MJOLNIR MK:V[B]: Sierra One Two Niner - Foam/Pepakura (Picture Heavy)

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Jr Member
Alright, time for my second Halo build, and my... *counts on her fingers* sixth or seventh? Depends if you count incomplete projects or not... Heavy Armour Cosplay.

This time I've decided to build my Original Character Spartan-II a combination of Pepakura and Foam.

MJOLNIR MK:V B - Sierra One Two Niner


MK V UA/HUL - Pepakura
Left Shoulder: ODST - Pepakura
Right Shoulder: Recon - Foam
Chest: Collar/Breacher - Pepakura
Wrist: Tactical/UGPS or Tactial/TACPAD - Pepakura
Utility: Tactical/Hard Case - Pepakura, lined with craftfoam
Knee Guards: FJ/PARA - Foam

MJOLNIR MK V Base Suit - Foam
Combat Knife - Plywood and Foam

M6G Magnum - Foam
M392 Designated Marksman Rifle - Need to find file, preferably sliced
Armour Ability Module - Pepakura (note: ask friend about colour changing lights)

- Fans installed in helmet
- Basic lighting throughout suit
- 'Laser Lights' to serve as flashlights
- Phone semi-usable in tacpad (use of bluetooth headset may be required)
- That touch screen metal thread stuff sewn into gloves
- Hard case is 100% usable for storage
- Aker P.A. System fits comfortably in chest plate
- Entire suit increases wearer's height by six inches
- Weapons attach by magnets

- First Test Run: Halloween 2014
- Second Test Run: Master Chief Collection Release Day
- Official Debut: Ottawa Pop Expo 2014


So, I'm one of those lunatics on Tumblr who is part of the Halo Roleplay Community. With the release of the Destiny Beta and the spike in the Destiny Roleplay Community, I had created an 'Alternate Universe' for Aideen-129er. Since my goals are temporarily moved up to Montreal Comic Con; that convention is just days after the release of Bungie's new title I've decided to have my Spartan participate in Destiny's Fashion War.

- A Titan Badge with the UNSC Logo. Have it reversible. One side with the Chief Petty Officer Rank for Aideen-129, the other with Lieutenant for Noble Six
- Ghost, debating carrying around my Ghost Edition one, or making one.
- Destiny Assault Rifle and Hand Cannon.
- Fur collar
- Destiny-esque decals as well as UNSC ones.


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Alright, sorry for the delay in, well activity. I've started the helmet, but my hours at work jumped this week. Not that I am complaining...

I found my old sound board, it doesn't work right now but I think I can fix it up and hook it up to my P.A Speaker (if and when it arrives). So. Aside from the RvB Warthog Theme. What would be fun to program into that?
I enjoy your formatting. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

Also, I think L3X made a sliced DMR

I found my old sound board, it doesn't work right now but I think I can fix it up and hook it up to my P.A Speaker (if and when it arrives). So. Aside from the RvB Warthog Theme. What would be fun to program into that?

Wort Wort Wort
I meant to share this with you in my last post but I simply didn't have the time.

Just a heads up, I'm also doing the Collar/Breacher, which is wonderful news for you. I've taken many reference pictures that include it which might help you out with it.

Make sure you check out this thread for your build:
Scroll through all the pages you might see something you like.

Make sure you also check out this post in the thread: http://www.405th.com/showthread.php...eavy-Spoilers*?p=701493&viewfull=1#post701493
It has LOTS of pictures showing off the Collar/Breacher as well as some of the fine details of the LEDs and undersuit.
Awesome, thanks. I've done all my own screenshots in game for my Spartan (I roleplay as her on tumblr, so I needed to make a pile of icons). I've started the helmet, but I've hit a slump, so I haven't gotten far... it's just hanging up on my wall right now so it's not taking up desk space.

I've only found the one pepakura pattern for the collar, that was in the database... is that the only one we have?
Awesome, thanks. I've done all my own screenshots in game for my Spartan (I roleplay as her on tumblr, so I needed to make a pile of icons). I've started the helmet, but I've hit a slump, so I haven't gotten far... it's just hanging up on my wall right now so it's not taking up desk space.

How does the "roleplay on tumblr" thing work?
I think I might be interested in seeing the pile of icons.

I've only found the one pepakura pattern for the collar, that was in the database... is that the only one we have?

Sadly, yes.
It's not too bad though, but I'm personally going to take some liberties with it and raise the gorget (collar) section up.
I suggest getting some thin metal for the Shell Basket that you can easily bend into shape by hand.
For the vertical strap, some nylon should do fine.
If you can, finding a metal buckle that looks like the one in the game would be a nice bonus.
You can make the shells if you want or just buy some real ones and empty them out.

Really, the only thing you have to make is the gorget and some pieces to mount the shell basket to the torso.

I would still call ourselves lucky that the model exists at all. Then again, I requested it several times way back when.
Some of the attachments have never been made, such as the ones that are primarily made up of pouches.


There is 12 of the... I think 67? Icons I got? Roleplaying on tumblr is a weird thing... but it helps me deal with the heavy personal stuff that clouds my mind at times.

I'll keep that in mind for the collar. I've never worked with metal in any aspect before but there is always a place to start. I'd rather not use real shotgun shells. I think that would cause issues when I wear the suit downtown or something... I figured I can't make the collar until I make the chestplate anyway, so I can get it to fit properly. Since I kinda aim to make it removable as well because I want to do all the decals underneath.

Masqurade purposes.


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I've only found the one pepakura pattern for the collar, that was in the database... is that the only one we have?

Stock answer, I know, but there should be a game-ripped version floating around somewhere. If you can't find it I'd be happy to supply it.
Consider making fixed screws (or nuts) into the collar/breacher assembly so that they don't spin.
Then you could come in from the inside of the torso to fasten it down.
When you take the collar/breacher off, use some cap pieces that screw down to cover the holes.

At least... that's what I've thought up in regards to trying to make a modular build with swappable components.
You can always use magnets though.

Stock answer, I know, but there should be a game-ripped version floating around somewhere. If you can't find it I'd be happy to supply it.
I haven't seen it.

I did a search for Collar/Breacher a while back and didn't get much back. I found maybe 3 builds who use it even though there were many more.
My Aker Speaker unit came in today...but... I wasn't home so I gotta get it at the post office tomorrow. Took that think 6 weeks to come in, I needed it almost a month ago. Seesh.

I haven't done much work, motivation has been in the gutter, Destiny Beta and I treated myself to an Xbox One. Probably after the Beta period is over for Destiny... I'll get back to work.
I haven't done much work, motivation has been in the gutter, Destiny Beta and I treated myself to an Xbox One. Probably after the Beta period is over for Destiny... I'll get back to work.

I completely know how you feel, I was like "I'm going to exercise hardcore this week starting today..." and then my buddy walked into the office and was like, you know what today means, right? Destiny Beta!!!!!!
I completely know how you feel, I was like "I'm going to exercise hardcore this week starting today..." and then my buddy walked into the office and was like, you know what today means, right? Destiny Beta!!!!!!

Laughs loudly.

I'm playing this, I'm playing this. I have the Ghost Edition preordered and I'm like.... FUCKIT

I'm scrapping the Cortana Core idea, and I'm gonna put a 'Destiny' feel into this build. A Titan's Mark, my own little Ghost... a complete 'what if a Fallen Spartan became a Guardian'
Hmm I was so annoyed because I pre-ordered Destiny in early May and they said the beta would be on the 17th of June; they later said that, that date was for Play Station and Xbox was later on. When I looked at the dates for Xbox though I realised I was on holiday abroad in America so couldn't play the beta. I kind of felt betrayed by Bungie as they'd put PS first over Xbox when Halo was an Xbox exclusive so you'd of thought theyd still be more committed to the Xbox. Argh so annoyed. But putting that aside may I ask what fans you are using for your helmet? Because atm me and my friend have pepped a Halo Reach Jun helmet but when I wear it it gets rather stuffy and I can imagine this only gets worse once its resined and bondoed.

Ps Your Helmet looks good so far; im looking forward to seeing the finished product!!
Bungie is trying to break away from Microsoft, and I know us Xbox Users are getting shafted with the DLC... but anyway... Destiny, Master Chief, DA:I, Sunset Overdrive, I'll have a lot to tie me over...

As for the fan, I have them, they're installed in my Palmer Helmet, and I'll be tearing them out because the suit is too damaged to be of any use to me right now. They're just small 12v computer fans that my friend of mine ordered in (he ordered 100 units, so we'd have a local source)
Your helmet is looking extremely clean. Great job.
Now that the Destiny Beta is over, is there anything holding you back?
Laziness, tumblr, being a part-timer cramming 30+ hours into a workweek.

More of the helmet is built up.


I've set it aside, and I've started building a Ghost though, I should finish that up tonight or tomorrow.
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