What high quality materials do you think I should save up for? Imho this is not stage 1 my friend, and I doubt that there's a terrible amount of people on here that could make this in 3 hours with more detail. Maybe they could make it in less time, but what detail do you want me to put on it? And if you didn't notice, I'm not done yet. And how do you know that I don't look at other scratch builds? Also, I have greatly improved on my detail, if you look at my past two helmets, this and my Vanguard helmet, they are super detailed. These are not poorly made, or un-detailed in my opinion. And as far as doing a lot better, I will be able too, but this is pretty much the extent of my abilities, because there's not much more to be added. I don't use foam because I don't have a heat gun, or proper knives. And it costs $20 for 5 sheets, wheres as cardboard is unlimited for free. I would do clay, but then again, it costs money, which I don't have, because if you haven't noticed, I'm a 14 year old, and need to save money for a car. So if you have any other suggestions I would like to hear them
but thank you for your time dear sir.