printed it, taped it on my dummy and marked the outer contours with a sharpie.

The other pieces between these big parts I do by myself. This method promises a quite high game-accuracy although it fits exactly to your size.

I will do the same with the arms and legs, so maybe I have to redo the patterns on the arms, let's see tomorrow.
Also I have to improve the way I fix the dummy in a standing position, I just put it between two chairs, that will become problematic when I do the legs.

The last weeks I also worked a bit on the Pepakura M6H Magnum by monkeyfuj, and found out that it's a pain to pep a weapon and that I will never build a weapon completely with Pepakura again. Btw has anybody the MA5D assault rifle pep file by Koshima? Maybe I take some parts of it and put them on a foam core, mixed with some other materials for the details. But before I start the building of the rifle I have to concentrate on my armor.
Lol no doubt( about making peped weapons) love the under armor is coming along nice, I might have to use this method


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Yeah, I didn't mean the Magnum file was bad, it was really well made, but in general peping weapons is very difficult if not almost impossible.
Yeah, I didn't mean the Magnum file was bad, it was really well made, but in general peping weapons is very difficult if not almost impossible.

Agreed, gave up on the Battle Rifle and Magnum long ago. :D

So, today's progress has been much better than yesterday's.

First I think it's a lot easier if you take many patterns directly from good reference pics. I used the James_005 picture of the undersuit and traced the contours of most of the pieces and and deleted the background.

Very nice dummy! Could you provide us with the pattern file?


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Agreed, gave up on the Battle Rifle and Magnum long ago. :D

Very nice dummy! Could you provide us with the pattern file?

Thanks, dude! I just wanted to give you the links:

Just ignore the line in the middle, it was just a help at editing the picture.
Have fun with it! ;)
that looks really great so far. what are the plans for the shoes?
and just a little advise for the detailed pattern. try to reduce the details, because its very hard to cover such tiny foam pieces with some fabric. :) i tried
:angry Awww... Sometimes I hate my computer, it just shut down when I was almost ready with this post... two times! thanks to god there is the auto-save function.


I still found no way to fix the dummy in it's position, so for the work on the legs I just lay it on the ground.
Now the patterns for the torso are complete, I finished the last missing parts on the back. The thigh is also done and the shin is nearing completion. But the arm still needs to be redone, the actual patterns let it look like it's twisted outwards. I hope I will finish this step this weekend, this Thursday and Friday I'm not able to work on it because I'm at a friend's and we play all Halo games I got (Unfortunately I don't have Reach, ODST and Wars). After that I'm going to copy the patterns on paper, decide which pieces will be made out of which material and find the materials for the undersuit. The plan how I build the whole suit will come later, when I have a bit more time for posting (in Germany it's 1:15 AM now).

Now some pics:

The already known procedure on the leg:

The inside of the leg:

The... rest:

that looks really great so far. what are the plans for the shoes?
and just a little advise for the detailed pattern. try to reduce the details, because its very hard to cover such tiny foam pieces with some fabric. :) i tried

Thanks, although my progress isn't very big at the moment. Yeah, the shoes will be a bit complicated, but as you can see on my first picture, I already made a duct-tape-dummy of my foot. ;) I will use this and my favorite reference picture to build a quite slim shoe on a, oh my god this will be difficult, ehm... there are such special soles, that you can put into your shoe, and that already have this special shape to fit perfectly to human feet. Phew! I hope you know what I mean. Also there is a pic on the internet which shows the boot sole from underneath. Maybe I will build this out of EVA foam or something. let's see.

For the tiny foam pieces, be sure, I'm not going to use muscle padding for each spot of the suit. ;)

But however...

Happy Haloween to all of you!



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This looks great. iam still working on my undersuit and iam currently just wondering what kind of application you used for the traced paths for the pattern.
looks like the newer versions of the office suite ^^

what tool did you use to print your patterns? DinA4 formats have the limits in height and widt, so i have to subdivide the pattern for the printing ^^
Ok, progress is quite slow at the moment, because school has begun again two weeks ago and I'm only able to work on the suit at the weekends.

This looks great. iam still working on my undersuit and iam currently just wondering what kind of application you used for the traced paths for the pattern.
looks like the newer versions of the office suite ^^

what tool did you use to print your patterns? DinA4 formats have the limits in height and widt, so i have to subdivide the pattern for the printing ^^

For editing the pictures I just used Photoshop CS and But I think you can use almost every program for this.
For printing them I used PosteRazor, it's very simple to use, you can split your image onto different A4 pages in the correct size, it saves it as pdf and than you can print it.
Also it may be possible to do it without any special programs if you have Windows XP.


Thanks, no problem!
Nope Win7,
but thanks. yesterday i found posterrazor by myself and edited your front pattern for my undersuit, thanks for the files btw. :)
i want to keep the undersuit simple as possible because its hard to sew the fabrik and mesh on top of such highly detailed foam pieces.
here is my way for the front piece. i currently i start with the backside and use gimp for the traced patterns. it works really well ^^
Hey guys, I just wanted to show I'm still alive and finished with the patterns for quite some time. (I remember wanting to have them finished in vacation in autumn lol) Today in a shop near my school I found a fabric that seems to be quite good for my purpose. So I'll hopefully use the six free days at carnival to FINALLY start with the practical work. So lets see how it turns out. When I got some progress I'll upload some pics and you'll get more information.
Woohoo, double post!
So, finally an update. Quite a lot things happened since my last one. I should update more frequently, but I would describe myself as a lazy perfectionist. We will see how perfect this build turns out when I'm finished ;). If I'm repeating what I already said, sorry, I don't remember every sentence of my further posts. But let's begin.

As I already said, the patterns are finished and I also transferred them onto paper. I used a special sewing-pattern-paper which is quite transparent. I cut pieces in the right size out of it (the grammar doesn't sound right, please correct me to help me improving my English skills) and taped them over my dummy. With a pencil I marked the angles and round edges and completed the shape later on my table with a ruler to get straight lines where needed.


This didn't work in at every spot of my dummy, so I had to cut pieces out of it, for example between the legs.
Kinda strange moment...





When I was finished with cutting out all the patterns, I taped them together again to see if they still fit to me and to each other. This step was necessary, because I had to make a few corrections here and there.


This is a picture of all the patterns taped together.


Applying the patterns to the fabric which is made out of 95% cotton and 5% spandex, was a lot of work. On the picture it looks a lot smaller than it is, I needed around two and a half meters.


Now we're coming to a well known problem: the hex pattern.
I was inspired by someone who did the same at his Halo 4 undersuit. I cut myself a template and painted the pattern on the fabric, using an anthracite-grey, acrylic spray paint but any other dark grey will do it as well.

Before painting:

During painting:


One paint can later I had to clean the template, which was quite annoying, because it was blocked by too much paint.


I'm still busy painting the pattern and when I'm finished I will start sewing this thing together. I hope it works with these thousands of small pieces. I also need to buy another imitated leather-style fabric for the elbows, knees, thighs, etc. I'm planning to make the pads on the shoulder, hips, arms and legs out of EVA.
By the way; how much do you pay for EVA foam? In Germany it's quite expensive, just want to compare...

I'm also wondering if it's better to build the armor out of EVA (except the helmet and eventually the shoes) because the best patterns I know (which still have to be released to the public -.-) are for foam builds and also foam seems to be better for the Cortana-modified Mark VI suit with all it's edges and complex shapes (which I thimk could be added to foam more easily). I would say Pepakura is better for the normal Mark VI.
What would you guys say?

In general if you think I forgot something please tell me and any comments, advice and feedback are highly welcome.


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