ODST Project. Bobby Boucher --> 03MAR18 Latest

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Bobby Boucher

Active Member
I have accumulated enough pictures to start my "work in progress" thread. My goal is to complete this project before I get out of college. Constructive criticism is much appreciated and wanted.

If any links break PM me and I will fix them! Threads with broken pics are a major pet peeve!!

This is my first time working with Pepakura, fiberglass, bondo, and foam. I have previous experience in building however. I made a Sandtrooper last year for the 501st, which gave me a desire to make stuff! After joining the 501st I needed something else to do, since I couldn't afford to make more SW armor. I found the 405th and figured an ODST would be perfect. All pictures will be taken with my Canon Eos Rebel, so quality should not be an issue. Getting organized:

Progress Report
Latest: February 21, 2018

So much blue!! It's getting there

Print - Pep - Seal - Harden/Smooth - Paint - Finalize - DONE

Helmet: DONE
Chest Core Foam: DONE
Chest Assets: DONE
ShoulderFoam: Attempt 2, Paint
Gauntlets: DONE
Hips, Fanny Pack, Belt: DONE
Thighs Foam/Pep: Cutting/Contructing
Shins: No Progress
Boots: No Progress

Sniper Goggles: Attempt 2, DONE
Flashbang PVC: Painting

M6C SOCOM: Requires repaint

Tribute where it is due!

Hugh: Helmet, Sniper Goggles, Chest Assets, Chest Core, Hips, Fanny Pack, Thigh
Rhinoc foam templates: Hips, Thighs, Shoulder
Kirrou: Shoulder
RalPartha: Sniper Shoulder add-on
Crackhead09: Gauntlet Detail

Much thanks. This could not have been done without your awesome work.

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Because I want all my pictures on one thread! Simpler IMO

Bucket! Put together in two days. The puzzle design was great, left lots of room for tweaking.


Glued, sealed, and primered. Ready for bondo.

Decided on adding sniper goggles. I will have to redo them, I have to warp them to get them to fit. My fault.


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Sorry for the double post but I need to post when I can!

I've always wanted a gold visor ever since Reach. But there is no spray paint that leaves a mirror gold finish. So I tried experimenting.

First, privacy window film. It has a mirror finish and you can see through it. Kind of important.

Who's going to win? Metalcast or headlight film?

The Metalcast, even when applied in very light coats, takes away the mirror finish and is impossible to see through. The headlight film on the other hand was like magic! The adhesive on the back makes for a tricky install but I managed. Shiny shiny.
Instead of bending the plastic it actually snapped along the fold lines but it still holds the shape. Hopefully I can make it work when the times comes but I may have to switch to thinner acetate.

Pic of my chest core primered with Plastidip.

Chest armor assembled and fiberglassed.

Just my luck, right before I go on a trip my webbing and buckles finally arrive… I couldn't paint my chest until it had the shape I want, just to be on the safe side. Next post should have the complete chest painted.


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I had to order it online because they don't sell it anywhere in NM. But you can check your local shops you may get lucky.

And just a quick size comparison.


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Quick update! Got back from my trip so I got busy again.

Hip plates, fanny pack and belt buckle. Didn't take too long to pep.

Since I decided on doing a sniper I only need one shoulder. Bummer since I made two. I had to resize the extra sniper armor cause it was too small. Hopefully should have all this sealed and fiberglassed by Sunday.

Finally started painting some parts!! Here are the chest assets after primer and first coat of paint. Certain parts need extra black and silver so they're not quite done.


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Believe in yourself bro! :D

With a bit of practice you´ll get the hang of it but then again I shouldn´t be telling you what/how to do. xd
Still the armor looks good and I can´t wait to see it finished! Plus I don´t think I ever saw a Sniper ODST here on 405th!

Thanks for all the positive thoughts! I've done lots of looking but I haven't found a sniper ODST either. Might as well be the first! I'm remaking my goggles soon, hopefully a completed sniper helmet will help spur me on.
Looks great! Are you going to paint it like Romeo, or with your own custom scheme?

Also, I've used that same silver mirror film for a visor, but it tends to peel off if the plastic warps in any way (like if there are any slight bubbles or waves in the plastic). Other than that it works great.
Thanks! Painting it a little different, swapping the blue for some gold or yellow. It's been sticking better since I put the headlight film on it, hopefully it stays until I finish the helmet.
Big update! I cranked out the chest and finished it! Just need a few minor details to add but that won't take long.



Like I said, minor details! Whipping up some buckles.


FINALLY I got enough courage to start smoothing my helmet. Be nice it's my first time using bondo. Will post more pics when I can smooth it.


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Sorry for the triple post but you all left me no choice! Just the start of a side project. I'm making three flash bangs with lights, kind of tough since you never use them in the game and there are little useful pics. But here's the start.


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for your bondo usage, 3m sells bondo spreaders which are extremely useful, you can cut them to make specific shapes for spreading bondo, and for general application. When you use bondo, you really want to have it a smooth as possible, because it will take away a lot of the pain and dust in the sanding process. I recommend you watch cereal's videos on bondo, he is the master. Your entire build is looking amazing, i want to do an ODST after i finish my h4 master chief. Hope to see more progress, and those flashbangs look promising.
Really nice start! Your kit is looking really good.
Thanks! It's getting there...

I recommend you watch cereal's videos on bondo, he is the master. Your entire build is looking amazing, i want to do an ODST after i finish my h4 master chief. Hope to see more progress, and those flashbangs look promising. Cheers
Yeah it took me two days to sand it down, lessons learned. I didn't apply it well, not as smooth as it needed to be. I have progress pics coming now!


Finished pepping the gauntlets.

Fiberglassed/rondoed the shoulders and added the first coat of paint. I started adding the gold paint but I don't have a picture yet.

And flashbangs, plural now. Bought some led strips that will go on the inside once I cut out the front.


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