ARC's Foam Iron Man Mark VII

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Jr Member
Been working off and on with this project for a few months (mostly off):

The suits roughly a 50:50 split between files from Darkside501st on the RPF and my own scratch building using the files and pictures as reference (scratch buildings a lot more fun). I've found 6mm foam and about 3 coats of PVA wood glue to be a good balance between strength and durability, and the whole thing clips together around me so it's relatively easy to get on and off with a second person helping. The intention is to have the whole thing essentially clip together into the one static part so it can be a freestanding statue when not in use. I just need to finish the codpiece to legs join to see if that idea can hold true.

I've been lurking in many similar builds threads for a little while collecting ideas, so now I'm opening up this thread to both enthuse me to work on it for is April deadline and to get feedback. Any important details I missed? Any glaring errors?

On the electronics side of things servos will raise the rear flaps, missles on the forearms and lasers (just LEDs for safety) on the wrists and the helmets visor, along with lighting everywhere there should be. You can never have to many LEDs :)

Thanks guys



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Looking pretty awesome man.
Can't wait till its all finished, I know you can do it by April :)
Have you got anymore pieces to make?
As far as I can tell I've got all the parts, just need to connect the moving parts together.
Haven't done much visually amazing, just lots of glue coats and wire framing to make the parts that need to hold shape rigid. However I do now have a chest RT:
The light disperses a bit more than that, it's hard to photograph........and he does stand
Does anyone have any recommendation on paint brands? I was going to try an automotive paint to get the right metalic shine, as you can see my previous armour's paint has a shine, but is relatively flat...


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Profi job! Nice :)
Thanks. It's certainly an improvement over my previous foam work.
Everything has it's glue coats on now, they don't flex when being used but have a little bit of give to avoid damage. Some bits just need a light sanding.

Currently installing servos for the flaps (pictures incoming). I've simply hinged them with the servo arm pushing them up. Some small magnets hold them closed but there is nothing but gravity to actually close them, so they are only truly functional when standing up. I was going to build a proper mechanism but it's a party trick on a costume, not worth it.

Can't wait till its all finished, I know you can do it by April
Have you got anymore pieces to make?
Just the fingers, I'll do them with the wiring as they'll have the hidden buttons to control everything.
Ok, did not make it ready for supanova at all. I did paint around 1/8th of the pieces but it was just to rushed, the join lines were far to obvious and the gloss paint went from looking shiney to amplifying all the imperfections. So I am currently experimenting with methods to smooth out all the parts were my foam joins weren't so great. Pictures soon.

EDIT: 7/5/14 - between my computer dying on me (just fixed it last night) and uni I haven't progressed on the suit. This thread will start up again in about 2 weeks to regular updates!
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