405th Logo Update

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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
As with so many other things within this community, we are bringing a fresh approach to the look of the core logo.

Logo History

Now... I won't claim to know the entire history of the community's identity, but this is one of the earliest versions of the logo I could find from around August of 2007.


Which eventually appeared on the website around Oct of 2007.


I am not sure exactly when the current logo was first created (roughly ~2008) but Adam shared some of the very earliest versions of it with me:



This triskelion-styled design with three hexagons and the (Halo) ring eventually gave way to our current logo:


Updated Logo

In approaching the new logo, we hired Ever and Oak to help us. Douglas is a friend (and long time RPFer) and understands these type of communities, where a typical design company probably wouldn't truly get the nature of what we do. In talking with him I told him that I did not want a NEW logo as much as I wanted a new take on the existing logo as so many within the community identify with it. I asked him to keep the core elements of the logo:

  • The ring - representing Earth.
  • The three stars - representing the core values of our community: honor, armor and unity
  • The three hexagons - represent you, the building blocks of our community, who hold our values at your core
  • The eagle - which has long represented a fighting force, most notably in history, the Roman Legion, but more currently, the US Marine Corps
  • The wreath - from the UN and UEG insignia, a symbol of the peace the UNSC are striving toward

I also asked that Douglas give us a design that didn't exactly mimic any specific Halo design, but had a feel that would fit into the Halo universe. I also asked him to limit the color palette to two, subdued colors (in addition to black and white) and make the logo something that we could easily break down into more simple forms for various uses. For anyone who knows anything about design, it is much harder to recreate something than to create something from scratch and my list of needs was no small task.

With that being said, Douglas brought back to me a stunning update to our logo that addressed EVERY concern I had and did so in a fantastic way!

I hate to start on a bad note, but before you scroll further (stop scrolling... stop!), PLEASE DO NOT USE THE NEW LOGO FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

Here is our new full logo for the 405th Division:


Here is a horizontal variation:


And very importantly, the logo can be broken down into smaller components... such as ranks:


... or it could also be used to represent the progression that so many of us make from small and simply things to complex and difficult things:


And here is just an example of me playing around in Photoshop...

No matter how you look at it, this is a strong update to the community's identity, paying homage to what has come before, while giving us something more versatile and usable for what is ahead!

Here is a chance to see the evolution of the community identity, side by side:


I know I said it before, but I want to remind you again - DON'T SKIP THIS!
While I am confident you are excited about the new logo, PLEASE DO NOT USE IT FOR ANY IMAGERY AT THIS TIME! Over the next few days, we will be setting up new logo usage guidelines and providing high-resolution artwork for approved usage. Again, please do not use this logo in part or whole at this point!

So, where do we go from here? As we continue to update the site and social media venues, we will be adding in the new logo (as well as offering swag with the new logo). We will also be setting new guidelines so you too can use the logo in support of your community!


  • 405th-offical-full-logo-vertical.png
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Will the rank versions of this logo be used when the Charter is drafted? And how will the ranks be distributed?
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I love the look of this logo, really brings the forum into the modern era, and seems to really fit the recent trend amongst companies to make logos more simple and elegant. I'm also curious as to how the rank images will factor into membership.
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The new logo looks great! It looks like something the UNSC would use for propoganda, recruitment wise. It's simple and modern, two great qualities. I like the direction the 405th is heading in.
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Could we see that logo against a green, Masterchief-ish colouring? I wonder if the teal colour won't be particularly visible against that background. And masterchief's colouring is probably the most prevalent among all the builds.

The logo looks great, I like the simplified vector feel of it, lots of opportunity for badges which is good.

I am eager to see the usage guidelines; specifically any restrictions on adjusting the colours for authenticity. For example, I am making Sarah Palmer's armour from Halo 4, all of her logos are bright red against her dark grey armour and I think the teal won't really stand out against the grey, it MAY also look kind of strange having red logos and one teal, or most likely black one.

I know the POINT of standardized logos is to keep the colour consistent so it can be easily recognized, but I am also a stickler for authenticity when if comes to re-creating an outfit from reference pics.
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Will the rank versions of this logo be used when the Charter is drafted? And how will the ranks be distributed?

I don't know yet. I know it looks like we have it all together, but we are just making it up as wel go... ;)

j/k... well sort of just kidding.

We haven't even dialed in the final colors or lockups that include the site motto "Build Your Character" yet, so I am not sure how these will be used.
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I love the look of this logo, really brings the forum into the modern era, and seems to really fit the recent trend amongst companies to make logos more simple and elegant.

This is exactly what we were aiming for; something modern and very simple, yet something that still held all of the key components of the previous logo.
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Could we see that logo against a green, Masterchief-ish colouring? I wonder if the teal colour won't be particularly visible against that background. And masterchief's colouring is probably the most prevalent among all the builds.

I am not sure just yet, but as you see most often in the game, it is unlikely that you would use the full color logo on the armor, and instead would use something more like this:



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The new logo design is amazing, I really like the modern look to it. It really looks like something the UNSC would use.
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Just tinkering around in Solidworks. I usually like to do a bit of warm up modeling before I start the normal work day. Didn't quite have time to finish, but it was a fun exercise.



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Excellent Art! I really like the new design and the new edge feel it has, yet still somewhat keeps with the designs of old. I also like the possible idea of having the ranking system for each Spartan.

Oh, and that new avatar you have if pretty sweet too. Cool seeing the old giving way to the new. :D
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I'm also digging the new look of the logo very much. Also the idea for a "rank up" system seems pretty cool. I know other forums I've been on had different rank systems, it just adds to expire nice of being in the community I think.
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I really like this and and the idea of it. I like the idea of the ranks as well.

I would like to see templates (for painting purposes) based on these.

You would have a base template (ie. the first image), then a template that just has the stars, followed by one that just has the eagle, and then finally one that just adds the wreath.

Having these would be great for those who wanted to paint the logos on, and being able to add to your 405th insignia in layers would be an added bonus.

On another note, I'm sure some of us have seen the UNSC and ONI ID cards; personally, I love the few/rare versions that have been clear with printed text on them.
I think it would be really cool if we came up with an official 405th ID Card we could assemble/print/fabricate that we took with us to conventions.

Super Ultra Mega Bonus: If you incorporate NFC into your ID so when someone comes up to you and really likes your armor, you can pull out your 405th ID card, and then have that person tap it with their phone which would take them to your Build Thread on their phone so they can see how you made it.
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I really like this and and the idea of it. I like the idea of the ranks as well.

I would like to see templates (for painting purposes) based on these.

You would have a base template (ie. the first image), then a template that just has the stars, followed by one that just has the eagle, and then finally one that just adds the wreath.

Having these would be great for those who wanted to paint the logos on, and being able to add to your 405th insignia in layers would be an added bonus.

On another note, I'm sure some of us have seen the UNSC and ONI ID cards; personally, I love the few/rare versions that have been clear with printed text on them.
I think it would be really cool if we came up with an official 405th ID Card we could assemble/print/fabricate that we took with us to conventions.

Super Ultra Mega Bonus: If you incorporate NFC into your ID so when someone comes up to you and really likes your armor, you can pull out your 405th ID card, and then have that person tap it with their phone which would take them to your Build Thread on their phone so they can see how you made it.
The super ultra mega bonus sounds amazing.,..
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The super ultra mega bonus sounds amazing.,..

You could probably also locate a QR code somewhere or a Tinyurl link somewhere for those whose devices do not have NFC capabilities.

EDIT: Haha, GeekGuardianDee totally beat me in responding.
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