MJOLNIR GEN 2/S Variant - Commander Palmer

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Jr Member
Hey guys! I'm a long time lurker of the 405th, and now that I've finally decided to sit down and work on at Halo build, I figured it was time to join up. so far I've only managed to cobble together a couple N7 suits, but hey, we all got to start somewhere.

SO I'M NOW ON VERSION 2.0 of this build. This is mostly for my own sake and that because since I no longer only use the costume for the sake of conventions and have now started fundraising on the side I've realized it's durability, is crap.

So I'm going back, and, boots and shins aside, rebuilding the entire thing with rondo and plasti-dip. The new helmet has already been done in this process but I failed to document the time spent doing it since I rushed to finish it for Canada Day. I'm going to try to remember to keep up on this thread.

Helmet 1.0 (Retired)
Helmet 2.0
Chest Plate 1.0 (Retired)
Belt 1.0 (Retired)
Thighs 1.0
Shins 1.0
Boots 1.0 (Destroyed)
Boots 2.0
Halo Reach M6G Magnums x2

Working On:

For more up-to-date progress and pictures of my other work, I suggest checking out my page Phoenix Armoury and Cosplay
Photo Dump.





And my N7 Suit


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Your magnums remind me of the one I made. You do know that they are from Reach, not Halo 4 right? The halo 4 magnums have different grips,among other things.
Not much of an update, been sick the last week, so I've been sitting around and playing Video Games... I started working on my boots, but all I got built is the heel, I did finish detailing my helmet, didn't get all the pictures I should have.


On an off note, I'm trying to figure out what I can get away with as the under armour for the Spartan-IV Undersuit. The guys who are the Master Chiefs in my group of friends recommended this to me.


They've ordered from the site before, so it's clearly trustworthy, but at the same time, I have no idea what I'm doing. This is definitely not like my N7 armour.


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Haven't done much in terms of the Scout set, been doing other things... like... video games, but I started working on a Master Chief Forward Unto Dawn helmet to give my cousin for his birthday.


I still need to finish building the last of it, then... everything else, what's a cheap way to make a visor when one doesn't have an airbrush?


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So I rushed to finish the MC Helmet for my cousin's birthday, not my best work, but he's running around his house wearing it and my family thinks it the best thing since sliced bread...


Welp, back to working to Palmer.


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If I'm not allowed to bump this after several months... sorry... but I finished the suit, to an extent. Still no lights, and no proper armour underneath. But still.



I'm still waiting for some photos to turn up, but for my first Halo suit, I'm pretty happy.
Wait, that Palmer suit was YOU?!? I saw you at Anime North and Ottawa Comic Con. To those reading, believe me when I say it looks even better in person. My friends probably got sick of hearing me talk about how awesome it looked. (It really is the best one I've seen in person so far.)
Great work so far, and if I may, how did you attach the pistols to your thighs?
The pistols was just a cheap thing I did, I don't know if you can really see here.


But they're just strung in with a little strap around the handle that links into the belts I got to keep the codplate up. All small parachute clips. I wanted to do magnets originally, but I just didn't trust the Ottawa Comic Con crowd to be... generous... with giving me space.

I also have full movement in the suit... but I think that's just how the MJOLNIR is designed, in comparison to my N7 armour.

WOW, that paint job looks amazing.
Even though you haven't done your undersuit yet, to me it really 'feels' like I am looking at Sarah Palmer.
Very nice job :)
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