heres the route. same as last year
Alright we have 4 months to put off building our new suits and armor and then one month to build like crazy. That's right Dragoncon is 5 months away. This year I am work the con as a volunteer and yesterday was the first meeting. During the meeting I learned that the parade is already more than 2/3rds of the way booked. So we need to know how many to sign up, so sound off if your marching and how many your bringing with you. The parade rout changed last year and as of right now it will be the same. if you're definitely going to the con, but aren't 100% sure you'll able or wanting to do the parade, go ahead and post and let me know you're interested. Also if we are going to have a vehicle they need to know as soon as possible. I really just need a general number of people marching to give to the Dragoncon staff for our badges. and you don't need your actual Dragoncon passes to march, just the parade ribbons your signing up for here. if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Meeting Time: We start gathering at 8:30 AM. Depart from the Marriott at 9:00.
Meeting Place: At the Marriott hotel. Just inside their entrance in to their driveway.
need to know names and how many is in your group.
sarlume +2
Sean Bradley+1
Justinian117 +1
Cadet +1
Kaya tetsu
Link4044 + 1 1/2
TheBradinator + Tsabo Tsaboc
Shockwave + ChefBZD
Ronald + wife (gears)
weephun's +2
hydra + 1
Icon Props + 1
Desolate +2
calladar +3
if you're not on list just show up with us at the meeting spot and walk with us