Halo 4 Hayabusa Build - Hyperballistik & Demogorgon Collaboration

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Well-Known Member
Hello 405th!

I am very excited to finally unveil a project I have been working on with Hyperballistik - the Halo 4 Hayabusa Build!

It started back in September with my modeling thread of the Halo 4 Hayabusa Armor in the CAD section. From there, Hyper and I teamed up to create the first ever Halo 4 Hayabusa suits. Both Hyper and I will be posting our progress within this thread. Hyper is also documenting his progress through his Facebook page. The files being used for this build will be available in my other thread in the 3D Modeling section (link in my signature).

Alright so first up, here is a diagram to show where we stand with our builds, this diagram will be updated to show the most up-to-date progress:


And here are some pictures of our suits as they are right now:













So that about brings us up to date on the progress. I am currently in the process of going back and cleaning up all the pieces and adding the detail. I like to build all my parts out and then go back and clean things up. Hyper is detailing as he goes.

This is also my first time building with foam, and Hyper has been a huge help in this transition to foam.

The helmet is being printed on a 3D printer. We will have some pictures of the helmet up sometime next week or the week after.

This wraps up the introduction to our build. Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!


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Only one thing missing: what forearms will you be using for the build? Planning on something custom tailored to fit the rest, or using something from what's already in the game?

Epic... maybe 343 will see this and get some since in their head

Think the Hayabusa was only possible in Halo 3 because of a deal Bungie made for the usage privilege. 343 would have to garner a similar deal before we'll ever have a chance of seeing the 'busa again. But like you said, that would require 343 to have some sense, and not meaning to hijack the thread with a rant, but 343 has yet to show any sense thus far.

Ok, that's my rant. Back to the 'busa.
Epic... maybe 343 will see this and get some since in their head


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Thanks guys!

Only one thing missing: what forearms will you be using for the build? Planning on something custom tailored to fit the rest, or using something from what's already in the game?

Think the Hayabusa was only possible in Halo 3 because of a deal Bungie made for the usage privilege. 343 would have to garner a similar deal before we'll ever have a chance of seeing the 'busa again. But like you said, that would require 343 to have some sense, and not meaning to hijack the thread with a rant, but 343 has yet to show any sense thus far.

Ok, that's my rant. Back to the 'busa.

The Hayabusa came into Halo 3 because of a contract Bungie had with Ninja Gaiden. If you look at Ninja Gaiden 2, you will notice the Hayabusa helmet is a near replica of the face mask used in that game. (also a great source to use for that detailing on the top of the H3 hayabusa helmet)

As for the forearms, We will be using the Halo 4 Mk VI forearms and hand plates modeled by one of the Stony Props members. I'm not sure when those files will be available for the public though.
Should look pretty boss with the Mark VI. Can't wait to see more progress.
holy cow man this looks great can't wait to see how it turns out! just curious are there any other parts of the halo 4 MK VI armor?
Where might I find a medium to high def version of the helmet? (looking to make a foam version for moi)
holy cow man this looks great can't wait to see how it turns out! just curious are there any other parts of the halo 4 MK VI armor?

Thanks. I believe the Mk VI armor is a complete set (helmet, torso, shoulders, forearms, hands, thighs, shins, and boots). As of right now, I am not sure if any of these have been modeled and unfolded aside from the forearms and hand plates that we are using.

Where might I find a medium to high def version of the helmet? (looking to make a foam version for moi)

Right now there are only 2 models of this helmet, one modeled by myself and one which Impact Props is using (I believe modeled by JTM). I have a really low def file and a high def file of mine and Impact's I think is a smooth version. The only version publicly available is my low def version which really is only good for test fitting. The file can be found HERE if you want to try and make the best of it. My high def version will be released in the near future once our helmet has been printed and we make sure it fits properly and no further adjustments need to be made to the file.
Update Time

I've been slowly but surely adding in details and cleaning up my pieces. The lighter blue foam you see is the thin 2mm foam sheets. I use these for detailing and to smooth out areas.

First up the torso, I've added in almost all the detail i wanted, still a little left to do, and started smoothing and cleaning up the front half:




Next up, the shoulders. I've cut out the slots for the LED's on the hovering parts and will be adding the little recessed areas to the top-most hovering part tomorrow. These were the first parts I did with foam so they were my learning pieces. You can see fissures in the hovering parts that are being filled in very nicely with the caulking. Hyper then showed me his method (which he used on his shoulders by using a single piece and molding it with the heat gun) to create a much cleaner outcome.


And lastly we have the knee parts. They were pretty easy to make and came out fairly clean.



The knees were pretty much ready to prep for paint so I went ahead and put the first layer of plasti dip on it. I'll be using plasti dip to seal the foam. After a few coats of that, I'll spray a few layers of filler primer. I use filler primer because it fills in small cracks and it will fill in the small bubbles in the foam that the heat gun or plasti dip didn't fill in, making the armor pieces look smooth and not look like foam. From there, I will then spray the final color coats and following those a couple layers of non-gloss clear coat.

That's all for tonight :)


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where did you get the H4 Hayabusa Pep File? and you're doing an awesome job man!

As Chainsaw ninja said, I created them myself. The thread for the modeling process can be found HERE if you're interested in checking it out. The files are slowly being released through that thread as well.

Things have been a little slow on my side due to school and work, but I have been hard at work on the suit in my freetime. I'll have an update for you guys soon.
Keep the updates coming guys! The hayabusa is such a good fit for halo 4, I wish they would have included it. Your foam work looks great too! Can't wait to see it happen.
Astounding work Demogorgon! I really enjoy looking through your threads. If only you had release some files earlier, most of my build will have been the H4 Hayabusa, since there were no files relating to it.... Cheers~ and keep it up!
This looks fantastic and is a great inspiration for when I attempt my model of a complete venator set, is the program you used called cad I seen that mentioned in this thread some were.
Thanks everyone for the awesome feedback. We decided to take a break last month to prepare for the holidays and just have some downtime to relax. I have returned to my build so I will get some pictures uploaded for you guys soon.

This looks fantastic and is a great inspiration for when I attempt my model of a complete venator set, is the program you used called cad I seen that mentioned in this thread some were.

CAD (sometimes written as CADD) is Computer Aided Design (or Computer Aided Design and Drafting) which just means a computer modeling software. The program I used is Autodesk 3DS MAX 2014. I have seen many modelers use programs such as Google Sketchup and Blender (both of which I believe are free). I was able to get 3DS Max for free because I am a student and by using my student email address I was able to download it for free (a student version, however). I have also seen people using SolidWorks (which is engineering oriented and I have used for 5 years now but not for this project) for modeling things such as weapons. It really is quite rewarding modeling and building your own armor and I wish you luck on your future endeavor. If you need any assistance I will do what I can to help you.
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