J!NX's Halo 4 Master Chief Foam Build

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405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN

Helmet - Finished, pending new visor
Torso - Finished
Shoulder - Finished
Forearms - Finished
Ab & Butt plates - Finished
Thighs - Finished
Knees, Shins - Finished
Boots - Finished
Under-suit - 90% done

MA5D Assault Rifle - Finished
LRG Rail Gun - Not Started


Recently I decided I would try my hand at making a suit out of foam for a web series I'm developing and after some trial and error I finished the suit in time for halloween. I got overwhelmingly good feedback from the people I encountered, asking for photos, asking if I built i built it myself; when walking down the main street I had cars slowing down to get a better look.


But being an original design it wasn't a familiar thing for people and most of them called me Master Chief.

It was then that I decided I would try my hand at making the Halo 4 MK VI as wore by the Chief. In the four days since Halloween and in-between work I started to build.

Day one I managed to get both boots made up after work.

Day two I attached the boots to an old pair of shoes and made the right shin and knee.

And day three I finished the left shin and knee.

But I ran out of foam, so day 4 (today) I'm out buying foam.




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TBH, I'd actually like to know more about this other project you're working on!
A webseries sounds like a fascinating idea!

Foam work is looking great so far.
I can't believe you got that far in only 3 days!

Will be watching this with interest.

(Another New-South-Wegian?/Welshman? here.)
That's fantastic (and fast)! Are you using patterns?

Thanks :) I'm using pep files a a guide and improvising the most of it, so far its working out well for me. I'll find a link to the pep files and post it.

TBH, I'd actually like to know more about this other project you're working on!
A webseries sounds like a fascinating idea!

Foam work is looking great so far.
I can't believe you got that far in only 3 days!

Will be watching this with interest.

(Another New-South-Wegian?/Welshman? here.)

Its set in the future and follows 4 soldiers survival after an asteroid impact but things start to get weird. I've scripted out most of the episodes and I'm just trying to get filming to happen. Its a lot of work.

Thanks, I can't believe I got so much done so fast either.
I'll try not to disappoint.


I went out to buy foam today but Kmart and Big W only sold the ones with the holes in them and Aldi where I bought my last lot of foam isn't selling it anymore. So I'm making a trip to Bunnings tomorrow.
that's a lot of work for three days. For the gaps between where the two bits of foam attach, you could use decorators caulk to fill it up, plasti dip over it and then paint.

also, think about using thinner sheets of foam to add details which are difficult to do with the bigger sheets. This is looking great. Keep it up!
that's a lot of work for three days. For the gaps between where the two bits of foam attach, you could use decorators caulk to fill it up, plasti dip over it and then paint.

also, think about using thinner sheets of foam to add details which are difficult to do with the bigger sheets. This is looking great. Keep it up!

It sure is, I've spent every spare second on it.
Being Australian I have a hard time finding products a majority of people here use, I'm planning on using Septone or Bog as a substitute for Bondo and fillers and the like. Plastidip is $30+ a can so thats way out of my budget which means I'm currently looking for a cheap substitute to seal the foam.
For the details I've just been cutting the thick foam down to the right thickness to save money. Works well enough.
bloody hell! I thought it was expensive in the uk (at almost £10 a can) the other alternative is to use waterproof pva glue (non resin based) to thin it with water (1 to 5 mix) and apply coats using a brush. It act as a sealer and I have seen some great results.
bloody hell! I thought it was expensive in the uk (at almost £10 a can) the other alternative is to use waterproof pva glue (non resin based) to thin it with water (1 to 5 mix) and apply coats using a brush. It act as a sealer and I have seen some great results.
Yeah is ridiculous, I'll have to look into the PVA method though.

Looking good!! I like the original suit as well :) .
Thank you!

Looks awsome and you'r so fast.
I can't wait to see more.
Keep it up.

Thanks, I'll try.

So yesterday I finally got some foam, 12 sheets for $45 from bunnings. That afternoon I started the right thigh and I finished it this morning.

I'm working on the left thigh right now and hope to be finished by tonight so I can start on the Ab/butt pieces tomorrow.


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Well I dropped off the face of the Earth for a bit there, but I'm back with updates on the suit.

First though, thank you all for viewing and the nice comments!

Here is the finished legs and butt plate.

And heres some photos during the building of the chest piece.


And finally the total current armour progress:

Mostly due to procrastination I haven't finished yet but thats where I'm up to.
I've been looking for materials to start on the under-suit as well.
Danielle, this armor is looking perfect! Well sized-- Im extrememly impressed. :)

Keep up the good work. ;)

Ill be following this thread intensely until we've come to a finished product. :)

Best of luck!

Speed and attention to detail. Two great attributes any spartan needs. :)
Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks everyone for the great feedback and support :)

I finally had a day off work and started on the shoulders, here's what I've completed right now
An in progress shot:

And a size tester that unfortunately turned out blurry.

Both shoulders done :)

Aiming to get the ab plate done tonight before starting on the final pieces; the forearms.
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