Commander Sarah Palmer - Scout variant of the MJOLNIR GEN2

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This thread will follow the creation of a Scout variant of the MJOLNIR GEN2 armor, as worn by the character Commander Sarah Palmer a SPARTAN commander in HALO 4. The photo, below, shows the armor and some details.
Most of the research for this project has been conducted through repeated searches of the 405[SUP]th[/SUP] Infantry Division forum, with some Google-fu of progress articles and material suppliers. Details of the research conducted, and the sources used, will be provided in additional posts, below.
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As the Halo: Master Chief Collection is set to release for XBOX one this November, and I have promised to purchase it for my husband the day it comes out, there has been a lot of looking into the HALO works in the past weeks. As we have been looking into various group cosplay options for us as a couple HALO seemed an obvious choice. While I will also be creating another couple of cosplays from comic book inspiration, HALO will be the cosplay that we will do together. I have chosen to create the Scout variant of the MJOLNIR GEN2 armor worn by Commander Sarah Palmer in HALO 4, mainly because it is the only female character detailed in the HALO 4 wikis.

HALO: Master Chief Collection Trailer​

While there are different approaches to how best to create this armor, the methods attempted will be chosen as each piece progresses based on the work completed previously. The pieces that will be attempted include:
  • Inner skinsuit
  • Cooling system
  • Bodysuit
  • Scout chest
  • Scout shoulders
  • Scout helmet, with pioneer visor
  • Inner-plated wrists
  • Outer-plated legs
  • Electronic LED Circuits
  • M6H magnum sidearms

This thread will, hopefully, become a beneficial resource for myself, the 405th division, and other armor makers. This write-up will provide a space for;
  • Communication with other, more experienced, 405th members,
  • Complication of resources and references for future use,
  • Chronical of methods, supplies, costs, and time required for various components,
  • Discussion of methods, results, and mistakes along the way,
  • Photos and/or videos of completed works, progress updates, and how-tos.

While I do have previous experience with sewing and basic handicrafts for costuming, and have spent many hours researching traditional armor making techniques for recreation purposes; my fabrication skills are based on model making and are pretty much at a rank n00b level. My husband, a machinist, will most likely be helping me with much of the manual fabrication tasks, but my OCD planning and detailing will be the spark that brings this project to the next level. While I might feel bad about making him do most of the hard work, I think the final tally may be about equal in the end.

Most of the methods and techniques used for this project will be taken from other's work and tutorials online. One important item that will be tested in this build is the creation and implementation of an built-in cooling system to provide comfort to my husband and I while we wear these suits. This system will be created like a CPU water cooling system with contacts at the body's pressure points. The methods used for this system and its results will be discussed in detail throughout this thread.
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Research Materials

While many articles and posts were read in order to begin the planning process for this project some will have more influence on the actual work than others. Any techniques or write-ups that prove particularly relevant are summarized here.

General Information:
All-In-One New Member Introduction Guide V1.3
This really is the first steps, and the basics for every topic you will need to familiarize yourself with to begin a HALO suit. While this does not provide a step-by-step work through there are links to more detailed articles relevant to each phase of the suit construction. Link: All-In-One-New-Member-Introduction-Guide

Build Threads:
Carpathia's Mk VI Armor: Master Chief Going into Cryostasis!
This extremely comprehensive build thread demonstrates; adding detail to fibreglass armor, creating fibreglass and foam boots, adding foam padding to the armour pieces, and adding battery operated LEDs into the armour. Definitely do not miss reading through this build thread. Link: Carpathia's Mk VI Armor: Master Chief Going into Cryostasis!
ChefBZD's foam Master Chief WIP
This build thread was recommended to me by @<i><a href="" target="_blank">WandererTJ</a></i> as it contains some very good ideas for the creation of the H4 exo-suit. The build itself is foam, which is not what I am using for the armor portions of my build, except for the exo-suit construction. If you are looking for the relevant exo-suit posts follow the link provided here and navigate to page 7. Link: ChefBZD's foam Master Chief WIP or go directly to Page 7
HALO 4 SCOUT full build.....stony props style by Jim :)
Great example of the details of the Halo 4 scout. While this work was done with foam, a medium I will not be using for this Sarah Palmer build, it provides a lot of inspiration for the quality level I will need to bring to this build. Link: HALO 4 SCOUT full build.....stony props style by Jim :)
LongShot-X's Mark VI HD MJOLNIR Armor - WIP
I met Long-Shot-X at a con last year, and while planning out the Sarah Palmer build I thought I would look him up. Found his website and his build thread posted here on the 405th forum. There is a lot of helpful information about the techniques that were used to create this build, including tips on how Kevin made particular tasks easier for him (specifically his pepakura tips). Another great thing about this build is that is was completed by a 'Noob', so it IS possible to make a great suit right out of the gate. I recommend checking out his forum thread here and his website. Link: LongShot-X's Mark VI HD MJOLNIR Armor - WIP and
My first "Halo Reach helmet and armor build"
Renraku's build thread gives a thoroughly detailed explanation of the rondo process for his helmet. It includes; adding details, providing vents and fans, and detailing and installing the helmet visor. The armour build itself is foam and there are some tutorials for foam building techniques as well. Link: My first "Halo Reach helmet and armor build"

Scaling Pepakura:
How To Scale Pepakura
This video gives a very succinct walk-through of how to measure, scale, and adjust to get the best fit for you pep pieces. CEREAL KILL3R's troubleshooting tips at the end for how to make a well-fitting piece able to be put on and taken off are very useful. Link: How To Scale Pepakura
HaloGoddess' "How To Scale" and More Tutorial *REVISED*
This thread and its information is a very good breakdown of the scaling steps. The images and diagrams in particular help focus in on the key measurements and steps that are required. This information is listed on the forum here and on HaloGoddess' website; check them both out as the information is not a direct duplicate. Link: HaloGoddess' "How To Scale" and More Tutorial and Scale Your Armor in Pepakura - HaloGoddess

The Basics of Fiberglass Fabric
A great video explaining the different types of fibreglass commercially available. The video details cloth versus mat, weight of fiberglass, fibre weaves, and the different fiberglass types. Will give you a good basis to answer the question, "What fiberglass should I buy?", for you own build.

Armor Fitting and Strapping 101
This thread provides a step-by-step guide on how to strap the armor pieces to your torso so that the weight is evenly distributed and the pieces stay in the right places. Link: Armor Strapping 101

Auxiliary Systems:
PC Liquid Cooling System: Build it Yourself
A very basic description of the materials and techniques for putting together a custom CPU water cooling system. Methods for integrating a water cooling system into this HALO build are based on this article; although greatly expanded upon and modified. Link: PC Liquid Cooling System: Build it Yourself | PCWorld
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This space will provide a basic description of each of the component pieces for the project, along with links to the project updates pertaining to each piece. Photos and discussion of each completed piece will be posted in the next section.

Inner Skinsuit
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete
This item is described at HALOPEDIA as being 'made of a moisture-absorbing synthetic material linked to an environmental control computer and the occupant's neural interface. It controls the suit's temperature and actively changes how the suit fits the user." While the environmental controls and the adjustable fit are beyond the scope of this recreation, it sounds like a wicking athletic outfit will do the trick here.​

Spartan 4 Exo-suit
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 90% complete
Overall Progress: 32% complete
This is the portion of work where my sewing experience will do me well. Based on the reference pictures, included below, this suit will significantly change the dimensions used as a baseline for any external armor plating. So, this appears the be the natural starting point for my project.

Scout Forearm and Handplates
Current Phase: Construction
Current Phase Progress: 15% complete
Overall Progress: 45% complete
Scout Forearms are generally smooth with an elbow covering piece that extends beyond the tip of the elbow. Geometry from the Halo 4 Male model does not fit the female physique that is accurate to Sarah Palmer. New 3D models based on the female model were created by Master Builder.
Pepekura schematics have been modeled specifically for this build by Master Builder and can be found at the 405th File Archive (Here's a Link).​

Scout chest
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete
The Scout chest piece includes a rectangular protrusion above the sternum. While I do not know what actual purpose this piece is supposed to provide to the armor, it will provide an excellent housing location for a cooling radiator with a fan in the chest piece itself. Power for the fan will be provided along the same circuit as the two LEDs in the chest, and the fan unit will also help keep the chest area and lights cool.
Pepekura schematics for the scout variant chest have yet to be located, but I am sure further searches will dig one up somewhere.​

Scout shoulders
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete
The Scout shoulder schematic was located in the 405th database.​

Scout forearms
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Scout thighs
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Scout shins
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 0% complete
Overall Progress: 0% complete​

Scout boots
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Scout helmet, with pioneer visor
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete
The Scout helmet schematic was located in the 405th database. I have yet to see a pioneer visor reference picture, for design, but know the visor colour should be cyan.​

Scout buttpack
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Cooling System
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete
While I am not particularly prone to being uncomfortably hot in most climates I am aware that I do tend to become slightly claustrophobic in enclosed spaces (ie. helmets), which tends to stress my system and raise my internal temperature. On top of this I do have a tendency to pass-out when I am particularly heat-stressed (like full-on face smack into an open door, or full-on face-plant onto asphalt paving with glasses on). So, in order to avoid these events at all costs a cooling system really needs to be figured out.
My plan is to create a system using CPU Water Cooling System Components with PVC medical tubing to create a radiant cooling system that is fully contained within the HALO suit armor and integrates cooling zones in the Body suit.​

Lighting System
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Controls System
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Audio/Visual System
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

Heads-Up Display
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete​

M6H magnum sidearms
Current Phase: Planning
Current Phase Progress: 10% complete
Overall Progress: 4% complete
Because what's a bad-ass chick without a set of bad-ass guns?


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Commander Sarah Palmer:
Female SPARTAN character which appears in HALO 4. See more: HALOPEDIA
A type of armor used by SPARTAN's in HALO 4. See more: HALOPEDIA
Scout Variant:
A type of armor used in HALO 4. A variant of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor, the Scout Armor uses advanced materials to give it stealth properties, while the 'R' variant reduces the IR signature and radiation. See more: HALO Nation Wiki
Branch of the military operatives focused on in the HALO series. See more: HALOPEDIA
welcome to the 405th Infantry Division Sarah Palmer looks like a fun build. What do you plan on building it with?
my OCD planning and detailing will be the spark that brings this project to the next level.

Basis of a good project right here!!

I enjoyed reading through the first few posts. Very organized and well-collected. You know what you're doing, and I can't wait to see where this leads!
I'm super excited to see this build take shape.
I'm just about to start the exact same build too. Best of luck and happy building, I am eagerly awaiting updates.
Sorry about the lack of reply. It appears whenever I attempt to use the search function on this forum the site blocks my IP and refuses to load anymore. Since I've been searching like a rabid beast of particular threads, specifically pep files for the scout pieces amount others, I keep getting 'cannot connect to server' errors. I have resorted to using the site via 3G at various locations in my neighbourhood, forcing a new IP in each new place. I have currently killed the ability to connect via wifi at the local mcdonalds, Tim Hortons, and the connection in front my my local MLA's office. So I have figured out a system of conduct a search, read threads, make notes, move to new location, conduct new search, etc, etc. cumbersome and time consuming, but hey, so is pep and resin, right?

Anyways I can't download the pep files or models to my iPad, so I have resorted to noting the URL for the download links, brining that home and downloading via that link to get the file. I found the HALO 4 model assets file and got that downloaded. I am working on the scout chest trying to teach myself how to clean up the mesh intersections so the unfold works correctly. I will let you know how that goes.

I have made a fair bit of progress on patterning the under suit and planning materials and such. I will post updates once I force my ISP to refresh my IP so I can connect again. Until then, small updates like this will be it.
Welcome! Your entries seem extremely precise and detailed. I can only assume your building technique will be just as precise. I'm sure you will put out some fantastic work. Looking forward to your finished product!!
i was able to get most pep files from here so ide give it a try

Thanks for sending this link, I've previously downloaded all the files that are listed as HALO 4 or scout from both the halo costuming and 405th databases. Unfortunately I have not been able to find the correct pieces to match the scout variant that i am looking for. I have been using the ones I have downloaded to mess around in pepakura with, to practice unfolding, scaling, aligning pieces for printing etc.

I have a feeling that someone here on the 405th has taken the 3d models and made an unfold for pepakura already, but because I cannot use the search function right now (see my previous post) I have not found it yet. It could be that it hasn't been linked to in the forum, but I will either find it, or translate from model to unfold myself. Whichever comes first, and doesn't look awful.
I'm super excited to see this build take shape.
I'm just about to start the exact same build too. Best of luck and happy building, I am eagerly awaiting updates.

I did see your thread here today, your previous work looks great. Perhaps we can do a cross-continental experiment? You mentioned on your thread that you are looking to make your build out of foam. So I can make mine out of the traditional fibreglass and resin method and we can compare and contrast the methods throughout and the end products as well. What say you?
Check the first post of my thread in the 3d modeling section. I believe I should have the scout stuff in there. Just rummage through the first two posts. I alao believe someone uploade some more near the end of my thread as well. Have fun

oohh yeah.

scout chest unfolded by death angel
scout chest unfolded
scout shin unfolded by death angel
scout shin foam unfolded by death angel
scout thigh (outer plated)
scout butt plate (outer plated)
scout arm (outer plated)
scout boot
foam by death angel
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I did see your thread here today, your previous work looks great. Perhaps we can do a cross-continental experiment? You mentioned on your thread that you are looking to make your build out of foam. So I can make mine out of the traditional fibreglass and resin method and we can compare and contrast the methods throughout and the end products as well. What say you?

Thank you. That sounds like a brilliant idea.
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