ODST Crossover: Venom and Carnage

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Hello all! I've been having some issues getting to 405th from my home network (guess we're still having problems with IPs being blocked) so these posts will be sporadic as I get access when I can. Moving on...

Last winter I received an ODST kit from Sean Bradely. Due to winter and other projects, I wasn't able to start working on it until a couple months ago. I've had this character idea in my head for a very long time, and decided to just go for it and see if I can make it happen. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm making progress and feedback\encouragement are much appreciated to help me keep focused.

Here are some progress pics;

Cleanup and primer



A few coats of gloss black



Rough draft at eyes and teeth (This changed several times as I worked on it. I must have done 10 different versions of the eyes until I was happy.)



Switched to red visor
I decided to go with a red visor to make Venom's mouth more obvious.


Eyes finalized, teeth still WIP
I finally settled on the eyes and cut out a template on some sticker paper. Sometimes, I feel like I can visualize what I want in my head, but sometimes, until I actually put something in front of me to make it "real", I have trouble bridging that gap from concept to proof.




I'm very happy with the eyes, and would say I'm ready to do final painting on them. The teeth on the other hand I need to re-work. Putting the sticker templates on it really helped me see how it looks, and I think they should be bigger and more spaced out. Once the teeth are settled, I am planning to paint a pink gumline to make the mouth pop even more.

Visibility through the visor is adequate, and the teeth do not obstruct my vision much at all.

Still mulling over how I might make a tongue work...

Thanks for reading and if anyone has any feed back I'm very open to it.


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DUDEE!!! this is so sick!!!! and so clever too I wish I had thought of something like this!!! seriously super awesome :D
Good God!!! That's epic!!! Really like how you incorporate the red visor as the mouth. I hope you'd make a full ODST suit to go with that and add a white spider symbol on it ;) Hope to see more soon
Looks awesome! good job

Thank you

Thats Pretty epic dude.. I used sticker templates to help paint my helmet as well and it turned out fantastic

I've done it before like a stencil for super crisp lines and it't worked out well. I'm hoping that will apply here as well. I just got some adhesive vinyl sticker paper that I can use if painting doesn't work out. A friend of mine suggested the sticker over painting it in the event I wanted to do something different with the helmet- that I could just remove the sticker, but I have not decided yet.

This is looking pretty awesome!

thank you

Very, very cool. Can't wait to see more!

thanks, I'm going to try my best to update this regularly so the whole process is available to anyone wanting to do similar work.

This is awesome, are you going to do the full suit and put the spider thing on the chest?

I do indeed have a full kit from Sean and that is the plan! Still working on assembly right now.

That's actually a pretty neat idea! I'm definitely going to keep checking up on this thread.

thanks, the encouragement from you guys is a huge motivator.

DUDEE!!! this is so sick!!!! and so clever too I wish I had thought of something like this!!! seriously super awesome :D

thank you

Very rad!
Keep it up!

thank you

Good God!!! That's epic!!! Really like how you incorporate the red visor as the mouth. I hope you'd make a full ODST suit to go with that and add a white spider symbol on it ;) Hope to see more soon

That is exactly what I'm aiming to do. It will have the core Venom details (there aren't many aside from the chest, back and hands) but I'm going to add some ODST stuff in there too. I want it to be the best of both worlds :)

Assembly on the other parts has been started, and I'm making good progress.

Here are the shins, calves and forearms


Here is the almost finished backpack


Here is a shot of the functional flaps, secured with elastic


Some of you may be wondering about the rainbow of colors on the inside of the pieces- that is from the smoothcast 320 I used to reinforce the vac-formed pieces. It's in a plethora of colors because I was experimenting with some of the tints to get practice with them. Since the parts are all on the inside, they won't be visible to anyone except the wearer. It also helps me to remember which leg is left v right etc.

I'll be away this weekend and probably won't get to work on this much if at all, but I should have more next week.

Thanks for reading!


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This is looking so awesome! And I love what you're doing with the helmet design. Very cool idea. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out :)
holy cow this is righteous!
im glad im not the only person who thought to paint halo armor like a superhero/ supervillian lol. my idea is doing one that looks like the flash :)
keep up the great work i look foreward to seeing more
holy cow this is righteous!
im glad im not the only person who thought to paint halo armor like a superhero/ supervillian lol. my idea is doing one that looks like the flash :)
keep up the great work i look foreward to seeing more

Thank you :)

Venom isn't exactly a super villain... he just really wants Spider-man to not...be...alive. :rolleyes

As for the Flash, hop to it and make it happen!

WOW!!!! This is so cool! I LOVE it!


I was able to get some work done yesterday on the belt assembly. This would include the strapping for the butt plate, crotch plate, thighs, and hip plates.


I'm still refining things, but one thing for certain is that for a guy like me with a 30 inch waist, there isn't a lot of room to hang all this hardware from!



I'm going to have to trim off some of the thighs to make them fit me better, but that's not a big deal as I won't lose any detail.

Some of the armor parts are meant to overlap a tad, such as the hip plates and thighs so to minimize any scratches and scrapes from those parts rubbing together I'll probably take some foam and apply it to the inside edges. That should also make it a little quieter too!

I've still got some other parts to assemble and I've started looking at painting options. Lots to do.

Thanks for reading.



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